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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just a few points about the culinary genius' exploits the other day.

"Broadfoot abandoned his £70,000 Audi Q7........"

That gives you an idea the sort of money you can throw around when paying tax is optional :angry: . Kirk Broadfoot FFS!!!

Broadfoot had a ridiculously expensive car when he was with us in the first division, as did his pal Stewart Kean. Apparently the sight of Broadfoot trying to get in Kean's Audi TT while he had a broken leg and crutches was rather amusing.

Also, was Broadfoot on the EBT list? Genuinely can't remember, would be interesting to know what he got if someone can show the figures.

f**k the little children running out from behind his car and getting run over, he can park where he likes, he plays for the Rangers. Rules don't apply.

Shouldn't have parked where he was but if it was yesterday the schools would have been off and no kids would have been in danger because of his fuckwittery - unless he offered to make them some poached eggs to apologise.

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Also, was Broadfoot on the EBT list? Genuinely can't remember, would be interesting to know what he got if someone can show the figures.



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Two interesting reads tonight.

The thoughts on scots law blog was educational. I think I understand the gist of legal argument and that ultimately it was down to the view of the judge.

It possibly doesn't matter as the new penalty imposed will be topped by another penalty for taking the matter outwith association football and we may have the SPL take action as well on dual contracts.

I think seeing the plea bargain proposal as reported in the DR, smacks of arrogance, possibly thats more down to the reporting than the actuality. Maybe just maybe, Rangers greatest cheerleaders aren't really helping their cause.

Stuart McCall's Letter was interesting, he's taking a view on their being a noticeable drop in income for his club and ultimately to his transfer budget. As an SPL manager, he's an expert in that sphere of player wages and budgets. he might be seen as pro rangers, but in fairness he's right to be concerned in terms of what he can do at Motherwell.

I reckon we are back to saying, what did Rangers bring to the SPL last year? what income comes to each SPL club per matchday and what comes to the collective league package from their presence. Will the media turn to this and attempt to quantify it?

So, will we see much progress this week on any of the issues facing Rangers? guess it's unlikely the CVA process will accelerate, The SPL will be a couple of weeks away in their investigations, guess its possible that the SFA's appeal tribunal might give their revised verdict. Otherwise, I guess we're waiting to see what Mark Daly has up his sleeve.

Anything else out there? We know sky haven't raised their heads over the parapet, are the title sponsors or other sponsors saying anything?

Timewise, we're closer and closer to the fixtures announcement date, I dont know if any set of fans will be screaming about certainty over fixtures.

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No, youre really not. Youre indulging in the worst kinds of forum posting. Youre posting your opinion as absolute fact. Most posters, including on this thread, have posted their opinions, most have asked questions, many have posted what they would love to happen. Very few, have posted their opinion as absolute fact, as you have. Of those that have, its obvious that they do so from a genuine position of knowledge, a position of genuinely being able to clear up questions other posters have. Just for the record, you dont fall under that category.

Worse than all of that, you dont even have the balls to admit who your "big" team is

To be fair that's bollocks. This thread is jam packed with people posting opinion as fact. There's about 3 people in here who have even the smallest grasp on administration, law and other relevant shit. Everything else is people saying stuff like "it is my understanding" and that x y and z "should" happen as if that means it will.

Edited by madwullie
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my big team are motherwell.


what opinon have i have posted as fact?

Surely this is taking "Glory hunting" beyond reason. A Bear who is now supporting Motherwell because they are in the CL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (just like the rest of the sorry story you couldn't make this up)

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No, youre really not. Youre indulging in the worst kinds of forum posting. Youre posting your opinion as absolute fact. Most posters, including on this thread, have posted their opinions, most have asked questions, many have posted what they would love to happen. Very few, have posted their opinion as absolute fact, as you have. Of those that have, its obvious that they do so from a genuine position of knowledge, a position of genuinely being able to clear up questions other posters have. Just for the record, you dont fall under that category.

Worse than all of that, you dont even have the balls to admit who your "big" team is

In all fairness to TSAR (and I don't know why I should be fair to a third rate troll) I post on the basis my opinions are absolute facts. That's because they are. Here are a few absolutely incontrovertible opinions/facts.

1. Haudit and Daudit earned £5.5 million for being fucking useless.

2. Chic Young and Jim Traynor are c***s.

3. 'Sir' David Murray took the piss out of Scottish football for years.

4. Rangers might, just might, have earned a little respect if anyone associated with the club had given some sort of apology for their years of financial shenanigans.

5. The SPL chairmen, with a couple of honourable exceptions, have shown themselves unfit to be in charge of the future of top-flight Scottish football.

6. TSAR is a w****r and a useless troll.

I rest my case.

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1. if man u were getting relegated and half the teams in the league were going to go bust because of it i'm sure those clubs would welcome the chance to vote to keep them involved.

Avoidance of the point, I'm afraid. The fact still stands if Man U, or Chelsea or any other team were to be in a position where they were to be relegated then that is what would happen. Period.

2. they misadministered a legal tax dodge. i don't think anyone will be charged unlike with juve.

Well that is only one element of the charges as the SFA document outlines.

3. the difference is that i pay money and spend my spare time watching motherwell so the quality of player on the park for my team is a bigger deal for me than someone (i don't know if this is deffo you) who doesn't pay or spend time watching their club.

As I said, that is utterly irrelevant to the definition of fairness. Do you feel either judge that has ruled on Rangers' sanctions are regular attendees to football? Because one may attend more, does that make his opinion more relevant? No, of course not.

I certainly don't mean to sit here and bounce arguments back and forth. It's pretty clear you think that any decision taken should reflect whether it will affect Motherwell whereas I don't believe it should as it has nothing to do with Motherwell. Just because they may be financially hit is irrelevant to the actual crime/punishment element of it all.

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they misadministered a legal tax dodge.

That must be the understatement of the century. They blatantly avoided taxes for the best part of 10 years so they deserve every punishment that comes their way, regardless of the effects on any other clubs.

Unless of course we're saying that cheating is acceptable(as long as our teams can spend more on wages), in which case we're aswell shutting up shop right now.

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my big team are motherwell.

Are you H&Ds press officer?

what opinon have i have posted as fact?

All of them :rolleyes:

1. if man u were getting relegated and half the teams in the league were going to go bust because of it i'm sure those clubs would welcome the chance to vote to keep them involved.

2. they misadministered a legal tax dodge. i don't think anyone will be charged unlike with juve.

3. the difference is that i pay money and spend my spare time watching motherwell so the quality of player on the park for my team is a bigger deal for me than someone (i don't know if this is deffo you) who doesn't pay or spend time watching their club.

In the same way that Josef Fritzl had a few people round to stay in the basement?

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To be fair that's bollocks. This thread is jam packed with people posting opinion as fact. There's about 3 people in here who have even the smallest grasp on administration, law and other relevant shit. Everything else is people saying stuff like "it is my understanding" and that x y and z "should" happen as if that means it will.

Which means they arent posting it as fact :rolleyes:

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1. if man u were getting relegated and half the teams in the league were going to go bust because of it i'm sure those clubs would welcome the chance to vote to keep them involved.

2. they misadministered a legal tax dodge. i don't think anyone will be charged unlike with juve.

3. the difference is that i pay money and spend my spare time watching motherwell so the quality of player on the park for my team is a bigger deal for me than someone (i don't know if this is deffo you) who doesn't pay or spend time watching their club.

Success at any price sad.gif

You would think the SPL was a great quality product. It isn't. Over priced dross played by players with over inflated egos and even more heavily inflated pay packets.

Thankfully, despite the fact you chuck your money in Motherwell's direction, the decisions are way above you now.

The serious players are now on the case from Fifa to the fraud squad.

Just have a look at who is taking who to court, and some of the characters involved. Liars, robbers and cheats, except for Mr Green who obviously is the benefactor Rangers supporters have been praying for. laugh.gif

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All this conjecture about what punishments Rangers should or should not get ! Does it really matter while they are in the form they are ?.The Rangers at some point in the future will cease to exist as they are and they will newco at some point .... how soon seems to be main argument and what fcuking harsh punishments to hinder their supposed meteoric rise back to challenging for the league if that happens.

From what I gather on here that most like me will be almost furious to the point of bursting a blood vessel if they get a slap on the wrist and back to same old escaping the old Rangers 1872 punishments when the FTT finally delivers.I can hear it now "Ah but the punishments and so forth were handed out to a company that doesn't exist anymore and the newco is not the old company" so they wouldn't treat the dirty rotten cheats as they should because of ! money over sporting integrity and probably be spilling out pish like this Rangers newco will have saved a few clubs by being in the SPL.

Correct me if I'm wrong !.

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I think seeing the plea bargain proposal as reported in the DR, smacks of arrogance, possibly thats more down to the reporting than the actuality. Maybe just maybe, Rangers greatest cheerleaders aren't really helping their cause.

I think the plea for bargaining over the punishment smacks of desperation, Rangers and Green would have known about Lord Glennie's comments regarding suspension being a punishment more suitable to the disrepute brought to the game given the lack of other available sanctions has got some arseholes twitching amongst those trying to keep Rangers ticking over, even to the point of RAngers wanting the SFA to impose a lesser form of the exact punishment which RFC went to court to have overturned.

They can't say we will not accept that form of punishment then change their mind when they 'win' their court action to have it nullified.

People bent over backwards to keep Rangers alive, creating a new sanction which meant that Rangers would not have been killed off, only to have it thrown in their face.

You reap what you sow, I picked up that phrase recently but can't quite remember who from ;)

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will be topped by another penalty for taking the matter outwith association football and we may have the SPL take action as well on dual contracts.

as i've said before i'm skeptical about this.

the sfa can't punish a team for going to court, just as your employer can't punish you for whistleblowing or reporting something illegal. regan has acknowledged this a few times.

that means uefa or fifa would have do it but whoever got the penalty would still have the option of going to strasbourg.

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1. if man u were getting relegated and half the teams in the league were going to go bust because of it i'm sure those clubs would welcome the chance to vote to keep them involved.

2. they misadministered a legal tax dodge. i don't think anyone will be charged unlike with juve.

3. the difference is that i pay money and spend my spare time watching motherwell so the quality of player on the park for my team is a bigger deal for me than someone (i don't know if this is deffo you) who doesn't pay or spend time watching their club.

1. nope, if man utd were getting relegated, they'd just get relegated.

2. dont believe the hype from the laptop loyal. the tax dodge was only legal in so much that the law was at the time badly written meaning HMRC couldnt prove the law was being broken. it has changed since. but this idea that all rangers did wrong was badly administer it, is nonsense. basically the law meant HMRC couldnt prove the money wasnt a loan. in real terms its no different to saying stealing is legal, its getting caught stealing thats illegal.

3. you sure its motherwell you watch? do you always have the radio on then listening out for ibrox. not that theres anything wrong with watching motherwell and caring more about rangers, stuart mccall does it every week.

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my big team are motherwell.


what opinon have i have posted as fact?

Why not try "My big team IS Motherwell"? At least it would prove you have the basic knowledge of the English language one would expect from a 5 year-old. But then, of course, neolithics didn't have a great grasp of grammar just like the average Bear.

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Success at any price sad.gif

You would think the SPL was a great quality product. It isn't. Over priced dross played by players with over inflated egos and even more heavily inflated pay packets.

Thankfully, despite the fact you chuck your money in Motherwell's direction, the decisions are way above you now.

The serious players are now on the case from Fifa to the fraud squad.

Just have a look at who is taking who to court, and some of the characters involved. Liars, robbers and cheats, except for Mr Green who obviously is the benefactor Rangers supporters have been praying for. laugh.gif

Indeed. Which makes Stuart McCalls comments nothing more than scaremongering

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as i've said before i'm skeptical about this.

the sfa can't punish a team for going to court, just as your employer can't punish you for whistleblowing or reporting something illegal. regan has acknowledged this a few times.

that means uefa or fifa would have do it but whoever got the penalty would still have the option of going to strasbourg.

Now is this fact, or merely your opinion? Do you mean like Sion went to Strasbourg?

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You would think the SPL was a great quality product. It isn't. Over priced dross played by players with over inflated egos and even more heavily inflated pay packets.

you need to start watching the well!

it's magic 8)

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