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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why is it ludicrous to ask that we don't introduce religion or abusive terms? Why do you feel the need to do this?

This part of the thread was about FIFA law vs Civil Courts. Surely you can express an opion about this without talking about Orcs or the Hearts guy mentioning religion?

My view is simple. Scottish clubs should be able to appeal to Scottish courts regarding decisions made be their country's FA. This doesn't undermine the laws of the game.

Which Scots Law did the SFA/Tribunal break when they initially punished Rangers?

Oh, and by the way, you called somebody a c**t earlier on so get off your fucking high horse with your faux intolerance of abuse.

Edited by Caff
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Guest Kincardine

And the Hearts supporters were vile.. I'm stunned that you think you are better than anyone else.. As a first time fan at Ibrox I was unable to bring my children along ever.. Because of the hatred displayed by the hearts fans

How would you know that you were unable to take your children? It was you first time after all.

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As a fan of my local team who has followed them through thick and thin for as long as I can remember - I am better than you.

I hope this helps clarify the situation for you.

Well defended - I didn't feel able to do it on behalf of Hearts

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My company benefits from my honesty.. But if I took a consultancy job.. And never paid tax.. My fault not theirs.. The club were never aware.. You be very careful.. You are "The Club" What goes around.. Comes around.. If you are absolutely sure the men in suits have your "clubs" interests at heart.. Feel free to bring on the bad karma to yourself.. I'm just a humble nurse remember

Nonsense they did not pay tax on behalf of Glasgow Rangers and used the money to procure players and make payments to players they could otherwise not afford, the club benefited directly from these actions. To say there were not aware is amazing.

Are we meant to care that you are a nurse? If you dont like it get another job. PR Consultant is probably out tho.

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How dare Jim Traynor accuse those fans who want to see Rangers taken down a peg are two of dispaying "mock outrage"?

I don't support an SPL team and even I feel outraged. Obviously, apart from beating us a couple of times in Cup matches, they have never done us any direct harm. Indeed, we gained from the home games being televised.

BUT this has nothing to do with what they have done to my team. It has to do with what they have done to my sport. Football is and always has been my favourite sport, and I have felt pride (when Scotland beat France home and away, when my lowly team have beaten the likes of St Mirren or Motherwell in cup ties), disbelief (Levein's tactics against the Czech Republic, some of Dick Campbell's signings), sadness (Forfar being relegated, Scotland's inability to get through group stages or latterly even to qualify) but I have never felt the level of "outrage" that I feel now towards certain people within the sport.

I'm angry with Rangers for bringing the game into disrepute - for their arrogance, lack of humility and dignity, for their inability to accept the reason why supporters of clubs across the country hate them. They (and to a slightly lesser extent) Celtic have slowly bled the game of any semblance of competitiveness, fair play and equality of opportunity over the last 30 years. Rangers have operated outwith their means to "cheat" the rest of Scottish football out of ever having a chance of competing with them on an even playing field. I am not talking about my club here by the way. Despite the achievements of my team in the 80s, we are never likely to grace the SPL unless it is extended to 18 teams, and even then we'd occasionally flit around the bottom for a season or two before being relegated. I am talking about clubs like Dundee, Airdrie, Partick, Falkirk etc who have been forced to bankrupt themselves by playing by the rules while Rangers signed players on dual contracts or "stole" the cream of Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen etc and left them sitting around on the bench, destroying the career of some players and certainly harming my beloved Scotland team as promising players didn't get the opportunity to develop their game.

I am angry with gloryhunting Rangers fans - not those born or brought up in Ibrox like my brother in law or my best friend (I feel sorry for them). But the ignornat bigots who post on RM, the WATP brigade, the great unwashed who use their affiliation to a football team as a "justifiable" reason for looking down on the rest of us.

I am angry with the game's administartors for not getting their finger out and doing something about it. The SFA showed some teeth with their sanctions; it is now time for the SPL and the SFL to do the same and refuse Rangers entry to either of their leagues. In an ideal world, the SPL would fold and come back under the auspices of the SFL, but...

I am angry with the so-called journalists who have kept Rangers fans spirits up with stories of signing Black, Gatusso, Petrov while the club are not even in a postion to outbid us for a third-rate SPL player. I am angry that so-called reporters have actually become repeaters, only printing stuff that has been fed to them by Old Firm PR people. Traynor's job is to find out the truth and expose it to the nation, not just feed from the scraps sent to him by Ibrox and Celtic Park. The same goes for Keevins, Young, Guidi, etc. The only radio reporter I trust is Jim Spence.

I am angry with Green for further bringing the game into disrepute, for trying to blame everyone else because he was incapable of doing any homework or research on the plight of Rangers or on HMRC's likelihood of accepting a CVA. His incoherent, ill-informed rants are cringeworthy, and I can't believe that any businessman worth his salt would believe a word that anyone from Duff and Phelps has told him.

As I said, I don't even support an SPL club. I can't imagine the outrage some of you are feeling, but I'm sure none of it falls under the heading of "MOCK outrage".

A fellow Loon eloquently commenting on everything I have felt about this whole sorry saga. Well done

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and forget about the past, including honours.

Did you see the interview with one of the administrators on the BBC website where he claimed the history of old rangers transferred to the newco? I was confused to say the least. Surely a new company is exactly that, new?

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What's happening over on Rangers Media? (Sorry, I can't bring myself to look at it)

Are they still talking about who they're going to sign for next season?


But a 'cancellation number for Sky' thread has started...

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What's happening over on Rangers Media? (Sorry, I can't bring myself to look at it)

Are they still talking about who they're going to sign for next season?

Can't be bothered either - probably still masturbating over a wee horror called Bogtrotters and pretending everything is okey-dokey :lol:

Edited by Claymores
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Did you see the interview with one of the administrators on the BBC website where he claimed the history of old rangers transferred to the newco? I was confused to say the least. Surely a new company is exactly that, new?

The history follows the share.............

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And the Hearts supporters were vile.. I'm stunned that you think you are better than anyone else.. As a first time fan at Ibrox I was unable to bring my children along ever.. Because of the hatred displayed by the hearts fans

You went to the hearts game 4 years ago...

Your child is 4 years old?

See where I'm going with this?

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Can't be bothered either - probably still masturbating over a wee horror called Bogtrotters and pretending everything is okey-dokey :lol:

Hope not, I am bogtrotters :ph34r:

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Guest Kincardine

Which Scots Law did the SFA/Tribunal break when they initially punished Rangers?

You're confusing criminal and civil law. The SFA did not break a law but the tribunal imposed a sanction outwith their jurisdication. Local comapnies should have recourse to local courts in such situtations. I don't see why this is unreasonable.

Oh, and by the way, you called somebody a c**t earlier on so get off your fucking high horse with your faux intolerance of abuse.

You're a c**t ;)

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You're confusing criminal and civil law. The SFA did not break a law but the tribunal imposed a sanction outwith their jurisdication. Local comapnies should have recourse to local courts in such situtations. I don't see why this is unreasonable.

The SFA can get around that the same way the SPL do, by including wording like "or any other punishment that [tribunal X/voting panel Y] may deem fit." Then what? A transfer embargo's legality won't change based on whether the SFA say it's a punishment or not. Similarly the SPL couldn't implement corporal punishment for a red card... yet they do allow two-week fines, which aren't available to employers out here in the real world.

Like I say: Rangers are tugging at a thread that will end in their own demise, which is why you won't see them in a court again anytime soon unless they're the defendant.

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