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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's one way to look at it. The other is that the SFA is genuinely pissed off enough with the SPL to take them out the picture altogether.

Hmm.... I suspect the more cynical interpretation is closer to the mark, TBH.

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Mark Daly, Tom English and The Ginger Ninja should be saluted for asking questions, even if those questions don't seem to be answered.

I have a few questions of my own.................

1. Malcolm Murray was saying that for the sake of Scottish football Rangers should be in the SPL, yet only a few moments later in the same interview he was saying that the investors are looking at the long term as there is a possibility in the future that rankers 2.0 could be playing in a different league. What did he mean by that?

2. Did The Cardigan and Sally have EBTs or know about them?

3. What is the new owner's stance on all the sectarian pish that is spouted from their supports week in, week out?

4. Why do they think Sally is the man to lead the club, when his losses to games played is one of the worse in rankers 1.0's history (apart from Tommy McLean's played 4 lost 3 in 1983, and Durrant's played 1 lost 1 in 2007?

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It's quite appropriate that there a few St Johnstone-related posts at this point on the thread - the end of page 1884/start of page 1885.

Anyway, in answer to a previous query, to my knowledge, St Johnstone Chairman Steve Brown has NOT replied to any of the countless letters and e-mails he has received from supporters, advising him about our overwhelming "No to NewCo" stance.

In my own case, I wrote as long ago as the end of April. You might have thought that at a small club like ours, the Chairman would take the time to acknowledge a detailed letter from a club shareholder and season ticket holder for some 30 years,but no. Absolutely nothing, not even a standard bland response.

Very poor show. I fear the worst in terms of his voting intentions.

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Haven't seen that before - NEWCO(RPSE) - totally apt

Could we adopt that now as the new term for that club which recently went out of business, what was their name again.....ach, can't remember

Third Lanark?

He has long been said to be the leader of Manchester's notorious and feared Quality Street Gang.

Ah yes that famous gang well known for terrorising old ladies with foil wrapped chocolateslaugh.gif

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It's quite appropriate that there a few St Johnstone-related posts at this point on the thread - the end of page 1884/start of page 1885.

Anyway, in answer to a previous query, to my knowledge, St Johnstone Chairman Steve Brown has NOT replied to any of the countless letters and e-mails he has received from supporters, advising him about our overwhelming "No to NewCo" stance.

In my own case, I wrote as long ago as the end of April. You might have thought that at a small club like ours, the Chairman would take the time to acknowledge a detailed letter from a club shareholder and season ticket holder for some 30 years,but no. Absolutely nothing, not even a standard bland response.

Very poor show. I fear the worst in terms of his voting intentions.

are you renewing your season ticket,or waiting to see what happens to the cheats ?

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It's quite appropriate that there a few St Johnstone-related posts at this point on the thread - the end of page 1884/start of page 1885.

Anyway, in answer to a previous query, to my knowledge, St Johnstone Chairman Steve Brown has NOT replied to any of the countless letters and e-mails he has received from supporters, advising him about our overwhelming "No to NewCo" stance.

In my own case, I wrote as long ago as the end of April. You might have thought that at a small club like ours, the Chairman would take the time to acknowledge a detailed letter from a club shareholder and season ticket holder for some 30 years,but no. Absolutely nothing, not even a standard bland response.

Very poor show. I fear the worst in terms of his voting intentions.

If the SFA's grand scheme can be pushed through, there might be no vote to cast.

I find it difficult not to be a bit cynical regarding the timing of this latest development. Why I even entertained the notion that the various authorities would do the right thing is a beyond me.

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Would Walter pass the fit and proper test?

The recent rule change made it the sole responsibility of the clubs to ensure that any prospective owners pass the fit and proper test. So would dear old uncle Walter, 'the one man you can trust' actually pass this?

Did he receive payment by EBT? (when? Just during his tenure at the club?)

Did he sign players and offer them EBTs?

We need to get the final ruling as to whether EBTs were illegal sooner rather than later. If the law decides they are officially illegal, and therefore cheating, the answers to the above questions (and others) must surely have a significant impact on the fit and proper test.

All of which, makes the SPL's decision to postpone their investigation even more surprising.

If Walter Smith was an integral part of the culture of EBTs and cheating at Rangers throughout his time, he himself is a cheat - and lacking the basest particles of sporting integrity.

How could such a person be 'fit and proper'?

I would like the SFA/SPL to clarify this too.

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It's quite appropriate that there a few St Johnstone-related posts at this point on the thread - the end of page 1884/start of page 1885.

Anyway, in answer to a previous query, to my knowledge, St Johnstone Chairman Steve Brown has NOT replied to any of the countless letters and e-mails he has received from supporters, advising him about our overwhelming "No to NewCo" stance.

In my own case, I wrote as long ago as the end of April. You might have thought that at a small club like ours, the Chairman would take the time to acknowledge a detailed letter from a club shareholder and season ticket holder for some 30 years,but no. Absolutely nothing, not even a standard bland response.

Very poor show. I fear the worst in terms of his voting intentions.

Worth mentioning he might be away on holiday just now. He's been one of the more transparent chairs, to his credit, so far.

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Would Walter pass the fit and proper test?

The recent rule change made it the sole responsibility of the clubs to ensure that any prospective owners pass the fit and proper test. So would dear old uncle Walter, 'the one man you can trust' actually pass this?

Did he receive payment by EBT? (when? Just during his tenure at the club?)

Did he sign players and offer them EBTs?

We need to get the final ruling as to whether EBTs were illegal sooner rather than later. If the law decides they are officially illegal, and therefore cheating, the answers to the above questions (and others) must surely have a significant impact on the fit and proper test.

All of which, makes the SPL's decision to postpone their investigation even more surprising.

If Walter Smith was an integral part of the culture of EBTs and cheating at Rangers throughout his time, he himself is a cheat - and lacking the basest particles of sporting integrity.

How could such a person be 'fit and proper'?

I would like the SFA/SPL to clarify this too.

cardigan and sally post-26358-0-11432200-1339925943_thumb.j post-26358-0-88043200-1339925952_thumb.j

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Leggo is obsessed .with Gangsters. If someone from York made a bid Leggo would have him with links to the KIT KAT CREW

What????!!! You do realise they EAT kitkats in the CELTIC boardroom! I think you/Leggo are on to something.

Incidentally, if you have not read it, Leggo's "novel" The Kennedy Kill was serialised earlier in this thread. It's a work of incompetence that borders on comic genius.

Edited by Savage Henry
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