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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Charles Green does not own Rangers Football Club. Rangers Football Club are still in administration and still being run by Duff and Phelps until such time as the court appointed liquidators step in to finally close them down. Rangers Football Club is dead. It still has its history but that history now has a line under it, it cannot be added to.

Charles Green is the CEO of either Sevco 5088 or Sevco Scotland. He wont say which. One or possibly both of these companies have purchased the assets of Rangers Football Club. These assets consist of Ibrox stadium, Murray Park and the Albion car park.

Sevco is not Rangers Football Club, has never been and can never be Rangers Football Club, it also cannot be The Rangers Football Club for the time being anyway.

Sevco is not a football team. It is not registered with any Football Association nor does it have a league to play in. It does not hold the registration papers for any football players, neither can it hold the registration of any professional football player until it is a registered football team.

Sevco has no automatic right to enter the professional game in Scotland. It is a newco, a new company and a new club. It has no history. It has no place in any league, therefore it cannot be 'relegated', it cannot be 'demoted' it can only be admitted.

If Sevco is to be admitted to the professional game in Scotland then it must first apply to join the Scottish FA to become a member. It must then apply to enter the third division, the bottom tier of Scottish Football.

This application process will be open to any club that wishes to participate, It is likely that there will be strong applications from Spartans FC, Cove Rangers FC and possibly some others. These clubs have been through this process before, they are aware of the necessary criteria for applying and they will meet this criteria by providing amongst other things three years accounts.

Sevco cannot produce three years accounts therefore it fails to meet the necessary criteria for admittance to the SFL third Division. Any move to circumvent the already established process and criteria for entry into the professional game in Scotland in order to favour one hopeful club over another, will result in a legal challenge by the disaffected clubs, which will suspend the beginning of the Scottish season.

Sevco are not banned from Europe for three years they are not permitted to play in European competitions because they are a new club and cannot provide three years audited accounts, unlike the SFA, UEFA will not bend nor ignore their rules just because it is Rangers. Another point to be noted, it will actually be four seasons before sevco can play in Europe because they have now missed the cut off point for submitting this years accounts.

Because they are not banned from Europe the only punishment Rangers Football Club has so far received for their years of corrupting the Scottish game to their own advancement and financial gain has been to be deducted ten points, an automatic penalty for entering administration. They have also been fined a paltry £160,000, It is unclear if this fine remains with Rangers Football Club or is to be transferred to Sevco. So when you hear it said Rangers have been punished enough ask in what way have they been punished.

They have not been banned from Europe, they have not been demoted, they have suffered no financial penalty of note. Everything that has happened to Rangers Football club has been their own doing, their own choice rather than pay off the debts that they accrued whilst attempting to be the most successful team in Scotland they chose administration, they chose liquidation, they chose to form a Newco.

Edited by k1ll13k1d
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one slight snag with this- If the home teams fans force abandonment, then the HOME team will be punished resulting in a 3-0 win for newco times that by however many away games they play, you have effectivly handed newco the leagueph34r.gif

Good...gets the qunts back out of our league then. :D

Then it's the SPL fans turn. :thumsup2

It's not going to happen anyway.

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i just heard this on the radio coming home from work and I had to get on here straight away - I am completely and utterly disgusted by this. Sickens me to the stomach. If this comes to pass, I will not be back at Forfar nor will I be renewing my son's season ticket. Please, Forfar, please, don't sell yourselves for this shoddy, disgusting 40 pieces of silver. sad.gif

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Listening to Browns speech, but see if you shut your eyes and listen, it just sounds like some pish stained jakey tramp you hear screaming their head of in toon, he made about as much sense as one anyway.

As for SSN breaking news. Excuse my ignorance, but, how can the SPL plan to relegate to the 1st division? Surely they can say no to their SPL aspirations, but I fail to see how they can send them to the first. Surely this decision has f**k all to do with them?

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i just heard this on the radio coming home from work and I had to get on here straight away - I am completely and utterly disgusted by this. Sickens me to the stomach. If this comes to pass, I will not be back at Forfar nor will I be renewing my son's season ticket. Please, Forfar, please, don't sell yourselves for this shoddy, disgusting 40 pieces of silver. sad.gif

Tarrier Bible quote in my opinion.

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So after 1 season, status quo is resumed. A chance to freshen up Scottish football will have gone if this goes through and apathy along with small crowds will return.

East Fife better vote against this motion or I wont be going back to Bayview anytime soon.

Not sure whether I have interpreted it correctly but I thought that they were trying to ram this through without a vote.

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The Scottish Football League, for the last number of days, has been involved in intensive discussions with The Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football Association and other crucial stakeholders in our game, to try and address, in a positive way, the current critical issues affecting our game.

The Scottish Football League will today send a briefing document to its member clubs – a logical and positive communication which will hopefully eliminate some of the understandable doubt, threats and insecurities that are apparent within the game at the moment. The consultation document will fully explain the short and long-term benefits of a number of scenarios which we will be considering at a full Club Meeting next week.

The Scottish Football League is trying to address the question of whether we are in a position to accommodate a solution to the Rangers F.C. scenario. We are trying to achieve a solution which will be in the best interests of The Scottish Football League and the wider game.

David A. Longmuir

Chief Executive, SFL

28th June, 2012.

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1340887852[/url]' post='6382391']

I didn't have a problem with the silence from Celtic, but with this news today, we really need to come out with a statement, otherwise it just looks like we back it.

I think all SPL clubs back this idea. It makes sense for them, they can chuck the newco out to appease fans but hope Rangers win the SFL so thing are back to normal after 1 season. You saw Motherwells finances laid bare, we can't afford to run at the levels we are beyond this season and I'm sure the same is true for other clubs. The SPL don't want to reinvent their financial model, this includes Celtic, they want Rangers back, they want a new improved TV deal and if they have to throw some cash and a playoff to do it they will.

Edited by Jim McLean's Ghost
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Are we witnessing scottish football going in to meltdown?

Actually in some respects this is what Scottish football is all about. We've been fighting over money, league structures, 'decline', fairness etc. for about the last 50 years!!

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Listening to Browns speech, but see if you shut your eyes and listen, it just sounds like some pish stained jakey tramp n

Actually, if you open your eyes, you get the same conclusion :D

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eh?? Can you all stop shouting at at once and read this IT WAS POSTED 3 PAGES AGO !!!

PRESS STATEMENT: The SFL can confirm that no agreement has been reached between The SFL and any other body regarding the position of Rangers Newco in the First Division.

Consultation will continue to take place, primarily with our clubs, as previously advised

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SFL Statement: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/i2itcu


The Scottish Football League, for the last number of days, has been involved in intensive discussions with The Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football Association and other crucial stakeholders in our game, to try and address, in a positive way, the current critical issues affecting our game.

The Scottish Football League will today send a briefing document to its member clubs – a logical and positive communication which will hopefully eliminate some of the understandable doubt, threats and insecurities that are apparent within the game at the moment. The consultation document will fully explain the short and long-term benefits of a number of scenarios which we will be considering at a full Club Meeting next week.

The Scottish Football League is trying to address the question of whether we are in a position to accommodate a solution to the Rangers F.C. scenario. We are trying to achieve a solution which will be in the best interests of The Scottish Football League and the wider game.

David A. Longmuir

Chief Executive, SFL

28th June, 2012.

Hope they release this document to the fans as well!

Edited by Jie Bie
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It's difficult to keep up with this thread at the best of times but it's gone nuclear now, by the time I post this the "sneak the cheating cnuts into the first division" plan might already have been outed as bullshit, but on a serious note this thread is fantastic. I joined this forum recently on the back of the F*ck Mark Lawrenson thread but stayed for this thread. I have lived abroad for a good few years now and had more or less forgotten about Scottish football, this thread has rekindled my love for it, and it would be a painful irony indeed if that happened just as Scottish football commits suicide by bending the rules to allow that bunch of feckin cheats right back in through the back door, because if that does happen then I will never have anything to do with SPL, SFL or Scotland games ever again.

I hope they know what they're doing.

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