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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A wee post I put up on the 17th June, sounds almost the same as what is happening now...dry.gif

'Sounds like the biggest cop out in history.

Let me take a mad stab at what might happen.

Rangers will go to SPL2 to allow them entry back into the big league asap. SFA will go for a top league of 10 as the SPL(read Old Firm) have been wanting since they started to reorganise to ensure the Old Firm maximised their revenue.

Rangers don't get investigated further, will accept their slap on the wrist and we will be back to the big two with their voting rights intact and all the TV revenue and sponsorship being channelled straight back into the Old Firm.

A pyramid system to keep the fans onside but under the bonnet virtually no change. It will be a pyramid system with all the cash going to the top two teams aka the old firm. Whilst Doncaster will probably become SFA spokesman as his reward for the stitch up.

Borrowing someone else's words this is clearly appeasement and should be about reparations. Stitch up disguised as reformation. '

Edited by Well Well
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In full: Document sent to SFL clubs to put Rangers into the First Division


Item 5 -rangers terminated or suspended

Complete financial meltdown

•Settlement agreement is obliterated

•Fans are lost to the game forever

•The game survives but where?

so basically, what they are saying to SFA is dont suspend them or exclude them

thats the appellate panel fuxed then mad.gif

Well SFA?SFL?SPL can get tae f**k that will be me finished with the not so beautiful game

Edited by rustyarabnuts
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If this `plan` goes ahead, then that`s it finished. Scottish football turns from a competition into `sports entertainment`- just like shitey american wrestling. The `winners` are pre-ordaned, not allowed to fail and the also-rans are there to provide some semblance of a pretence of a contest. Blue collar southern shitkickers might be only too happy to part with their hard earned for such a sham. I am not. Make no mistake, IF five clubs may be heading for bankruptcy should this not come to pass, they sure as hell WILL be heading for it as fans turn their backs (and wallets) in protest of such a diktat.

Head nail hit!

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f**k that, all supporters should boycott Scottish football full stop. We're now beyond this being about one club and their punishment. We need changes to the governance of Scottish football. The whole system is rotting, Doncaster has seen that his empire is falling down and know he is one of the many who is responsible. The fucker has to go. There has to be an overhaul.

Great point. I'm absolutely disgusted by today's events. No matter what the outcome of this - Rangers in, Rangers out - it's clear that the system needs radical change.

There needs to be a concerted effort to flush out these shady characters and get fan representation introduced at every level of governance - from clubs all the way to the corridors of the SFA.

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In full: Document sent to SFL clubs to put Rangers into the First Division


What a coimmplete and utter disgrace from the SFL, how will allowing SEVCO into SFL1 narrow the financial gap? Why are they so worried about the SPL losing money?

An utter cockwomble of a proposal, any club that votes for that should be boycotted by every fan in the country.

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1.Rangers stay in SPL

2.Rangers to Third Division

3.Rangers to First Division

4.Rangers to SPL2

5.Rangers terminated or suspended


•Not an option

•SPL clubs have indicated no


•Takes approximately £16 million out of the game

•Commercial partners walk away and seek compensation

•The settlement agreement becomes a major risk

•The sporting opportunity is quashed for other clubs


•Reduces SPL income by approximately 30%

•Balances short term need for redemption with a least worst case financial scenario

•It is financially possible to recover from this scenario


•Currently not supported by the SFA

•Creates a bigger divide

•Leads to some short term commercial losses

•A legal challenge could paralyse the game

•The overall pot would be much less than anticipated


•Complete financial meltdown

•Settlement agreement is obliterated

•Fans are lost to the game forever

•The game survives but where?

WE HAVE CONSIDERED THE FIVE SCENARIOS 1 Rangers stay in SPL 2 Rangers to Third Division 3 Rangers to First Division 4 Rangers to SPL2 5 Rangers terminated or suspended


•Rangers in the IRN-BRU First Division this coming season

•A one off fee to buy out the Rangers media value. (£1million) thus protecting the current contracts in place.


•Play-Offs immediately, based on current format

•A new distribution model with the settlement agreement value protected and future proofed

•An amalgamation of the SPL & SFL

•A more balanced governance model (as circulated)


•Play-Offs immediately, based on our format

•A new distribution model with the settlement agreement value protected and future proofed

•An amalgamation of the SPL & SFL

•A more balanced governance model (as circulated)


•Immediate cash benefit for all 30 clubs!

•Gate receipt uplift in Division 1

•Potential hospitality & advertising values increase

•Sponsors receive added value through additional exposure

•Scottish Government remain committed to our community strategy

•SFL has more influence at the top table

•Play-Offs restore the sporting meritocracy and deliver additional value


•A unified plan presented to the Scottish footballing public which offers real possibilities for the game

•Keeps all 42 clubs together avoiding a divisive SPL2 split

•Deals with the need for sporting integrity with regard to Newco

•Delivers innovation in the form of a single league, Play-Offs and a pyramid plan

•Delivers new value for the game

•Potentially narrows the financial gap between Scottish Premier League & Scottish League

•Shows leadership for the game in Scotland

•Allows fans to engage in the bigger picture

•A positive media outcome

Did they include that last line to try to deliberately take the piss out of football supporters in this country. I want to know who wrote that last line, I want them to come on TV and explain it. Cunts.

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I feel sorry for dunfermline, dundee, airdrie and stranraer. These clubs are back at pre season and still dont know what league they may be playing in. Sfl/sfa/spl need to get this sorted fast.

Sorry. Diddy clubs! Much more important that Rangers get sorted out in a way which will allow them to get back into the SPL after a season with 90%+ of their debts written off so that they can get on with the next 9 in a row while the honest teams struggle to pay their debts and taxes.

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all this with news about moving them straight to 1st division. but don't they have to accept the old co debts.

this could be good as they won't last long when hmrc come along with the btc bill.

every1 should calm down.

these munters will die soon.


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•Keeps all 42 clubs together avoiding a divisive SPL2 split

pure blackmail

Who are these 42 clubs they speak of???????? I thought twas 41 <_<

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To think the Scottish football authorities had the audacity to fine Romanov for branding them a mafia etc.


Never thought the day would come when I agree with the likes of Romanov and Pressley.

Strange days indeed

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Nope sorry, I don't think Longmuir should be wasting his breath collaborating with the bodies above him on this. The 'breakaway' SPL2 plan is a direct attack on the integrity of the SFL, and there is no doubt he was made fully aware of this 'nuclear' option.

He has failed his member clubs. Even if SFL1 clubs take the bribe, they represent 1/3 of his total membership. Were the Third Division clubs consulted about a pyramid system that could kick them out of the professional game? Either every club is in on the conspiracy or Longmuir has massively overstepped his authority. Get him to f**k, now.

f**k it, lets have someone from the Raith board leading our league at the moment. They have more stones than just about anyone else in this farce.

In full: Document sent to SFL clubs to put Rangers into the First Division


If Longmuir has anything to do with this then I humbly apologise for doubting your judgement. I can only think he's been offered a nice wee job on SPL Mark 2. The absolute kunt.

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Sad day for Scottish Football. If these latest plans go through we might as well resign ourselves to the continuation if not increase of the sectarion shame of Scotland. The football authoritys have given a green light to Rangers and Celtic fans to behave as badly as they want knowing that there will be no serious consequences. The authorities are saying we need the old firm and we will do anything to keep them in the top flight, what can they do to punish them all they need to do is say thts it we're off and the SFA/SPL will roll over and let them off.

Scottish Football R.I.P. (killed by the people who are supposed to be the guardians of the game)

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I'd be more than happy for St.Mirren to leave the SPL and apply to re-join SFL if these corrupt b*****ds get their way.

Why would Gilmour do that when he's in bed with Celtic and the rest organising this?

Anything other than the burial of Rangers this summer will see me finished with Scottsih football forever.

This is a one-off opportunity to make Scottish football and society better. If the Old Firm remain then its over for me.

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TheHunXunts shaft people left right and centre. What do SPL/SFA do? Bend the f**k over and get lubed up. Really this is just a joke league if allowed to go ahead but we knew this I suppose. I'm more annoyed about this than them coming straight back to SPL. Really thought we had these fucks getting what was due to them. Wish they would do the decent thing and die..

Rant over. Thanks for not giving a f**k.

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I won't freak out just yet. There is a lot of anonymous sources going on. Smokescreen for sevcos plight? Well done Aberdeen on clarification. If ST does not do same and has been part of this I will feel cheated for the financial contribution I ve made since last week. However there is an element of misreporting going on, so I won't lose hope yet.

How long does Steven Thomson need to state his opposition to it; he will have contact numbers for both BBC and STV. Stuart Milne got his statement out quickly enough. I would hope for something by mid day tomorrow at latest.

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I'd be more than happy for St.Mirren to leave the SPL and apply to re-join SFL if these corrupt b*****ds get their way.

Agree, and I would add that I would add that I would rather watch a part-time Saints side in Division 3 than accept this nonsense. It reminds me of The Blackadder episode where he stands for a rotten borough with one voter, and wins with a 30000 majority. If this so called proposal means a huge drop in revenues, so be it. Sod Sky/ESPN etc. I say this to Gilmour.... IF we lose revenue, go part-time. At least we will have some integrity. Accept this and Scottish Football dies!

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1340902726[/url]' post='6383056']

Think you should read the last two pages, mate. f**k the SPL.

I said the SPL CLUBS have done the right thing. Those that run the SPL, SFL and SFA now have to do the right thing. We must empower ourselves.NO TO SEVCO. Anywhere

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