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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sad day for Scottish Football. If these latest plans go through we might as well resign ourselves to the continuation if not increase of the sectarion shame of Scotland. The football authoritys have given a green light to Rangers and Celtic fans to behave as badly as they want knowing that there will be no serious consequences. The authorities are saying we need the old firm and we will do anything to keep them in the top flight, what can they do to punish them all they need to do is say thts it we're off and the SFA/SPL will roll over and let them off.

Scottish Football R.I.P. (killed by the people who are supposed to be the guardians of the game)

Totally agree. Its a one-off opportunity to kill of sectarianism and create competition in Scottish football.

If Rangers survive this summer then you are correct, Scottish Football RIP.

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Dear Mr Lawrie

I am writing to you about the current situation with the club currently being liquidated Rangers FC.

I have been a Dumbarton fan for all of my life

I have pictures of my great grandad rebuilding the wall at Boghead in the 1950,s

I have pictures of my Grannies washing line with all the strips hanging out after she had washed them, something she did for a while

In fact I was attending Boghead before I was born as both my mum and Auntie served in the snack bar on the end of the Turnberry stand.

I attended with my brother from aged 8 on, I was there when Ian Wallace scored against Kilmarnock in ,76 went to Hampden for the cup semi final

Attended every game through the ,84 promotion run to the top league

There for the last game at Boghead , in fact got a piece of the pitch in the garden and some of the bricks from that wall my granda repaired

There for the first game at the Rock,jumping up and down when we put 6 past Elgin to cap an amazing catch up of Cowdenbeath.

My birthday present on my 40th was 300 shares in the club

My daughter was taken along on her first birthday to experience what has brought me so much joy and satisfaction

I am still in shock at us going up this year.

However the situation with Sevco 5088 or TCFKAR is so iniquitous that it may well lead to me giving up on Dumbarton and Scottish football completely.

The rules are clear Sevco must apply to the bottom rung of the league structure as any other prospective new club would

Doesn't matter how many fans they have

Doesn't matter what ground they have

this is a club that has cheated every person in Scotland

Cheated the normal hard working tax payers

Cheated every league competition since 1998 at least

Is home to significant amount of rabid sectarian hooligans

Anything other than an insistence on applying to league 3 is craven cowardice or cheating itself by the footballing authorities

I will not be party to this nor will any of my family

I hope you are as disgusted as I am at the plan to parachute Sevco into the 1st division.

I will be sending a copy Of this letter to the SFA which will also include details of my support of the national team

I would be grateful for your thoughts on the matter

Yours Sincerely


Sent from my iPad

Theif :lol: Lincolnshires finest will be round to collar you !!

Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply, five days and nowt here.

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The suits have really gone for the ratner approach! No actual numbers to back up daft assumptions no explanation of how they got to these assumptions and no acknowledgements of the massive commercial damage that would result. Disgusting

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So despite all the pious harping of SPL clubs in the last week that they could not possibly accept Sevco into their league on the grounds of sporting integrity, it's perfectly OK for us 1st division clubs to have them and incubate them for a year so their clubs balance sheets aren't bereft of the Ibrox pound for too long?

Fucking shocking state of affairs this is.

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Maybe we have all been completely naive in the thought that chairmen voting for Rangers out would mean there was some integrity, but with teams like Motherwell and Killie who would undoubtedly goto the wall if the worst was to happen and the TV deal went to pot, was there ever any doubt that we would all be stitched up?

At the start if you had told me Rangers would be in the first division Id have probably taken it but now, it would seem a huge injustice and while it might keep the clubs going, make no mistake about it, we are a soiled product from now on if this goes ahead.

While the things they are proposing are a step up from what we have had its still a crappy compromise and I would hope that if it does happen, the clubs can vote in a bigger league while Rangers are out of it, make it 16 teams and have it more interesting for everyone involved, thats about the only way they can save things, even if they opened up to another 6 or 8 non league teams and we had 3 divisions of 16, or 14, 16, 16 it would have been a step in the right direction and a reasonable compromise.

As it stands, we are all going to feel stitched up far worse than ever before with this mess, as much as I dislike Rangers, I really have no burning desire to see them eradicated, Ive even felt sympathy with some of the fans but they will be completely insufferable should this come to pass and it should not now, not ever be fixed so that they are treated differently than any other club.

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I said the SPL CLUBS have done the right thing. Those that run the SPL, SFL and SFA now have to do the right thing. We must empower ourselves.NO TO SEVCO. Anywhere

What on earth are you on about?

The SPL clubs ARE the SPL! :1eye

Those that run the SFL & SFA ARE the clubs!

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SPL 2 is an empty-threat and all stakeholders should see it for that.

Any club agreeing to join an SPL 2 would be signing its own death warrant as the fans would almost certainly revolt. At that stage the only other option for Doncaster and co would be to expand the SPL and that would be signing the SPL's death warrant also.

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I'd be more than happy for St.Mirren to leave the SPL and apply to re-join SFL if these corrupt b*****ds get their way.

going to ask Aberdeen the exact same thing as well

Corruption has a new home... Must have moved in when some Italians moved to glasgow

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Why would Gilmour do that when he's in bed with Celtic and the rest organising this?

Anything other than the burial of Rangers this summer will see me finished with Scottsih football forever.

This is a one-off opportunity to make Scottish football and society better. If the Old Firm remain then its over for me.

And where do Celtic come into this? Pish. On one hand you are through if the currants live, on the other its the OF. Make your scrotey mind up.

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At the weekend I finally decided that I was going to buy a season ticket at Fir Park for the first time in years. The club needs support and this is a good time to give it.

Then this nonsense of fast-tracking this new team Sevco into the 1st division came out earlier today, with bullying threats of a "divisive SPL 2" if the clubs didn't vote them in. Having read through the STV-published document, I'm seriously thinking of changing my mind on buying that season ticket now.

The SPL and SFA's leadership on this has been insipid and cowardly silent. If they genuinely believe this is the best way forward for football in Scotland, then count me out. I'm really not interested.

Count me back in however if P&B should ever start up its own football association. smile.gif

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So despite all the pious harping of SPL clubs in the last week that they could not possibly accept Sevco into their league on the grounds of sporting integrity, it's perfectly OK for us 1st division clubs to have them and incubate them for a year so their clubs balance sheets aren't bereft of the Ibrox pound for too long?

Fucking shocking state of affairs this is.

Absolutely right. I am reminded of the Groucho Marx quote "Here are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others".

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At the weekend I finally decided that I was going to buy a season ticket at Fir Park for the first time in years. The club needs support and this is a good time to give it.

Then this nonsense of fast-tracking this new team Sevco into the 1st division came out earlier today, with bullying threats of a "divisive SPL 2" if the clubs didn't vote them in. Having read through the STV-published document, I'm seriously thinking of changing my mind on buying that season ticket now.

The SPL and SFA's leadership on this has been insipid and cowardly silent. If they genuinely believe this is the best way forward for football in Scotland, then count me out. I'm really not interested.

Count me back in however if P&B should ever start up its own football association. smile.gif

This. I haven't yet bought my season ticket, and I am rather glad I haven't. If this is the arrangement, you can keep it.

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What on earth are you on about?

The SPL clubs ARE the SPL! :1eye

Those that run the SFL & SFA ARE the clubs!

St. Mirren are an SPL club, so you infer St. Mirren are responsible? Shame on you.

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all this with news about moving them straight to 1st division. but don't they have to accept the old co debts.

this could be good as they won't last long when hmrc come along with the btc bill.

every1 should calm down.

these munters will die soon.

Not all debts just footballing debts, to other clubs and the likes.

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