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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Tam Cowan now talking pish! Put "them" in the third division - its what everyone wants. NOOOOOOOOOO!

Someone email him, I can't find any link.

This nonsense has to stop.

We want Rangers dead and buried.

Nae, cremated and their ashes thrown away at sea.

And then we turn our attention to Celtic....

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text 80295. I thought everyone had that in their phone by now :)

Text sent to correct Stuart who along with others in the meedja appear to think that we are going to vote NO to Newco!!

Edited by Sting777
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They continually let it be known that they are struggling for cash. Cut price hospitality deals last season, sponsorship of the players socks (for God's sake!), fundraising dinners, pie and a pint deals in the Aitken Suite and so on.

Who are "all the fans"? The two thousand diehards that go every fortnight or the mythical tens of thousands (including all the Glasgow taxi drivers on an Old Firm weekend) who have a "soft spot" for the Jags? "All the fans" are being squeezed in all directions.

You'd think it would be easy to sell 450 PTFC calendars for £5... I know the guy who produces them. He makes them at cost and gives every penny that he can to the club. Last season he was delighted that MacB took 150 off his hands because they were hard to shift at Firhill, then MacB went bust, owing him for the calendars, so no money back for him and no profit for Thistle.

I've stood outside Firhill selling those calendars and folk come up to you and try to haggle on the price, when down the road they are buying Cute Yorkshire Terrier Puppies calendars for £7.99 and it makes you despair.

I am not decrying and will never decry the efforts of any other Jags fan - there are few enough of us already. But if people really do care for the club, they need to start doing more, not less to support it.

Finally, for the avoidance of doubt, if Sevco do get admitted to SFL1, I won't go to the matches at Firhill, but the club will still get my ST money and my support. If, despite my efforts, the club dies, the such is life. It's only football after all, but everybody (myself included) needs to put a bit more effort into it before they let go.

OK. It is a difference of opinion.

I'm not talking about the club needing more cash to sign Murray or offer Sinclair or Bannigan more money so they doesn't sign for someone else.

I'm talking about running costs for the club which, as the club's finances aren't well known, I can only assume are alright but could be better. If the club made a genuine plea then I would say that the diehards would do more for the club.

The Sevco money IMO would fall completely into the former part of that.

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I think now that with the way Thistle have handled this, they will NOT be trusted by the fans from now on. David Beattie was actually respected and liked by the Thistle support, as a whole, as he seemed to be doing and saying the right things.

This board have financially turned us from a basket case to profit, Admittedly, the Warriors cash was a massive help and now we have lost it. I am a bit confused then, if finanaces are tight how we are constantly giving out two year contracts and have signed a couple of players??.

Yes, we have moved players on, but we were under the impression that things would be even tighter this season.

The risible £33k that we would recieve for this stitch up, only completely makes a mockery of us saying we are "The Great Glasgow Alternative".

Clearly we have confirmed that we are WEE Bun lover (At board level) and they are seemingly willing to lube up ready for the Newco shafting.

To distort a wekk known phrase from our Newco fanbase, Thistle fans WILL DO WALKING AWAY.

The damage has been done by the boards procrastinations over this and it makes me sick that they quote that they are looking after the interests of PTFC,Scottish football and THE SUPPORTERS??? What utter tosh!!

Even if they suddenly say that they have to vote NO to save face, its too late. They have holed the club below the water line and we are sinking slowly, with no lift rafts on offer.

This may sound poor, but as a Jags fan for 43 years my heart is breaking.:(

Bit confused to be honest.

What does that say to the club? If you side with Sevco, I`m no going back but I`m no going back anyway.

I don`t care when they make the right decision as long as my club gives a resounding NO to these proposals when the vote is taken. Until Tuesday the club still has One ST holder and Gold Centenary membership. Don`t like the semantics and obfuscation coming from the club but accept that they are in a hugely difficult position.

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no other club in the country comes close to having the attendance of Celtic (bar RFC), so why should we lose out? I could see the point if every other club had a similar fan base or attendance, but we don't.

Imagine the uproar from out SPL clubs is shared gates was suggested when we had Gretna playing in the league.

It takes 12 teams to make the league, without the 10 diddies you'd have nowhere to play. Why should you both take so much revenue out of the game?

There would have been no uproar from the other 10 clubs when Gretna was in the league. The only teams who can possibly lose out of shared receipts are the OF, and maybe Hearts (doubtful). All the rest would have more cash.

With Rangers back in the SPL in 1-3 seasons and voting (vetoing) with Celtic on all financial matters, this is the one and only chance the rest of the SPL will get to peg both clubs back to the pack. Otherwise we'll be left with the exact same situation we've had for the next 25 years.

It's time the OF starting putting money back in to the league instead of draining the fans and cash from everywhere else in the country.


Based on the average gates, the OF will lose heavily, Hearts would gain a small amount, the other 9 clubs gaining a lot. Sounds fair to me.

Edited by KillieJimbo
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Given servco are not going to be in the SPL next season I'd hope that Celtic would be at the forefront of suggesting a more equitable share of available monies rather than getting dragged screaming to it. IF servco are elected to division 3 then I'd honestly like to see some form of payment to the visiting league team to Celtic park. We'll all have to cut our cloth, we have much more cloth than the rest.

I honestly hope that Celtic can build better relationships with other clubs, as the song says it's now or never

This is getting a greeny once mine have refreshed. It is indeed true that if (and this is still a big if) the stitchup fails and there's no quick return to the status quo at the top table, Celtic would be very much better off trying to make friends quickly than being the lone dissenting voice against future diddy reforms.

Naw - C4 would be better off sending him back to Syria or Afghanistan - he simply couldn't cut the mustard up here trying to get to the bottom of the Rangers' corruption. Just my opinion.

Aye, because that's much easier work. You're a fucking idiot.

The two can't really be compared tho, the NFL is run on its socialist model and that only works because it's a closed shop and no one else in the world plays that game, it could never be done with a global sport like the fitbaw

Not sure if serious.

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Given servco are not going to be in the SPL next season I'd hope that Celtic would be at the forefront of suggesting a more equitable share of available monies rather than getting dragged screaming to it. IF servco are elected to division 3 then I'd honestly like to see some form of payment to the visiting league team to Celtic park. We'll all have to cut our cloth, we have much more cloth than the rest.

I honestly hope that Celtic can build better relationships with other clubs, as the song says it's now or never

cool.gifhate to be a nit picker, but Servco are a totally different company, deal with cars, insurance etc http://servco.com/ laugh.gif

other than that I totally agree with your point wink.gif

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In the ideal world for moral consistency, The Rangers should be applying for entry to SFL3.

If we are all honest who amongst would have thought a couple of months ago that Rangers in some form would not be in the SPL? This is a trememdous achievement for fan forums like this and the power of the fan threatening to boycott season tickets The Rangers would at least get a half decent punishment.

Lets now get on with supporting our team. This whole mess is not the fault of the other SPL clubs and if there has to be some klind of compromise further down for financial reasons let the SFL clubs decide what is best for them. They do not have to take the million pounds. We may have to get our hands slighlty dirty only because Scottish football is in such a mess. But lets not make thing worse for our own clubs

We have done our bit. We achieved something not inconsiderable

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It takes 12 teams to make the league, without the 10 diddies you'd have nowhere to play. Why should you both take so much revenue out of the game?

There would have been no uproar from the other 10 clubs when Gretna was in the league. The only teams who can possibly lose out of shared receipts are the OF, and maybe Hearts (doubtful). All the rest would have more cash.

With Rangers back in the SPL in 1-3 seasons and voting (vetoing) with Celtic on all financial matters, this is the one and only chance the rest of the SPL will get to peg both clubs back to the pack. Otherwise we'll be left with the exact same situation we've had for the next 25 years.

It's time the OF starting putting money back in to the league instead of draining the fans and cash from everywhere else in the country.


Based on the average gates, the OF will lose heavily, Hearts would gain a small amount, the other 9 clubs gaining a lot. Sounds fair to me.

I've never once said we dont need the other teams to make up the league. I agree money should be more evenly distributed, from the TV deal, or any other commercial deal the SPL have.

But why should any club share its gate money? especially Celtic as we would lose out by far more than any other club, its almost a punishment for having a bigger stadium!

Do you think if it was shared gate, Dundee United would have been happy to part with money from playing Gretna at Tannadice when they would obviously have a lot more fans, compared to them traveling down to Motherwell being watched in front of 501 fans? Of course not!

That would be the same for Celtic every home game.

Celtic do put money into the game, to say they don't is just nonsense.

I know how much we like to be made out as the bad guys, but we don't take every penny out of the game and put nothing back into it. Every clubs will have a sense of self perversion, but most clubs fans fail to even acknowledge this as its much easier to blame all of Scottish problems on 2 clubs.

Why do you think the SPL was even set up? certainly not for the benefit of Scottish football.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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This nonsense has to stop.

We want Rangers dead and buried.

Nae, cremated and their ashes thrown away at sea.

And then we turn our attention to Celtic....

Captain S - like it or not, Celtic are going to be playing football in the top flight of Scottish football long after you and I have kicked the bucket.

Advise that you do your GP a favour and get used to it, and bring your blood pressure down a bit.

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What are you going to post about then?

I can be as guilty as anyone of posting pish on here, but seriously, every time the captain comes on here, he drags this thread completely away from 'the big Rangers administration/liquidation' issue, and down a path that is signposted 'fcuk Celtic too'.

Now, that's a path maybe worth going down, each to their own and all that, but responding to the captain's incessant anti-Celtic trolling just drags this particular thread right down the tubes.

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Captain S - like it or not, Celtic are going to be playing football in the top flight of Scottish football long after you and I have kicked the bucket.

Advise that you do your GP a favour and get used to it, and bring your blood pressure down a bit.

Dont even know why you bother replying to him, he's the David Leggat of P&B!

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You've all been waiting for it, now Clyde have spoken:

The Club has received a set of papers in advance of the SFL meeting on Tuesday. The essential intent behind those papers is to induce the SFL clubs to agree a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the SFL in the 1st Division in exchange for a range of structural changes to the current set up and some small financial inducements. Some of the proposed changes have merit in principle.

The Board believe that any proposals for change should not be rushed, as these have been. They also have to be done by consensus and not through threat or inducement, again, as these have been.

The papers include a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the 1st Division. This is contrary to the rules of the SFL and nothing within the papers justifies this proposal.

As a club owned by its supporters and recovering from having been on the brink of extinction, the Board of Clyde Football Club recognise the damage done to the credibility of Rangers Football Club by its successive owners, and the subsequent impact on staff and supporters. These proposals do nothing to restore that credibility.

It is not for us to become involved in punishment, that is a matter for the SPL and SFA. The SFL clubs are being asked to change their rules so that the SPL and SFA can apply sanctions that fit short term financial interests.

It is not for us to tell any club what they should want for themselves, but to enter anywhere other than the 3rd Division risks Rangers Football Club being burdened with the legacy of commencing its rebuilding in a manner that they later look back on with regret. Rangers Football Club does not need to be handed a competitive advantage, they are more than capable of returning to the SPL via the 3rd Division on their own merit. Rebuilding from the bottom can restore the dignity stripped from the club by its former owners.

The papers use emotive language to threaten a future of financial meltdown and they carry the implication of the destruction of the game should a Newco not be entered in the 1st Division. If things are as bad as indicated then Scottish Football is in a far worse state than is being acknowledged. In which case it is time to accept the bankrupt model needs fixed and not supported and perpetuated on the back of this proposal. The fact that other clubs might face similar financial distress because Rangers Football Club enter the 3rd Division is hardly a reason to compromise the integrity of the SFL and further compromise Rangers Football Club.

Rather than attempting to prepare a soft landing before delivering sanctions, it would be better to contemplate more radical change that might actually underpin financial stability in the long term for clubs that balance their books. Perhaps an amnesty from sanctions for clubs that are forced to face insolvency procedures in the next 2 years as a result of the current turmoil, and an automatic entry to the 3rd Division for any club liquidated and reformed in similar circumstances. This would allow 2 years to properly restructure the Scottish Game for the benefit of all and undo the damage that has been created by the current structure which encourages club directors to trade integrity for cash, and then spend beyond their means, willingly risking the very existence of football clubs. If we could believe that the game could be less self interested long enough to resolve this, then this, and other far better ideas, might be worth contemplating.

SPL clubs that have openly stated their opposition to a Newco being given immediate access to the SPL have taken the position based on their, and at times, their supporters' view of what is the right thing to do, however, the vote has still to be taken and proposals such as these are premature. If the SPL clubs vote as indicated on the basis of the increasingly discredited notion of sporting integrity, it would be questionable if the SFL clubs did otherwise.

The reality is that we are faced with unique circumstances and it would be foolish to pretend otherwise, that probably means that compromise for some is inevitable, and perhaps even worthwhile for everyone in the long term. The solution however is not this hastily cobbled together proposal.

The Board of this club sees no merit whatsoever in adopting this proposal.

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Chancers wanting a chunk of the gate money when taking 150 fans to a game watched by 50,000. Get tae... :lol:

Wether its montrose or morton or celtic or rangers the home club pays to build the stadium.. pays for the laying and upkeep of the pitch .. the floodlights... the undersoil heating .. the stewards ... the policing costs ..the non playing staff wages.. the players wages.. the gate receipts of the home club are for the home club ..end of. The home team pay to stage the match and therefore take the gate receipts ... some of the brass necks on here trying to claim there team are due a wedge of Celtic and other clubs gate receipts are incredible ... beat it :lol:

Edited by magee84
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