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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Chancers wanting a chunk of the gate money when taking 150 fans to a game watched by 50,000. Get tae... :lol:

Wether its montrose or morton or celtic or rangers the home club pays to build the stadium.. pays for the laying and upkeep of the pitch .. the floodlights... the undersoil heating .. the stewards ... the policing costs ..the non playing staff wages.. the players wages.. the gate receipts of the home club are for the home club ..end of. The home team pay to stage the match and therefore take the gate receipts ... some of the brass necks on here trying to claim there team are due a wedge of Celtic and other clubs gate receipts are incredible ... beat it :lol:

I know what you mean, but at the same time there wouldn't be any crowd at all if it weren't for the opposition team, no matter how few fans they bring.

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In the ideal world for moral consistency, The Rangers should be applying for entry to SFL3.

If we are all honest who amongst would have thought a couple of months ago that Rangers in some form would not be in the SPL? This is a trememdous achievement for fan forums like this and the power of the fan threatening to boycott season tickets The Rangers would at least get a half decent punishment.

Lets now get on with supporting our team. This whole mess is not the fault of the other SPL clubs and if there has to be some klind of compromise further down for financial reasons let the SFL clubs decide what is best for them. They do not have to take the million pounds. We may have to get our hands slighlty dirty only because Scottish football is in such a mess. But lets not make thing worse for our own clubs

We have done our bit. We achieved something not inconsiderable

What hand-washing SPL propaganda pish.

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Clyde say NO!

The Club has received a set of papers in advance of the SFL meeting on Tuesday. The essential intent behind those papers is to induce the SFL clubs to agree a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the SFL in the 1st Division in exchange for a range of structural changes to the current set up and some small financial inducements. Some of the proposed changes have merit in principle.

The Board believe that any proposals for change should not be rushed, as these have been. They also have to be done by consensus and not through threat or inducement, again, as these have been.

The papers include a proposal to allow a Newco to enter the 1st Division. This is contrary to the rules of the SFL and nothing within the papers justifies this proposal.

As a club owned by its supporters and recovering from having been on the brink of extinction, the Board of Clyde Football Club recognise the damage done to the credibility of Rangers Football Club by its successive owners, and the subsequent impact on staff and supporters. These proposals do nothing to restore that credibility.

It is not for us to become involved in punishment, that is a matter for the SPL and SFA. The SFL clubs are being asked to change their rules so that the SPL and SFA can apply sanctions that fit short term financial interests.

It is not for us to tell any club what they should want for themselves, but to enter anywhere other than the 3rd Division risks Rangers Football Club being burdened with the legacy of commencing its rebuilding in a manner that they later look back on with regret. Rangers Football Club does not need to be handed a competitive advantage, they are more than capable of returning to the SPL via the 3rd Division on their own merit. Rebuilding from the bottom can restore the dignity stripped from the club by its former owners.

The papers use emotive language to threaten a future of financial meltdown and they carry the implication of the destruction of the game should a Newco not be entered in the 1st Division. If things are as bad as indicated then Scottish Football is in a far worse state than is being acknowledged. In which case it is time to accept the bankrupt model needs fixed and not supported and perpetuated on the back of this proposal. The fact that other clubs might face similar financial distress because Rangers Football Club enter the 3rd Division is hardly a reason to compromise the integrity of the SFL and further compromise Rangers Football Club.

Rather than attempting to prepare a soft landing before delivering sanctions, it would be better to contemplate more radical change that might actually underpin financial stability in the long term for clubs that balance their books. Perhaps an amnesty from sanctions for clubs that are forced to face insolvency procedures in the next 2 years as a result of the current turmoil, and an automatic entry to the 3rd Division for any club liquidated and reformed in similar circumstances. This would allow 2 years to properly restructure the Scottish Game for the benefit of all and undo the damage that has been created by the current structure which encourages club directors to trade integrity for cash, and then spend beyond their means, willingly risking the very existence of football clubs. If we could believe that the game could be less self interested long enough to resolve this, then this, and other far better ideas, might be worth contemplating.

SPL clubs that have openly stated their opposition to a Newco being given immediate access to the SPL have taken the position based on their, and at times, their supporters' view of what is the right thing to do, however, the vote has still to be taken and proposals such as these are premature. If the SPL clubs vote as indicated on the basis of the increasingly discredited notion of sporting integrity, it would be questionable if the SFL clubs did otherwise.

The reality is that we are faced with unique circumstances and it would be foolish to pretend otherwise, that probably means that compromise for some is inevitable, and perhaps even worthwhile for everyone in the long term. The solution however is not this hastily cobbled together proposal.

The Board of this club sees no merit whatsoever in adopting this proposal.

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Chancers wanting a chunk of the gate money when taking 150 fans to a game watched by 50,000. Get tae... :lol:

Wether its montrose or morton or celtic or rangers the home club pays to build the stadium.. pays for the laying and upkeep of the pitch .. the floodlights... the undersoil heating .. the stewards ... the policing costs ..the non playing staff wages.. the players wages.. the gate receipts of the home club are for the home club ..end of. The home team pay to stage the match and therefore take the gate receipts ... some of the brass necks on here trying to claim there team are due a wedge of Celtic and other clubs gate receipts are incredible ... beat it :lol:


The rest of the SPL have a duty to do what is best for themselves. If the OF lose a whack of cash, who cares except them? What are you going to do if the other 10 clubs decide to vote this in - leave the SPL and go play in the Atlantic League or in England? :lol:

The sooner the OF realises that they are at the mercy of the other 10 the better. Actually scratch that, the sooner the useless chairmen of the other 10 realise it, the better.

Edited by KillieJimbo
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1. Well done Clyde, which before this crisis was a sentiment I never thought I would share, ever.

2. If gate-splitting is so abhorrent and unfair now, why was it acceptable for years? I don't think a 50-50 split is fair: it should be either a weighted split, say 65-35, or at the very least, a repatriation of most of the away ticket money.

3. The snivelling sycophant journalists on Off The Ball would be sickening if they weren't so easily shot down in flames with their cretinous non-arguments to save The Big Hoose.

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Proud to be a Pars fan today. Proud of the Rovers stance. Proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with Falkirk. What the f@@@'s happening to my universe?!

Ooohhhh did I just feel a waft of air and the sound if Jerusalem bellowing from the distant hill? :lol:




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The rest of the SPL have a duty to do what is best for themselves. If the OF lose a whack of cash, who cares except them? What are you going to do if the other 10 clubs decide to vote this in? Leave the SPL and go play in the Atlantic League or in England? :D

The sooner the OF realises that they are at the mercy of the other 10 the better. Actually scratch that, the sooner the useless chairmen of the other 10 realise it, the better.

Gate splitting is utter garbage.... just greedy wee b*****ds wanting a chunk of money from clubs with far greater attendances than theirs... notice how its fans of teams who can barely fill a stand at their own ground who want this. Will not happen .. deal with it :)

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So we've now got Morton, Clyde, Dunfermline, Peterhead, Annan, Clyde, Raith Rovers and Hamilton all nos?

Is it only 8 required?

'According' 'to' 'the' 'Record' it might need only a simple majority, so 15 Nos. Suspect they're talking shite again though.

At least the SFL haven't given Sevco 5088 a vote as well. wacko.gif

Edited by vikingTON
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Gate splitting is utter garbage.... just greedy wee b*****ds wanting a chunk of money from clubs with far greater attendances than theirs... notice how its fans of teams who can barely fill a stand at their own ground who want this. Will not happen .. deal with it :)

Once again I'll ask - if the other 10 can make more cash out of it, and vote for it...what are you going to do about it? Like it or lump it, you've got nowhere else to go because nobody else wants you. :)

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Sorry if this has been posted before:

I am sure I have physically seen a clause on the SFA's website in their Articles regarding an application for a licence needing "3 years audited accounts", but I can't seem to find it (What does Cmpbell Ogiilvie do all day? Edit Articles & Rules?).

Also, according to the SFA's website any Club wishing to enter the SPL must have a UEFA Licence. To gain this License from the SFA they must have an SFA membership Licence for 3 years. IMO the rule below would prevent a newco entry to the SPL for 3 years. Its on Page 1...

http://www.scottishf...Licence (2).pdf


3.1.1 The Licence Applicant may only be a football club, that is the legal entity fully responsible for the football team participating in national and international competitions and which is the legal entity member of the Scottish Football Association (Full or Associate Member). The licence applicant is responsible for the fulfillment of the club licensing criteria.

This membership must have been in place at the start of the licence season for a minimum period of three consecutive years. Any alteration to the club's legal form or company structure (including, for example, changing its headquarters, name or club colours, or transferring stakeholdings between different clubs) during this period in order to facilitate its qualification on sporting merit and/or its receipt of a licence to the detriment of the integrity of a competition is deemed as an interruption of membership within the meaning of this provision.

The UEFA administration may grant exceptions on the non-applicability of the above three-year rule in case of change of legal form or company structure of the licence applicant on a case-by-case basis. These exceptions are granted to the individual club that applies for a UEFA Licence. An exception is granted for a period of one season; under specific circumstances, this period may be extended. A renewal of the exception is possible upon a new request. Refer to Annex I B (§1,2, 4-8) of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations for more details on the process.

3.1.2 Only a Full or Associate Member can apply for / receive a licence. Individuals may not apply for / receive a licence.

ETA: So, on my reading of the rules, even if newco were parachuted into SFL Division 1, they would be stuck there for 3 years, even if they won the league every season.

I wonder if the SPL Chairmen have seen this? Doncaster couldn't/wouldn't tell them as he doesn't read the Rules and makes it up as he goes along.

There is an exemption clause, but this is for Clubs outwith the SPL who happen to win, or are losing finalists in the Scottish Cup and qualify for Europe by default, ala Queen of the South in 2008.

Either way, exGers are fecked people!

WATP = "We Are The Pariahs"

Ironic chant to sing at 'them' if we ever meet again.... "WE Are The People"

Still, with a heavy heart, it doesn't stop me from seriously considering giving up my Shareholding, CIC DD, Season ticket and the buying of half-time pies if my Club does not publicly distance themselves from the SFL 'consultation' document.

Edited by Vambo57
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