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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is sportsound available on the iPlayer or as a podcast later? Just woke up and gutted I missed it

In summary, without Chico or Traynor ot was good. Turnbull Hutton stole the show with his honesty standing up for "Diddy Clubs" everywhere. Clyde FC twisting the knife and not accepting threats or inducement - also the proposals were amateur at best. Waddell mentioning the blackmailing element. Spencey wanting Sevco to take a season out in time for kick off. All good stuff.

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Greenock is about 6 miles west of Langbank, so you're wrong.

And other places 6 miles from the M8 include Linlithgow, Livingston and of course Edinburgh. So by your feeble-brained argument, Edinburgh is a suburb of Glasgow. Once again:

1eye.gif = you

Right imbecieee, I was gonna stretch the arguement to Edinburgh, so thanks :D

Central Belt is weeg, you are all the same :P

*spellind deliberate for your virginal educated mind..........

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So what do have to look forward to next week? (always assuming the mythical nuclear revelation is`nt announced in one of the Sundays)

Tuesday, there`s the big SFL meeting which may/may not be addressed by Cockwomble. No vote to take place but I suppose we can expect a statement of sorts.

Wednesday, there`s the SPL meeting which will merely confirm what we`ve known for weeks. They`ll make a very short statement.

Thursday, the situation is even more confused than it is at present.

Any chance of more good stuff over the next seven days? SFA announcing the amended punishment perhaps.

Despite the feel good factor we are all experiencing at the moment, this tale has many a sting to it yet IMHO. I seriously believe that "they" will still find some convoluted way to force their way on us.

I reckon we have to be very wary of another stitch-up coming our way very soon and we are all going to have to be prepared to ramp things up yet another notch to put them back in their place.

It's not over by a long way - they will kick and scream all the way to the 3rd division - but as long as that's the best they can hope for then I'm ok with that.

More tough times ahead, keep the pressure on.

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Right imbecieee, I was gonna stretch the arguement to Edinburgh, so thanks :D

Central Belt is weeg, you are all the same :P

*spellind deliberate for your virginal educated mind..........

Oh dear. Seems the Captain has produced yet another OF mental breakdown: unsurprising given the social inadequacies that come with the territory.

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Greenock is about 6 miles west of Langbank, so you're wrong.

And other places 6 miles from the M8 include Linlithgow, Livingston and of course Edinburgh. So by your feeble-brained argument, Edinburgh is a suburb of Glasgow. Once again:

1eye.gif = you

The M8 is actually part of Euro Route E05. Does this mean that Birmingham, Paris, Donostia, Madrid and Sevilla are all suburbs of Glasgow?

This city's bigger than I thought.

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Despite the feel good factor we are all experiencing at the moment, this tale has many a sting to it yet IMHO. I seriously believe that "they" will still find some convoluted way to force their way on us.

I reckon we have to be very wary of another stitch-up coming our way very soon and we are all going to have to be prepared to ramp things up yet another notch to put them back in their place.

It's not over by a long way - they will kick and scream all the way to the 3rd division - but as long as that's the best they can hope for then I'm ok with that.

More tough times ahead, keep the pressure on.

According to Spencey's closing remarrks the apellate tribunal could be the key once it re-applies a suitable punishment from it's list. Suspension perhaps? Which would make all this kicking and screaming all very moot!

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According to Spencey's closing remarrks the apellate tribunal could be the key once it re-applies a suitable punishment from it's list. Suspension perhaps? Which would make all this kicking and screaming all very moot!

Prob waiting to see which league they play in and then come out and say punishment is relegation to that league so not adding any extra kind of thing.

Edited by Bloomogganners
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Oh dear. Seems the Captain has produced yet another OF mental breakdown: unsurprising given the social inadequacies that come with the territory.

The day that p***k has a 'win' is when methadol is free...

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According to Spencey's closing remarrks the apellate tribunal could be the key once it re-applies a suitable punishment from it's list. Suspension perhaps? Which would make all this kicking and screaming all very moot!

I assume that all the BS from the last week has been a huge trial balloon by the SFA/SPL/SFL to see the boundaries of what they could get away with. It's no lose from their point of view. Either they find a way to shoehorn Sevco back into the league system, or they play the 'sporting integrity' card with a suspension. I know, it's cynical bollox, but what do expect considering who is all involved?

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According to Spencey's closing remarrks the apellate tribunal could be the key once it re-applies a suitable punishment from it's list. Suspension perhaps? Which would make all this kicking and screaming all very moot!

Ah, but you've forgot the sevco subsequent appeal. You don't think they are just going to accept it do you?

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Ah, but you've forgot the sevco subsequent appeal. You don't think they are just going to accept it do you?

Sevco appeal? Nothing to do with them...........

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The day that p***k has a 'win' is when methadol is free...

Methadol sounds interesting. Like a mix between methadone and Panadol. Not sure you should be publicly touting illegal wares though.

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Spencie made the point that we should never forget. Despite all Rangers past crimes, until a few weeks ago everyone assumed that the newco would have a shoo in to the SPL. It then became clear that fans would not buy season tickets and the SPL chairmen succumbed to fan pressure and were forced to say no.

Same will apply elsewhere, on both Off the Ball and then on Sportsound it was made clear the smaller clubs have a different culture. No big bucks, often held together with hard graft from individuals. Can't see these people bending over and doing the SPL /SFA 's dirty work for them.

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I got very fed up with that tit Alexander - who was irritating enough to be an MP even if he wasn't.

First sticking up for Cockwomble - Just a decent guy trying his best apparently!

Then going on about Rangers punishment. FFS is it really that hard to get into their skulls?

In simple sentences then (yet again I know);

Rangers were punished by a ten point penalty for going into admin as per the rule book.

Rangers then went bust and are in the process of being wound up, liquidated, extinguished, rubbed oot

A new company is being formed.

If that new company wants to have a football team to play at Ibrox, fine.

If that company wants to have players in blue jerseys, fine.

If that company wants to have the word Rangers in their title, annoying, but fine

But that company needs to find a league to play in.

They need to apply to the SFL (at the highest...even that application would involve expediency and hasty rewriting of rules)

There is no rule in the SFL that allows for them to jump into SFL 1. None. Clyde have made that even clearer with their excellently worded release

So they need to start again from the beginning, whatever they are called, whoever play for them, wherever they play

That is not punishment, that is PROCESS.

And to be fair, even Rangers fans seem to be overwhelmingly understanding this.

Just fuckit journalists who cannot compute!

Totally agree, with the exception of the highlighted bit. There is legislation which prevents a liquidated company trading as a name similar enough to their old name in such a way as consumers may confuse the two (unless the name has a geographical nature, which isn't the case here). It would have the added benefit of driving home the point through thick Orc skulls that rangers are DEAD. Whatever turns out in the league next year, at whatever level, will NOT be rangers. No debts, no punishment of behaviour before liquidation, no dealing with debts including football debts, and NO HISTORY. They cannot be allowed to have their cake and eat it.

From businesslink.gov.uk:

Reuse of a company name after liquidation

Prohibited names and restrictions

If a business uses a prohibited name, there are restrictions on who is allowed to be involved in the running of that business.

A prohibited name is a name by which a liquidated company was known at any time in the 12 months immediately before its liquidation. This can be any of the following:

  • the name registered at Companies House
  • the company's trading name
  • any name so similar to either of the above that it suggests an association with the liquidated company

The restrictions apply personally to you if you were registered as a director - or acted as a director - during the 12 months leading up to the liquidation.

What are the restrictions?

You - and any other former directors - are banned from being a director of a limited company that's using a prohibited name for five years from the date of the original company's liquidation. The ban includes not being allowed to take part in the formation, promotion or management of such a company.

The restrictions also extend to a business that is not a limited company - eg a partnership or sole trader - that's using a prohibited name. In such a case, any relevant former directors are banned from being concerned in or taking any part in carrying on such a business for five years.


Please note - the reference to "directors", when applied to a football club, was deemed in the SFA case to include "shadow directors" such as the team manager, who have input into business expenditure and strategy. So that's Sally out the door, then.....

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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So what do have to look forward to next week? (always assuming the mythical nuclear revelation is`nt announced in one of the Sundays)

Any chance of more good stuff over the next seven days? SFA announcing the amended punishment perhaps.

Come to think of it, there was a sensationalist headline last week that said the SPL NO vote will result in expulsion and Sevco will be forced to re-apply to SFL3 by default course of action. Any confirmation or comments to the contrary on here would be welcome.

Edited by GunnerBairn
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