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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think that's an astonishing thing for Doncaster to come out with. I can't see how he can possible remain in his job if clubs continue on the path they are heading.

Doncaster must be doing what the clubs tell him to do. They can sack him if they want. The really sad thing is that fans

who have went out and bought season tickets on the back of 'NO' votes have been conned. The clubs

have took the money and now can do what they want.

I actually thought it was correct that they backed their club but now it seems those same clubs

are letting Doncaster look like the bad guy.

If the vote is postponed today it is over. The SPL will simply wait and wait till they get the decision they want.

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Surely, the SFL clubs can only vote if Newco applies to join the SFL.

Clearly, newco won't apply to join the SFL if they think there is a chance to stay in the SPL.

Newco can't know the outcome of the SPL decision without a vote by the SPL.

Round and round and round we go!

What happens if there is no SPL vote? 11 clubs in the top division next season. League expansion for 13/14 with newco 'invited' into the top division. Cockwomble gets what he wants, but Newco spend a season not playing.

None of this would be happening if Longmuir had`nt been involved in the planning stage. Deals have been done and he will push through a SFL vote. That is the only possible explanation for the SPL postponing their vote.

This clown is turning out to be Cockwomble`s glove puppet.

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Surely, the SFL clubs can only vote if Newco applies to join the SFL.

Clearly, newco won't apply to join the SFL if they think there is a chance to stay in the SPL.

Newco can't know the outcome of the SPL decision without a vote by the SPL.

Round and round and round we go!

What happens if there is no SPL vote? 11 clubs in the top division next season. League expansion for 13/14 with newco 'invited' into the top division. Cockwomble gets what he wants, but Newco spend a season not playing.

None of this would be happening if Longmuir had`nt been involved in the planning stage. Deals have been done and he will push through a SFL vote. That is the only possible explanation for the SPL postponing their vote.

This clown is turning out to be Cockwomble`s glove puppet.

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No where does it mention the possibility of administration, unlike the St Mirren fans meetings yesterday.

So, I presume the reports of Killie a cert to be in trouble is just press pants.

That's a highly disingenuous take on things, just because your club haven't mentioned it doesn't mean it's either a possibility. From what I gather from those at our fans meeting the quote attributed to Gilmour has been taken vastly out of context.

Elsewhere an interesting quote from Michael Kelly, former Celtic director, on 5Live..

"It's bad enough that David Murray stole Rangers' inheritance - I don't want them to destroy part of Celtic and Scottish football's inheritance.

"It's very simple to keep the sporting integrity. The wrongdoings relate to the past - they should have all the trophies they won under David Murray taken away from them."

Indicative of the current Celtic board? Do they want Sevco in the SPL, and the trophy count reduced? Lawwell and co have been extremely quiet over the whole issue so we just don't know what their opinion is.

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Is there an avenue for someone to put a motion of No Confidence forward with respect, Neil Doncaster and Stuart Regan?

I for one don't think the Scottish season will start on time now, which will have huge ramifications for us as a nation. European bans, national team bans (but given how pish we are would we notice?) and the like to follow.

All of this has been brought about by weak leadership and a majority of a press corp that feed nothing but lies through their various mediums.

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they're going to get away with this aren't they

Yes. on the outside it looks a farce, on the inside.

they always wanted them back in the SPL.... it was all a show to see the pure anger out there and to dangle to oppertunity to kick them out and all the time the SPL clubs will vote to keep em

Once that happens then its over

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Well done partick

" Statement from Partick Thistle

Wednesday 4th July 2012

<h4 id="news_2443"></h4>Arguably the most important meeting in the 122 year history of the Scottish Football League took place yesterday and was attended by a member of the PTFC Board.

As a Club we felt that it was important that we entered this meeting with an open mind, taking full cognisance of all the facts, the opinion of our fans and free from prejudice and speculation.

Unquestionably there are major financial consequences, for all Clubs in Scotland, should a newco Rangers club not take a place in next season’s SPL and there has been a proposal put in front of the SFL clubs that would allow Rangers direct entry into SFL1, contrary to the current league rules. On its own this proposal is clearly unacceptable, on a number of levels, and is something the Board of PTFC are not prepared to support.

A more fundamental review of the entire Scottish football league(s) setup is clearly required. However, we feel that it is not the responsibility for making a decision, that will have huge ramifications throughout the game in this country, to fall on any individual member, or collection of clubs of the Scottish Football League. This is not a problem of the SFL’s making and as a result it is not a decision which can be taken in isolation of the SPL clubs.

It is the opinion of Partick Thistle that the Scottish Football Association, the game’s governing body in Scotland, should now take ownership of this unprecedented situation.

Our view, shared by the majority of supporters, is that a radical overhaul of our game is required. We are more than happy to be involved in any such process, however feel that the driving force for change has to be our National Association.

Meantime we thank the Thistle supporters for their continued support and their many helpful and insightful observations in recent weeks. No matter what happens over the course of the next few weeks we would ask you to continue to support our Club through these difficult and challenging times."

Edited to add:- actually, is this a no, or a yes but with restructuring?

I think it's a decent statement. It's a little bit of a of case of sitting on the fence though.

It looks to me like it's a no to Newco in SFL Div1 but they've chucked in a Maybe to the SPL2 so Thistle would still get invited.

I fully agree that it's clearly not the responsibility of the SFL clubs. It's an SFA and SPL matter.

They are trying to slopey shoulder it onto someone else so they don't look bad.

It looks like it could be backfiring on them and they'll need to vote in Newco.

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If the halfwit that is Neil 'iqlowerthanshoesize' Doncaster actually bothered his arse to go to sky, espn and sports 5 and said to them, 'look, we know you want your 4 old firm games a season, unfortunately, due to the cheating bigotted b*****ds cheating everyone and anyone, we have had to punt them.

Now, if you want to walk away that's fine, we may just have to leak the reasons for that...'

Scare THEM into sticking by the spl.

Instead he's just fucked up after f**k up after f**k up.

I could do a better job than him

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Really sensible comments from the fans of these clubs apart from the St Johnstone guy, who thinks would be perfectly alright for everyone to turn around and let Rangers just slide back in at the very top

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Sporting Integrity = Rangers fans want to re-start in SFL 3 (according to their own poll), fans of other clubs want Rangers to re-start in SFL3, and the chairmen of the SFL clubs want Rangers to re-start in SFL3. An over whelming majority.

Sporting hypocrisy = the SPL chairmen stating that they want Rangers punished, but really want to keep them within arms reach, to collect TV and gate money. Sporting hypocrisy of the highest order.

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If the halfwit that is Neil 'iqlowerthanshoesize' Doncaster actually bothered his arse to go to sky, espn and sports 5 and said to them, 'look, we know you want your 4 old firm games a season, unfortunately, due to the cheating bigotted b*****ds cheating everyone and anyone, we have had to punt them.

Now, if you want to walk away that's fine, we may just have to leak the reasons for that...'

Scare THEM into sticking by the spl.

Instead he's just fucked up after f**k up after f**k up.

I could do a better job than him

I've said it before, the 40 non 'OF' clubs should get together and leave the bigoted 2 to there hate filled battlings, let Sky cover it for 6 months and drop them like a stone.

Scottish football and society doesn't need either of them, but as long as the clubs cower like a battered wife and let Traynor and his ilk tell us we'll die without them, we'll leave ourselves open for all kinds af abuse.

Bollox to them, bollox to Traynorites and bollox to Doncaster & Regan.

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If the spineless SPL do decide to delay their vote I hope to god the SFL either (1) do nothing, as they don't have a vacancy and therefore cannot vote on anything or (2) vote that any newco needs to apply to division 3.

Doncaster and the SPL are welcome to the orcs!

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I have supported St. Johnstone for most of my life (albeit my life hasn't been particularly lengthy so far). I was a member of 'Super Js' from a very young age, and took pride in supporting my local team. I have met some great people at Saints matches. Supporting a small non-OF club is really like being part of a little community. Travelling to away matches, Saints scarf hanging out of the window, getting beeped by fellow Saints fans who drive past, giving them a wave.. These are just little things, but part of the magic of being a so-called 'diddy' supporter. To feel part of something which isn't solely about football. A few hundred or so Saints supporters huddled in a corner of Ibrox, surrounded by the unwashed hordes, feeling like it's us against the world (and a glorious bonus if we somehow get a result against the odds).

I have been a mascot, then a ballboy, then a season ticket holder. I have been to almost every home match and a large number of away matches throughout the past 9 or so years since my final year of primary school. I hate the feeling of missing any match at all. I have idolised many players who have worn the shirt.

In the past, I have done the research for St. Johnstone for Football Manager, I have interviewed players, manager, and written articles in the local paper about the club. It has become a huge part of my life. My love of Saints has, at times, led to a few arguments about my priorities in life. For me, it seemed undoubtedly permanent. I could never have imagined myself retracting my support or switching to another team. A football team is for life.

But things change. The last few months in Scottish football have escalated very quickly. I missed out on St. Johnstone's last European trip, and now the current events have put a sour taste on our upcoming one.

I will not commit myself to a season ticket either.

It is not an easy decision to make. Through St. Johnstone, I have got my dad into football aswell and we have attended many matches together. I find it difficult to ditch the club because he enjoys it so much, but he understands if this is my decision and would follow me in supporting a lower-league or junior Scottish team if the dreaded outcome is reached. If Rangers/Sevco are in the SPL next season, if our chairman votes 'yes' to Newco, or if he has been involved in the blackmailing of SFL clubs, I won't be back. As hard as it is, I could no longer support a team which has actively supported cheating and promoted corruption in Scottish football.

Substitute St Johnstone for [your team's name here] and that's how we all feel right now... :(

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