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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You really need to think this through here!

The bank and ticketus have no deal so why would they waste their time going after them? :rolleyes:

For £24m. If Whyte isn't a fit and proper person to be Rangers boss then he has no right to pay off their debts. Ticketus are not going to give away £24m for nothing.

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It's not though. A CVA is for the good of the company. In the same way that an IVA is to give legal protection for an individual against their creditors.

It's a protective umbrella.

Well yes, in that respect it is wrong - the whole notion of getting out of debt with a negotiated settlement is a dick move, no argument there. From the administrators point of view though that's what "working for the creditors" means, I guess.

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Worth remembering that when Dundee hit the skids again, Falkirk fans dug deep in their pockets to help them out.

How many clubs organised a collection for Rangers?

Please, please, please, please put some kind of smilie into that post before I think you asked that seriously ! blink.giflaugh.gif

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For £24m. If Whyte isn't a fit and proper person to be Rangers boss then he has no right to pay off their debts. Ticketus are not going to give away £24m for nothing.

If I borrow money from you to pay a third party and then I rip you off would you come after me or the third party?

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Worth remembering that when Dundee hit the skids again, Falkirk fans dug deep in their pockets to help them out.

How many clubs organised a collection for Rangers?

Dundee United and Dunfermline unwittingly did.

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All joking aside I never slept well at all last night and that was after quite a few Magners. I fully expected to wake this morning and not have a football team to support. I don't care what team you support i hope none of you EVER have to go through this. It has been absolute mental torture as the stories of financial mismanagement came out day after day. Thankfully(for Rangers) it looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel and we will come through this. I just hope those that finally get control of Rangers Football Club take time to consider what is best for Scottish Football as a whole. The Duopoly doesn't work and EVERYBODY has become bored and disillusioned. It would be criminal if we let this chance slide by without making serious changes to way the game is run in this country.

1 governing body would be a start.

An Spl2 with TV money/Sponsorship more equally spread to ALL clubs. Even if the OF have to take a hit..so be it for the good of the rest. More TV and media coverage for clubs outside the big 2 would be a start as well. We have to be tough with the TV companies and give them strict guidelines that any 1 team can only be shown so many times.

2 up 2 down

Return of a Reserve league with strict age limit rule..For example each team must have 6 U21s but still gives squad players match practice.

I know the 'other' clubs want to split all gate money but that is just never going to happen no matter how much you want it and especially with the number of season ticket holders at the OF.

I don't have all the answers but i just think if it is ever going to happen it has to be now. Rangers have a chance to show humility and build bridges with the 'other' 10 ... the divide helps nobody

1. I have never been so glad as to the see the triumphalist arrogant cheats going through this and long may it continue. A quick death would have been fine, but this drawn-out agony is much more fun. For four decades of my life, I've had to put up with the OF's acolytes braying their superiority and mocking those with the decency to follow a team clean of the baggage they cart around. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?

2. rangers have never been interested in anything but themselves and their relationship with the other Sisters. Three years ago you both wanted to bugger off to england or wherever because Scotland was holding you back. Well, we're not holding you back now, are we? So please go away.

3. "The divide helps nobody"? Didn't hear any complaints from the big hoose when you and celtic were on one side and the Diddies on the other. The divide is now rangers on one side and everybody else (except your chums from across the city worried about their status as a one-cheeked arse) on the other. rangers created their problems by cheating, lying and manipulating OUR game. Their only regret is that they got caught.

4. Show humility? But... but... they are the peeple! Build bridges my arse. No way would that set of arrogant crooks accept that they're just another team, not an "institution". The special treatment they're hilariously demanding at the moment is proof of that. I repeat - three years ago they wanted to leave Scotland, and they didn't stay because they wanted to - rather, nobody would have them. So now they're vital to the Scottish game, are they? I propose we put that to the test, Because I'd rather see Killie, and Scottish football, die rather than allow these scum have any more influence in my country and its national game.

In summary, enjoy the glorious news that Duff and Duffer have managed to slash so deeply into the outgoings at ibrox that, if they can double the savings, they may be able to pay the administrators' fees :lol:. rangers are dying with as much dignity as they have existed.


Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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My arse it does.

lol. Oh yes it does.

If ticketus failed to carry out a due-dilligence test on the sale or (as is much more feasable) CW and his lawyers, Collyer Bristow, managed to speed-hustle these idiots into parting with large sums of cash on 'futures' (the POTENTIALITY of season ticket sales) then there is a distinct possibility that they unwittingly over exposed their position. Many companies have imploded in this manner in the past. Who is to say it isn't happening to them ?

Honestly never thought Business Law could be so interesting............... and filthy dirty. cool.gif

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I asked the question yesterday - in all seriousness, what were Rangers fans doing about it?

There were thousands backing them through the times when they were winning the titles and racking up the debt, but when it became an issue, the best ideas were "let's have an orange top" and "youse need us". The share issue was almost totally ignored, and was there a viable alternative to Whyte? And as for the protests at Ibrox, the less said, the better!

As I mentioned, when Celtic were in the sh*t, their fans put hands in pockets. Dundee did the same, and I am certain that United fans and fans of other clubs would too.

So why didn't Rangers fans do anything? Please bear (no pun etc) in mind that this is not a dig at you personally, but I would imagine you are in a stronger position to answer than I am!

The Rangers support did do something...They sold out, more or less , the 2 home games we have had.

They have pledged millions to a fund...OK i haven't pledged anything as i wouldn't trust Dingwall and his ilk to run a fucking raffle but i am sure if a share issue is offered by the new owners it will be well backed*.

The Blue Knights are all Rangers supporters and they are about to pledge millions to help the club.

There is a protest tonight at Ibrox planned. Not sure how many will turn up after the news today but there is 1 problem..What and who would we be protesting against? There has been so many twists and turns we have not had a clue who was doing what and why. The celtic support had a clear enemy..the 3 families that had held them back for years.

While this has been going on They have also planned to travel through to help out Dunfermline at the Pars v St Mirren game. Again no need now as i believe most of that bill has been paid

*...The last share offer was not backed as Murray ran up that huge debt and we were not going to bail him out. He was warned by those on the board at the time the debt was getting to the unmanageable stage but he kept spending.

The Rangers support have never been great at mobilising themself...There is a planned boycott of Tannadice. Don't ask me why as i have no idea what reasoning lies behind it. They ones going up to protest are threatening to form a picket line and daring Rangers fans with tickets to cross it :lol:

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If I borrow money from you to pay a third party and then I rip you off would you come after me or the third party?

I'd come after you and if I got no redress from you, I'd go after the third party. Essentially the bank has received the money under false pretences.

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No.8 Posted:

The Rangers support have never been great at mobilising themself...There is a planned boycott of Tannadice.

Aye, that's proper organised protest:

"Right, Morag, we're protesting - boycotting Tannadice!"

"What'll that involve, then William, can we afford it now ye don't get the disability?"

"Aye, no problem. It means I won't pay for the bus to Dundee, I won't pay to watch my beloved team, and I won't get leathered in some unsuspecting pub before pissing all over some wifie's front step. Oh, and the folk-singing before the match, at the ground and on the way back'll be cancelled as well. That'll show these b*stards that we don't do walking away!"

"So, ye're no' goin' to the game, then?"

"Naw, I'll just find a feed on ma laptop and I can share ma philosophy on RangersMedia when there's a quiet bit."

"Aye, well done, William, that'll show them alright" :lol: :lol: :lol:


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The Rangers support have never been great at mobilising themself...There is a planned boycott of Tannadice. Don't ask me why as i have no idea what reasoning lies behind it. They ones going up to protest are threatening to form a picket line and daring Rangers fans with tickets to cross it :lol:

I was wondering when the violence would happen. Looks like it will be here.

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No.8 Posted:

The Rangers support have never been great at mobilising themself...There is a planned boycott of Tannadice.

Aye, that's proper organised protest:

"Right, Morag, we're protesting - boycotting Tannadice!"

"What'll that involve, then William, can we afford it now ye don't get the disability?"

"Aye, no problem. It means I won't pay for the bus to Dundee, I won't pay to watch my beloved team, and I won't get leathered in some unsuspecting pub before pissing all over some wifie's front step. Oh, and the folk-singing before the match, at the ground and on the way back'll be cancelled as well. That'll show these b*stards that we don't do walking away!"

"So, ye're no' goin' to the game, then?"

"Naw, I'll just find a feed on ma laptop and I can share ma philosophy on RangersMedia when there's a quiet bit."

"Aye, well done, William, that'll show them alright" :lol: :lol: :lol:


Big fat Greenie right there... when I have them cool.gif

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