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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But, and it pains me to say this, Wiggy said that one of the reasons he left was that he felt that the suits above him weren't taking any of his proposals to change the game on board and he felt that he was being stifled at every turn by guys who had been in the game far too long and didn't want to move forward as they were happy with the way things were, ie they kept their power over the game in Scotland.

I dunno about anyone else, but bearing in mind what he's been coming out with in the last month or two, I for one am delighted that none of Smiths "proposals" were taken on board. God knows what they would have involved.

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With Sevco in the SFL for at least three seasons, there has to be value in a TV deal that the SFL can exploit. Even just a half hour highlights package or something. It would end up being mainly about Sevco obviously, but it would give the other teams in the SFL some exposure.

There was talk of reviving the Glasgow Cup as a senior tournament on a home and away basis to give broadcasters some "old firm" action a while back, but I doubt Secvo would want it for another couple of seasons as they'd probably get their backsides whipped by Celtic just now.

Do you think TV companies would be that easily fooled.....by a Glasgow Cup?

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There's much talk about financial armageddon from yesterday's events when Turnball Hutton and our immortal forefathers overthrew the Cockwomble and Cockwomblery on the fields of Hampden.

The real armageddon is for the Scottish media, now obliged to give up their life of slothful ease of easily padding sports pages with Axis of Evil trivia. They're now going to have to go out and cover all of Scotland regularly, not just that within a five mile Glasgow radius.

But the biggest armageddon of all is yet to come.

That will be when - at the earliest 2015 - Rangers find themselves promoted to the SPL again, only to find in the interim that crowds for the other clubs have rocketed (because there's now a point going to watch what is no longer a rigged game, plus their "loyal" fans proving not to be so loyal after all).

There's also solid investors in more SPL clubs than Celtic for the same reason - there's a realistic chance of another club winning trophies, and participation in Europe has brought in money to clubs that used it wisely instead of frittering it away on silly purchases for the sake of trumping whatever Celtic just bought and a week's worth of headlines.

In short, Rangers (and their friends in high places) will discover like Queen's Park before them - the biggest club in Scotland once upon a time and who boycotted league football - that the game did not curl up and die without their participation. That football always has been, and always will be, bigger than any one club.

Or didn't they know that after Armageddon comes the Golden Age?

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I'm not even sure which of Regan's two faces I want to slap more now.

The one that proclaimed the end of the world if rankers 2.0 arent allowed into the sfl1, or the one that is now claiming this could be a new dawn and beneficial for scottish football, whilst as we suspect, still trying to do dodgy deals behind close doors to allow the abomination a get out of jail free card back into the spl or sfl1.

I can see them pushing through rankers on monday into sfl1 with a couple of minor punishments and then some fiddling with the league the following season if it looks like rankers 2.0 won't get promoted.

Even the stupidity of these guys is becoming legendary. They must have been fully aware that what they were saying and emailing to clubs was being put out into the press by some of the pissed of chairmen, yet they were still "secretly" blackmailing, bullying and harrassing clubs, as well as telling Green that there was no way rankers would be in sfl3 next season.

Regan was chief ex at Yorkshire Cricket Club before he took over from the waste of space that is Wiggy.

This is what he said when he took the job, "I'm not looking at history. What's gone is gone. We need to draw a line in the sand now and move forward. Scotland spends too much time looking back the way at how fantastic they were in years gone by. As a country it doesn't focus on the future and what we need to do to get better.I appreciate I'm not going to be accepted overnight.I am part of the institution and I think there are some out there who like to knock the institution, especially people who struggle to understand why Scottish football isn't more successful. But I'd like to think that over time I can try to win people over."

Well matey you have totally pissed that up.

But, and it pains me to say this, Wiggy said that one of the reasons he left was that he felt that the suits above him weren't taking any of his proposals to change the game on board and he felt that he was being stifled at every turn by guys who had been in the game far too long and didn't want to move forward as they were happy with the way things were, ie they kept their power over the game in Scotland.

Whilst we are all blaming Regan and Doncaster, at times rightly, I'm not so sure that these are the guys we should be pillaring. They are merely passing on to us decisions made by other suits in darkened rooms with the blinds drawn, and as the front men they take the flak when it goes pear shaped. Would it be any different if the SPL/SFA got someone else in to replace these men? They would still hire "yes men".

What we need is a complete clearout and to start again. It took the Spanish 20 years to get where they are and every year that we dither about doing it is another year wasted.

The guys in power don't care about the game. All they care about is their comfy seats, junkets, all expenses paid trips to big games, and loads of cash stuffed into their fat wallets.

Viva la Revolution!!!!

My Gawd! The chap's a bounder! Doesn't he know about the rules of the game? Going behind a chap's back and trying to change the rules when a chap is obviously out. It's not cricket, man! You must resign your position straight away for the benefit of the game! It's not on, old chap. We have to respect the spirit of the game and to hell with money. :D

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Think Sammy is right on this. This is by no means finished, Monday will be interesting.

I can't see it at all.

A volte-face by the SPL's chairmen now would see a supporter revolt on a far greater scale than they were faced with a fortnight ago. The ONLY possible way i can see it happening is if we have a situation where Regan has agreed on the quiet to fall on his sword in exchange for a large pay-off, and as a final act, will shoehorn the c***s back into the SPL regardless, take the blame, then leave.

I still feel that's massively unlikely. The other 11 clubs would have to be fucking nuts to let them back in. You're going to be inviting a club which may not see Christmas, with a support which will actively attempt to boycott all their grounds, whilst simultaneously seeing a large proportion of their own fans walk away in disgust.

Never gonna happen.

Also, Sevco aren't going to want back into the SPL just now. They have no working capital, no money to buy players, and at best will have a team of reserves/youths (some of whom have gone on loan elsewhere in the lower divisions and been absolutely shite), elbows McCulloch and a handful of shit first teamers. Celtic will absolutely humiliate them, a few other clubs will gub them, and they'll be lucky to avoid relegation.

It would almost be funnier if they did get in.

Edited by jupe1407
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Something to ponder.

If the SPL and SFA were so desperate to get Sevco into SFL1 why was the offer (bribe) made to the SFL so bloody poor.

Seriously, I was a potential sell out and I could`nt believe what was on offer. Very little money and vague talk about forming committees in November. Does anyone seriously think that Cockwomble and Regan thought that this would swing the vote in their favour.

Three potential answers ;

a) They are incompetent

b) They did`nt actually want Sevco in SFL1

c) They have a cunning plan.

My instincts are that SPL2 is a nonsensical proposal. It can`t happen given what`s occurred and the time scales involved. The only niggling doubt in my mind is this one aspect of the omnishambles

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The good fans of all 42 clubs need to become one now.

A football fan looking to get the best outcome for Scottish football doesn't boycott any teams after the collective have done the right thing, it would be terrible to watch Killie, Hamilton etc entering admin with our help.

A football fan looking to get the best outcome for Scottish football doesn't hammer a Newco after they've entered at the bottom, it would be terrible to watch Newco getting hogtied with sanctions, they've been publicly humiliated enough now IMHO, anything further would actually just be humiliating ourselves. Those that caused this shambles at Ibrox should be the ones sucking up the sanctions of the future.

I know this is only half time and I don't rule out Newco being in any of 5 divisions, I haven't ruled anything out for a wee while now, but the the good fans of all 42 teams need to come together as one voice to change our game for the better.

Who are you to decide what 'a football fan' is? Call me bitter if you like but I will never forgive and forget as long as Sevco survives. Of all the other clubs, one other team is on my boycott list - ICT. The comments of their Chairman have made me detest that Invernessian amalgamation even more than I already did. Oh, and one more thing, learn to count. There are 4 leagues (SPL, SFL 1, 2 & 3), not 5.

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I can't see it at all.

A volte-face by the SPL's chairmen now would see a supporter revolt on a far greater scale than they were faced with a fortnight ago. The ONLY possible way i can see it happening is if we have a situation where Regan has agreed on the quiet to fall on his sword in exchange for a large pay-off, and as a final act, will shoehorn the c***s back into the SPL regardless, take the blame, then leave.

I still feel that's massively unlikely. The other 11 clubs would have to be fucking nuts to let them back in. You're going to be inviting a club which may not see Christmas, with a support which will actively attempt to boycott all their grounds, whilst simultaneously seeing a large proportion of their own fans walk away in disgust.

Never gonna happen.

Also, Sevco aren't going to want back into the SPL just now. They have no working capital, no money to buy players, and at best will have a team of reserves/youths (some of whom have gone on loan elsewhere in the lower divisions and been absolutely shite), elbows McCulloch and a handful of shit first teamers. Celtic will absolutely humiliate them, a few other clubs will gub them, and they'll be lucky to avoid relegation.

It would almost be funnier if they did get in.

Agree with you totally, other than he last line, but naysaying and knicker wetting seem to be the order of the day for some. Maybe they've lived under a cloud for so long they don't recognise the sunshine when they see it.

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Something to ponder.

If the SPL and SFA were so desperate to get Sevco into SFL1 why was the offer (bribe) made to the SFL so bloody poor.

Seriously, I was a potential sell out and I could`nt believe what was on offer. Very little money and vague talk about forming committees in November. Does anyone seriously think that Cockwomble and Regan thought that this would swing the vote in their favour.

Three potential answers ;

a) They are incompetent

b) They did`nt actually want Sevco in SFL1

c) They have a cunning plan.

My instincts are that SPL2 is a nonsensical proposal. It can`t happen given what`s occurred and the time scales involved. The only niggling doubt in my mind is this one aspect of the omnishambles

D: On Monday they'll actually attempt to make newco Rangers the SPLs 'Club 12'.

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I can't see it at all.

A volte-face by the SPL's chairmen now would see a supporter revolt on a far greater scale than they were faced with a fortnight ago. The ONLY possible way i can see it happening is if we have a situation where Regan has agreed on the quiet to fall on his sword in exchange for a large pay-off, and as a final act, will shoehorn the c***s back into the SPL regardless, take the blame, then leave.

I still feel that's massively unlikely. The other 11 clubs would have to be fucking nuts to let them back in. You're going to be inviting a club which may not see Christmas, with a support which will actively attempt to boycott all their grounds, whilst simultaneously seeing a large proportion of their own fans walk away in disgust.

Never gonna happen.

Also, Sevco aren't going to want back into the SPL just now. They have no working capital, no money to buy players, and at best will have a team of reserves/youths (some of whom have gone on loan elsewhere in the lower divisions and been absolutely shite), elbows McCulloch and a handful of shit first teamers. Celtic will absolutely humiliate them, a few other clubs will gub them, and they'll be lucky to avoid relegation.

It would almost be funnier if they did get in.

Hope you are right. I worry when Alex Thomson says it is not finished yet

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D: On Monday they'll actually attempt to make newco Rangers the SPLs 'Club 12'.

Christ sake, not you as well! Is this just a cunning ploy to fall out with others on here and use it as an exclude to cancel the party? That's as devious as the apparent ICT position.

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Agree with you totally, other than he last line, but naysaying and knicker wetting seem to be the order of the day for some. Maybe they've lived under a cloud for so long they don't recognise the sunshine when they see it.

To be fair it's an understandable point of view. They've dominated the game for so long there's always going to be a bit of "battered wife" syndrome when they're finally on their knees.

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Who are you to decide what 'a football fan' is? Call me bitter if you like but I will never forgive and forget as long as Sevco survives. Of all the other clubs, one other team is on my boycott list - ICT. The comments of their Chairman have made me detest that Invernessian amalgamation even more than I already did. Oh, and one more thing, learn to count. There are 4 leagues (SPL, SFL 1, 2 & 3), not 5.


Cracks in the diddy alliance.

Oh well , business as usual.

Maybe that's a good sign.:rolleyes:

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Good Morning to you all especially the 105 Guests hiya pals.

I have some simple questions and if anyone can provide answers I'd appreciate it

  • How many players (and who are they) does sevco have
  • How do they propose to cover the running costs of Ibrox and Murray Park with 3rd division income
  • Has anyone seen Chico recently can someone please go round his house and check on him(don't forget to check in the garage)


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Good Morning to you all especially the 105 Guests hiya pals.

I have some simple questions and if anyone can provide answers I'd appreciate it

  • How many players (and who are they) does sevco have
  • How do they propose to cover the running costs of Ibrox and Murray Park with 3rd division income
  • Has anyone seen Chico recently can someone please go round his house and check on him(don't forget to check in the garage)


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Who are you to decide what 'a football fan' is? Call me bitter if you like but I will never forgive and forget as long as Sevco survives. Of all the other clubs, one other team is on my boycott list - ICT. The comments of their Chairman have made me detest that Invernessian amalgamation even more than I already did. Oh, and one more thing, learn to count. There are 4 leagues (SPL, SFL 1, 2 & 3), not 5.

I could be wrong but i think when he said 5 leagues, he might have been referring to the "attempts" to set up an SPL2.

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