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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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At the end of the day, the SPL/SFA have been guilty of misleading everyone throughout this fiasco, figures quoted in relation to the loss of broadcasting revenues are just that, a total loss of broadcasting revenues. That just isn't going to happen, there will always be someone willing to pay for broadcasting rights. If clubs have set themselves up in such a way where they are spending way beyond their means and are solely reliant on Rangers/Newco being in the SPL and the television money that surely is bad financial management on their behalf. SFL clubs normally aren't afforded such luxury but tend to, as a hole, live within their means.

The corruption in the governing bodies has now been made public but merely shows what we all have known for a long time, Scottish football is corrupt to it's very core.

Regan, Doncaster, Topping et al. have to go and they have to go now, they are destroying the game here, all others outer in these leaked documents should also be hounded out of the game, they are equally as bad.

I can't wait to find out what the next enthralling episode brings about on Monday, Doncaster & Regan will be putting a shift in with their advisors over the weekend to attempt to turn this situation around.

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Guest Pampered Adolescent

Well, I think there is no option that Cockwomble and Regan walk now; that Telegraph article truly is dynamite. Sadly, we probably still have Traynor and Chico around when the new season starts.......

What I find most interesting is the timing of Regan's e-mail- June 23rd. That is before eight SPL clubs voting no to Newco wrere known- that wasn't until two days later, on the 25th. Then, of course, the SPL vote didn't take place until July 4th.

Here's a wee tune to brighten up your Sunday morning....dedicated to the suits at the SPL, SFA and SFL.




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Everytime I see Regan


I think of this guy from the town characters thread, twins at worst, or maybe Disco Deek got a job at last with the SFA...........

This is my post from a previous thread "Best Tales Tramps Have Told You."

Disco Deek. Fucking hell this guy is a celebrity in Dunfermline. You'll normally see him walking about the town with his infamous 2 litre bottle of cola and buck teeth. He always has a massive smile on his face and nobody is ever nasty to him because he's so famous and hilarious. I'm not sure what, but Disco Deek has some sort of mental disability which makes him a little bit 'funny' (I really don't know how to describe it) but yeah, he's a legend.

He also walks into various shops where younger women work to shout "awwryte ladiesss" to get the kinky reply "heyyyy Derek."

The man is just fantastic. He clearly doesn't have much money but if everyone had a smile on their face as much as Disco Deek did, the world would be a fucking fantastic place to live.


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Rod Petrie comes out of this very badly IMO. When he was asked about meeting Green he gave some excuse about just informing of what was happening. Aye Rod, what you didn't say was that you were keeping him in the loop on a deal that was underhanded, dishonest and diametrically opposed to what your own fans wanted.

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Dear Pie and Bovrilites,

I can't help noticing an uncanny similarity between John 'Bomber' Brown, the eloquent fans' spokesman for the now defunct Rangers FC, and the Bond villain Ernst Blofeld, as portrayed by Donald Pleasance. Could they possibly be related? In the interests of transparency I think we should be told.

John 'Bomber' Brown


Ernst Blofeld (Donald Pleasance)


Edited by Danish Pastry
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Rod Petrie comes out of this very badly IMO. When he was asked about meeting Green he gave some excuse about just informing of what was happening. Aye Rod, what you didn't say was that you were keeping him in the loop on a deal that was underhanded, dishonest and diametrically opposed to what your own fans wanted.

Agree with you there, fair play to your man and Hearts for puting there cards on the table re improving the leagues fixing things so the currants get back in quick. Suppose Lawwell will be scared to say anything because he quite likes his postie and doesn't want him/her to have to cart parcel bombs about.

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Dear Pie and Bovrilites,

I can't help noticing an uncanny similarity between John 'Bomber' Brown, the eloquent fans' spokesman for the now defunct Rangers FC, and the Bond villain Ernst Blofeld, as portrayed by Donald Pleasance. Could they possibly be related? In the interests of transparency I think we should be told.

John 'Bomber' Brown


Ernst Blofeld (Donald Pleasance)


Is Eye still offering its analysis of the Rangers fiasco? I've missed a couple of issues.

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Edited to say sorry if its already been mentioned....

Might be complete bollox, but makes an interesting read.

Who is really behind Sevco ?

As Clyde's statement asked, do we really know anything about this organisation ?

Reading that it just shows how much fun there may still to be had with oldcorpse...........

I would like to quote a post I made a while back which doesn't link to the info in yours directly, apart from Greens involvement :D


For those of you searching…

Forget the connection with Lagardere – anything there is entirely coincidental.

Suggest that you focus on Formation Group (which bought Paul Stretford’s group, not the other way round), Morpheus and Alessandro Celano.

Charles Green was chair at Formation Group until February. It is run by an Irish (Limerick?) family which seems to have substantial private, offshore wealth (not sure how much) and has diversified and contracted quite alarmingly over past five years or so whilst Green was in charge. It also now is little more than a project management company based out of the back end of Hackney and is involved in a complex and stalled property development just east of the City. I checked out their registered office ages ago and it is in a new-build block (I wondered if they built it) on Hackney Road that looked residential. I could not see any presence of Formation.

Morpheus is interesting because Ellis has mentioned them a few times in other contexts – I can’t recall if he knows them or is involved or just wanted to get in on their act. They are a secretive little company set up to refurbish and interior design houses and flats in London for the uber-rich Arab world. Sort of Essex meets Egypt. I seem to recall them doing some work for Al Fayed.

I’ve never heard of Celano and nobody I know has dug up anything on him.


Alessandro Celano is a director of 1508 London Ltd. 1508 London Ltd "specialise in interiors, architecture, project management, residence management and branding services for both private and commercial clients." (from their LinkedIn page).

The Managing director of 1508 London Ltd is Fouad Qeblawi, who is also head of Private Commissions at Candy & Candy (another interior design company), and Project Manager at Anser Project Managers, who provide "services to private and public sector clients – principally, but not solely, within the construction and property industries" (again from LinkedIn).

My hunch is still that Green's sold the investment to these guys by comparing Ibrox with what was done with Highbury, or at least with the suggestion that there's a significant property redevlopment opportunity of some sort either there or at Murray Park.

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Dear Pie and Bovrilites,

I can't help noticing an uncanny similarity between John 'Bomber' Brown, the eloquent fans' spokesman for the now defunct Rangers FC, and the Bond villain Ernst Blofeld, as portrayed by Donald Pleasance. Could they possibly be related? In the interests of transparency I think we should be told.

John 'Bomber' Brown


Ernst Blofeld (Donald Pleasance)


Blofeld is a better dresser, apart from that they're pretty identical. Could Blofeld be Bombers big brother?

Going by the photos Blofeld is an aggressive drunk and Bomber is more of a harmless gibbering barfly.

Edited by Scary Bear
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I've just been checking up on how "Global Brand FC" are being reported and came up with this from the top French sports newspaper L'Equipe. Mind you I had to dig deep to find it as it certainly isn't on the front page. Don't worry about translation as there isn't anything you don't already know but it shows how important "The Most Successful Team In The World" is considered by even our near- neighbours, Auld Alliance and all that.


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Received a bottle of this as a present (from duty-free at the airport) a seriously nice dram for a winter's evening by the fireside. Of course you'll need a wee 'but n ben' on the islands for the perfect ambiance !!

My eldest son assures me the ambiance is just as good onboard a scalloper in the minches just after they anchor up for the night!

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Well, good morning all. What do we have today?

The leaked email - nothing we didn't already know but confirmation.

SFL not budging at all, and Hearts and Dundee Utd seems to back them up.

Plans for an 11 team SPL - that's a new one, plus names of six teams pulled out of a hat by The Sun.

Roll on tomorrow evening when we can read all about Dundee or Dunfermline taking their place in the SPL.

Then I can relax (not Frankie style).

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Read Regan's email.

He cannot survive with this section.

I was hugely encouraged with where we got to last night on a long and tiring phone call and I thank all of you for your efforts to move this issue forward.

I thought it would be helpful if I summarised where I think we are:

1. The Rangers Football Club will be relegated to the 1st Division of the SFL with immediate effect and will be replaced in the SPL by Dundee FC.

2. The television rights for Rangers FC matches in the SFL will be purchased by the SPL for the sum of £1m as a one-off fee for the season 2012/2013.

Guaranteeing Dundee an SPL place?

For fucks sake.

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My eldest son assures me the ambiance is just as good onboard a scalloper in the minches just after they anchor up for the night!

If Turnbull Hutton likes a dram, then so should we all..........


Edit for.......great picture :D


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have had every referee against us, some of whom openly boast of having cheated us,

Yeah I know what you mean. Often when the Jags play Celtic I think how we get all the 50/50 60/40 decisions in our favour.

I can't believe you guys haven't raised this issue before, you'd have the support of every reasonable fan in Scottish football.


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Is Eye still offering its analysis of the Rangers fiasco? I've missed a couple of issues.

Granny Danger, This isn't from the Eye but maybe I should send it in?

Blofeld is a better dresser, apart from that they're pretty identical. Could Blofeld be Bombers big brother?

Going by the photos Blofeld is an aggressive drunk and Bomber is more of a harmless gibbering barfly

Scary Bear, Blofeld is also an animal lover. Perhaps at the next happening on the steps of Ibrox we should check to see if Bomber is stroking a white Persian cat?

Edited by Danish Pastry
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