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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SFA Associate Membership = Entry Level. 'Entry level' still required 3 years of accounts.

Again I wouldn't dispute the likely accuracy of that - it coupled with not forming a youth team until last season is presumably why Gretna 2008 didn't apply until this year. However, it remains correct that Associate Membership isn't automatically also License, and the facility for discretion leaves a crack-in-the-door anyway. We'll only see if/when it comes to Green applying as a newbie, ultimately.

We're probably going in circles now, btw.

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While irt's nice to thing good things happen to those who wait, I think we should stop getting over-excited about the demise of Sevco after all as the SFA said;

The new season begins in less than two weeks and it is incumbent on the Scottish FA to conclude all outstanding issues relating to Rangers FC. To that end, we aim to meet with the club this week with the intention of achieving a satisfactory outcome for all parties so that we can focus on football in time for the new campaign.”

They'll squirm out.:(

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1342472985[/url]' post='6438148']

The thing is too that a lot of their youngsters will be no great shakes.

It's possible but unlikely there'll be a Barry Ferguson type talent in there. It's slightly more likely there might be someone who'll turn out to be as good as say, Barry Nicholson. Most though will be destined to play outside the top flight anyway, even when at their peaks in their twenties. That's not a criticism - it's just the reality. Rangers, by rights should have some of the better youngsters at present, but it's all about potential - a very inexact science.

This might be the making of the very good ones, but some are likely to be found badly wanting, even at third division level.

Maybe 3 or 4 kids at a push surrounded by more senior pros who know the game, but if it's 9 or 10 with lee mcculloch then they've no chance.

Even if they can start and see out the season, they'll not win the league.tongue.gif

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1342473171[/url]' post='6438155']

While irt's nice to thing good things happen to those who wait, I think we should stop getting over-excited about the demise of Sevco after all as the SFA said;

The new season begins in less than two weeks and it is incumbent on the Scottish FA to conclude all outstanding issues relating to Rangers FC. To that end, we aim to meet with the club this week with the intention of achieving a satisfactory outcome for all parties so that we can focus on football in time for the new campaign."

They'll squirm out.:(

The SFA will want some cash out of them, now and in the future if they survive. Nailing the coffin shut and pouring cement over the top is unlikely evn though it would be laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Man, the shit keeps coming. Thought it would quieten down after today but no. If Green accepts sanctions so that Rangers keep their history does this mean they are then obliged to pay their creditors?

Rangers and their fans have said all along that they will only have their dignity fully restored when every last penny has been repaid

:lol::lol::lol: No wait, they didn't say that...:huh:

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I don't understand. What is different about these players leaving compared to the others?

It wasn't the headline I was talking about but this bit:

'While the playing staff has already been reduced drastically, it would seem that there will have to be further cuts.

"There will be jobs going - the implications are huge," explained Green.'

This is the first time that anyone at the club has spoken about job losses with the implication not just of playing staff going.

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Green and McCoist are saying they don't have enough players but, correct me if I'm wrong, do they not have over 30 players on their books, admittedly the vast bulk under 21? Accies (sorry!) have a very young squad,(our third oldest player has just turned 21), and that's for the giddy heights of the First Division. Make do with what you've got, cut your cloth accordingly, and you might win a bit of respect on the way back up.

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Moses McNeil of RangersMedia about to be on Talksport

this is hilarious. might have to listen to talksport now.

just for a good chuckle

Well done Moses for using the phrase "the bottom line". Who the fucking f**k was the knob agreeing with him saying that they should go straight back where they were, at the top of the tree? *isn't a facepalm smiley big enough*

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They would all lose different numbers of points though.

Celtic (31)

Motherwell (21)

Dundee Utd (20)

Hearts (17)*

St Johnstone (17)

Killie (16)

St Mirren (14)*

Aberdeen (14)

Inverness (13)

Hibs (11)

Ross County (10)

Dundee (10)

*assuming that totals are rounded down for X.3333.

So :ph34r::ph34r:

Even if Celtic were the only team to do this this season, going on last seasons points totals and deductions(see above), they'd still have won the league, or be on the same points as Motherwell but no doubt would have had the better Goal Difference or the better results against 'well.

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I genuinely feel for staff likely to lose their jobs. Sandy Jardine however can just fcuk off. A club in administration since Feb 14, who made zero compulsory redundacies, but kept a 'club ambassador' on the payroll who was frankly a complete and utter embarrassment to his club? No wonder sympathy was thin on the ground.

As for the back cover of their 'keep us in the SPL' begging document... Dear oh dear.

They were their own worst enemy, they really were.

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It wasn't the headline I was talking about but this bit:

'While the playing staff has already been reduced drastically, it would seem that there will have to be further cuts.

"There will be jobs going - the implications are huge," explained Green.'

This is the first time that anyone at the club has spoken about job losses with the implication not just of playing staff going.

Surely this is common sense you can't have 50+ non playing staff in the SFL3 most clubs probably have a handful at most and they will be part time / volunteers SEVCO need to get real these cuts should of been made months ago in administration

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They'd also have a job playing any football in Scotland while suspended - SFA appoint referees. I'd imagine if they tried to play away friendlies abroad, SFA could also stick their oar in with UEFA or FIFA if they had no means of preventing them playing directly.

Insurance would be biggest obstacle! Cayou imagine a multi million pound player getting his leg broken in a friendly by mcculloch?? Noone will want to play them Just fantasy land.

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Are there many 'staff' still there ????

Bet more than a few would've been on their toes as soon as this looked likely, I know I would've been.

I'd imagine most tasks(merch shop/catering/admin) would've been contracted out to agencies anyway.

Saves paying closed season retainers?

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1342473964[/url]' post='6438218']

Are there many 'staff' still there ????

Bet more than a few would've been on their toes as soon as this looked likely, I know I would've been.

I'd imagine most tasks(merch shop/catering/admin) would've been contracted out to agencies anyway.

Saves paying closed season retainers?

Wasn't that part of their problem? Anything that turned a profit was farmed out so they made less than they should have!

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I genuinely feel for staff likely to lose their jobs. Sandy Jardine however can just fcuk off. A club in administration since Feb 14, who made zero compulsory redundacies, but kept a 'club ambassador' on the payroll who was frankly a complete and utter embarrassment to his club? No wonder sympathy was thin on the ground.

As for the back cover of their 'keep us in the SPL' begging document... Dear oh dear.

They were their own worst enemy, they really were.

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Surely this is common sense you can't have 50+ non playing staff in the SFL3 most clubs probably have a handful at most and they will be part time / volunteers SEVCO need to get real these cuts should of been made months ago in administration

They should have, but the whole bet by Green/Sevco etc. was that they would, at worst, be in the 1st for a season and then pop right back up with minimal casualties. Hence, the fudge to avoid any staff, playing or otherwise, going. And that's clearly a position that has been held up until today. It's finally hitting home to them that this is happening.

Green must be wondering how he can make any cash out of this now.

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