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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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their catering/merchandise operations were already sold up the Swannee by Minty?

I assume that this is void given the collapse of oldco. The outsourced caterers and merchandisers are just another bunch of creditors who will see tuppence back after H&D are done with the liquidation proceeds. Presumably this also means they're not on the Sevco payroll, so other grumpy bottle-blonde teenagers will need to be press-ganged into burger service. Broadfoot can maybe miss the half-time talk to punt up the stairs and ensure they're sufficiently whipped.

Not a terrible piece, but somewhat uncritical considering that David Conn has been the authoritative source on Leeds's shenanigans for quite some time.

If everyone else survived, I thought they would. They still might.

Portsmouth's odds on survival are fairly slim right now as well. Darlington were given no lifelines prior to their resurrection either (indeed they even precipitated a ban on phoenix clubs using "AFC Oldco" to retain a relation with the past). The honeymoon may be over.

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Underlying a lot of these shenanigans is the issue of what a football club actually is.

Is this me slyly digging at 'Rangers FC' claims to keep its history? No. We can't sort this out for Rangers now by a change of rules - whether 'Rangers' are a new club, a continuation of the old club, or whatever is something that will have to be decided in the absence of rules or a system. But with the likelihood of other clubs facing financial woes, a ready answer to the question "when does a club cease to be that club" would be very useful.

Great post. I spent some time discussing this issue with friends at the weekend and we struggled to get a handle on it. It seems to be something immaterial, but that isn't particularly useful when you have to make some concrete decisions based on it.

I think there's two views you can take on Rangers with respect to the ongoing SFA discussions might inform a future definition. Namely:

  • Companies are what matter. Rangers are dead. Sevco are therefore a new club (in which case they should be nowhere near a league).
  • Sevco can somehow "become" Rangers, if they're willing to inherit the crimes, punishments and sanctions imposed on the previous club.

There seems to be some kind of merit in the second approach, however the distinction being made between paying back all debt vs paying back footballing debt only doesn't sit well with me. Equally, the idea that the company is the club also has some merit, but also doesn't seem entirely satisfactory.

Even with my own biases I'm not entirely convinced that Sevco and Rangers are one and the same thing.

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Am I the only person here who still can't fully celebrate until the whistle blows on the first day of the season? Christ I must be really negative lol.

Nope, I'm right there with you. If you don't admit the possibility of a good outcome, you're probably just an average Joe who's been smacked in the face by life once too often. It's where we all are at the moment. Once the season kicks off, it's all locked in - we've got half as much sectarian shite to deal with, and SFL3 gets to welcome a new team. GET THAT, ORCS? A new team. The Old Firm is dead. We really can look forward to a new era. And if Kille have to go part-time? We've been there before, but if we get a new Tommy McLean or Gordon Smith, he's not leaving for buttons.

Forza Diddii!

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You know what's fucking brilliant at 37 minutes past midnight on Fairs Monday when you've got work tomorrow? Seagulls chasing each other down the street for a shag outside your window.

Either that or it's social unrest set to break loose like something out of 'The Birds'...

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Ahahaha the brains trust on FF wants to use the RFFF money to hire Donald Findlay QC and investigate Giovanni Di Stefano's claims about the missing millions.

Donald would charge them?

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I just remembered aswell, the last friendly they had for charity Rangers (oldco) took something daft like only 10% of the money went to charity, the rest to Rangers (oldco)


Aye, that's the kind of thing that that kind of person would remember. I'd have thought it would piss Milan off more than anyone else, but then I've never been the bully's best mate.

FFS let it go. We concentrate on wrongdoing on here, no whataboutery.

Enrico, you're letting yourself down, you're letting your club down.......

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