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Me? I like 'The Blue Sea of Ibrox'. Didn't hear it yesterday.

Then you're easily offended. The 'plastic Irish guff' may be shite and may be inappropriate but to call it offensive? Surely not!

I was asked a cretinous question, "Can you say what else was sung? No I thought not."

I have no issue in listing what I heard, despite what the w****r of a poster thought. This is what I've done.

I never quoted you, or queried your reply to another poster. Out of interest though. What does Northern Ireland's history have to do with a Ramsdens Cup first round tie between two lower league Scottish sides?

I genuinely would appreciate an answer.

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Guest Kincardine

Yet another The Rangers gloss over......with the most offensive one being left off your list.Say what you like but the famine song was also sung yesterday....we heard it even if you didn't. As for the ones you did list,The Sash and Fathers Advice are definitely offensive,especially when a dead Irish hunger striker gets brought into it,and yes,that was also heard yesterday...as was calling Celtic fans F..... B.......

I am not glossing over anything. I listed the songs that I heard. I did this despite the wankerish poster saying "can you tell me....I thought not." I included songs that some would find unsavoury.

I know 'father's advice' includes, "f**k Bobby Sands; he's deed" as an add-on.

I wasn't asked to justify - I was told that I wouldn't give a list. I did.

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I never quoted you, or queried your reply to another poster. Out of interest though. What does Northern Ireland's history have to do with a Ramsdens Cup first round tie between two lower league Scottish sides?

I genuinely would appreciate an answer.

I wouldn't hold my breath on this one Poz.....i have a feeling of another gloss over about to strike.

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I think I've worked this out... Andy Cameron must be a Bun from the year 2039, where he's lying in a coma after being shot at the post-match dinner after Rangers' fourth Champions League triumph.

Now he's woken up in 2012 to a strange and backward world in which people somehow believe that Rangers have died after perpetrating the worst criminal scandal in the history of British sport.

Nobody believes Andy's wild theories about his team's innocence; Mark Daly keeps popping up on the TV talking about fraud and theft worst of all, Rangers are playing in the third division.

Is Andy dead or dreaming? What is this strange and horrible place? And, will the Rangers ever cough up a penny of the cash that they stole from clubs all over Europe?

Spoilers - Andy is a tool, this is reality and Ally McCoist is more likely to become a supermodel than Undead Rangers are to return any of the cash they stole.

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Not sure if that's alleged to be the trip in question... but was it ever established why Lawell (not even on SPL Board) went to London to participate in TV discussions, if infact he did?

It may have had something to do with Celtic's 1764 Bars & 383 Supporters Clubs in 70 countries around the world - all of those Bars and Clubs subscribe to Sports Channels via Sky Broadcasting in order to watch Celtic matches. wink.gif Each of those Bars and Clubs individually pay a lot more for their subscriptions than you and i do. The combined total income from all of their subscriptions will be massive for Sky Broadcasting. Lawell is also a sound businessman with negotiating skills. He has greater experience as a businessman and negotiator than anyone else working within Scottish football today. I would be surprised if he was not involved with others in the negotiations with Sky Broadcasting for the benefit of all Scottish clubs.


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I am not glossing over anything. I listed the songs that I heard. I did this despite the wankerish poster saying "can you tell me....I thought not." I included songs that some would find unsavoury.

I know 'father's advice' includes, "f**k Bobby Sands; he's deed" as an add-on.

I wasn't asked to justify - I was told that I wouldn't give a list. I did.

So will it be fair to say that it was just another same old day out for the travelling support,same songs and bigoted pish they always do.What happened to the lets start afresh in division 3,so we can clean the slate....aye right,your fans well and truly shit on that new slate with the way they acted yesterday.

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Guest Pampered Adolescent

I never quoted you, or queried your reply to another poster. Out of interest though. What does Northern Ireland's history have to do with a Ramsdens Cup first round tie between two lower league Scottish sides?

I genuinely would appreciate an answer.

It's 0100 local time for me,and soon off to bed. I'm no Sevco or Sellic apologist by any means. However, If I went on the Tartan Army thread and asked why in the mid 2000s, I heard 'Doe A Deer'' being sung in Milan and Skopje, would I get a sensible answer?

In the days, did people really think that Frank McGarvey's wife was a prostitute or Peter Grant was a homosexual?

Yes, society has moved on. UK/Scottish society at a pace so slow that Stephen Hawking is trying to invent new scientific terms to accurately describe.....



Edited: correct spelling of the animal.....

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Said a father to his son

"Oh my boy the time has come"

Your country it is calling unto thee

For those rebels once again

To unite us is their aim

And together we must stand to keep her free


Remember, our fathers brave and bold

As they fought for Ulsters cause in far off lands

Oh my father said to me "I must join the Y.C.V"

With a rifle or a pistol in my hand

From Belfast to Armagh

Carade to old Crossgar

From Ballymena to old Omagh town

With their standards flying high

As it was in days gone by

We will rally round the flag for liberty


Come all you Volunteers

Let us fight and never fear

Just like our fathers did so long ago

Though i'm sixteen years of age

In the Volunteers i'll engage

Like our fathers did so many years ago

hmm... ph34r.gif

Is there not another verse about triumphing over a load of diddy teams to win the Ramsden Cup ?

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Notwithstanding that some folk find The Sash offensive, I heard them sing the song with the line about "we hate Celtic, f***** b*****ds" loud and clear. Was that on your list?

No you didn't. You've just got a bigoted agenda against Rangers :rolleyes:

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Not sure if that's alleged to be the trip in question... but was it ever established why Lawell (not even on SPL Board) went to London to participate in TV discussions, if infact he did?

STV reporting that Lawwell, Doncaster, Duncan Fraser (Aberdeen) & Kenny Cameron (Inverness) are part of a "steering group" which was set up to discuss commercial contracts.

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Guest Kincardine

I never quoted you, or queried your reply to another poster. Out of interest though. What does Northern Ireland's history have to do with a Ramsdens Cup first round tie between two lower league Scottish sides?

I genuinely would appreciate an answer.

Pretty simple really. Northern Ireland's history has nothing to do with "a Ramsdens Cup first round tie". You know this of course.

What you want to ask, really, is why Gers fans sing loyalist songs. The answer is simple. Many of us see ourselves as Protestant and Unionist. Many like to celebrate the revolution of 1688/1690. We also despise IRA supporters/sympathisers. Both are reflected in some of our songs.

I think it's perfectly ok for people to reflect political views through football clubs/songs/chants. Trying to deny that because it has nothing to do with a pawn shop is idiotic.

How much of a gloss was that?

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STV reporting that Lawwell, Doncaster, Duncan Fraser (Aberdeen) & Kenny Cameron (Inverness) are part of a "steering group" which was set up to discuss commercial contracts.

Won't someone think of the bigotry.


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STV reporting that Lawwell, Doncaster, Duncan Fraser (Aberdeen) & Kenny Cameron (Inverness) are part of a "steering group" which was set up to discuss commercial contracts.

Something I advocated hunners' and hunners' of pages ago. I advocated not allowing the Cockwomble to go anywhere near Sky TVs offices alone, with only a pen and an unsigned TV contract for company.

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Pretty simple really. Northern Ireland's history has nothing to do with "a Ramsdens Cup first round tie". You know this of course.

What you want to ask, really, is why Gers fans sing loyalist songs. The answer is simple. Many of us see ourselves as Protestant and Unionist. Many like to celebrate the revolution of 1688/1690. We also despise IRA supporters/sympathisers. Both are reflected in some of our songs.

I think it's perfectly ok for people to reflect political views through football clubs/songs/chants. Trying to deny that because it has nothing to do with a pawn shop is idiotic.

How much of a gloss was that?

In 2012 - Precisely 'Why' !? wink.gif The IRA disbanded 7 years ago so your reference to them today is a moot point.

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Pretty simple really. Northern Ireland's history has nothing to do with "a Ramsdens Cup first round tie". You know this of course.

What you want to ask, really, is why Gers fans sing loyalist songs. The answer is simple. Many of us see ourselves as Protestant and Unionist. Many like to celebrate the revolution of 1688/1690. We also despise IRA supporters/sympathisers. Both are reflected in some of our songs.

I think it's perfectly ok for people to reflect political views through football clubs/songs/chants. Trying to deny that because it has nothing to do with a pawn shop is idiotic.

How much of a gloss was that?

Well you may think it's fine to reflect your political views at football...just a pity many will disagree with you.So if its fine as you say,what would you say if a load of your fans start singing songs about the gays and lesbians being persecuted in not being allowed same sex marriages...thats politics as well..

There is a time and place for politics,and it is certainly not at a football match.

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Pretty simple really. Northern Ireland's history has nothing to do with "a Ramsdens Cup first round tie". You know this of course.

What you want to ask, really, is why Gers fans sing loyalist songs. The answer is simple. Many of us see ourselves as Protestant and Unionist. Many like to celebrate the revolution of 1688/1690. We also despise IRA supporters/sympathisers. Both are reflected in some of our songs.

I think it's perfectly ok for people to reflect political views through football clubs/songs/chants. Trying to deny that because it has nothing to do with a pawn shop is idiotic.

How much of a gloss was that?

In fairness Kincardine, that was a straight and honest answer, with little attempt to gloss over matters.

However it was a fucking depressing read for anyone who doesn't instinctively despise Catholics.

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What level of idiocy is this? If you want a list of the songs I heard being sung then simply ask me and I'll happily tell you what I heard.

How can you possibly say, in one post, "Can you tell me? No I didn't think so."

I heard the following songs:

Follow Follow

The Sash

Rule Britannia


The Bluebells are Blue

Ally McCoist's Blue Army

Super Ally

4 Men had a Dream

A Father's Advice

The Bouncy

Can you tell me which of those are in the slightest bit offensive? No, I didn't think so.


If these are the kind of songs you are happy for Scottish schoolkids to be brought up on i despair.

Go and just do us all a favour and get your pishy club to f**k

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