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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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0-1 Real Saints.

I understand your eagerness, clearly there is a semi on developing, but when it comes to the game you are talking about it's more likely to end a draw than anything else.

Onto the Rangers thing, anyone willing to give me the skinny in a sentence or two?

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capital R, is that Real as in Real Madrid, meaning Royal :o

Keeping it on topic.

Ric, St Mirren have been subject to an approach from an official representative of Rangers (unsure what capacity) with a view to buying. Gimour knocked it into touch, Chick Young shot his plums.

Re: Admin - Administrators taking it back to court as a technicality with the FSA/ Rangers selling financial products meant that they had to seek permission to administrate. Pretty much a formality, but in the meantime they will be known as Interim managers rather than administrators. Some buns wet their frilly wee knickers thinking that as the administration was invalid they would be rewarded their 10 point but this proved fruitless as the ruling is "an insolvency event" rather than straightforward administration.

3 bids in for the club with another expected today (despite Friday's deadline??). Admin, sorry, interim managers to seek completion by May. We need the tax hammer.

Edited by Fife Saint
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Guest Kincardine

Without reading loads of pages on here or following the chain of stories on the BBC, can someone give a quick summary of what the current situation is?

We may not be in administration - but we're not sure.

If we're not actually in admin then our admin will be backdated to when we should have gone in admin in the first place. Probably.

Yesterday was the deadline for bids for the club. At least two were received - both were conditional.

There may be another bid after the deadline, making nonsense of the idea of a deadline.

Hope this helps.

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Ric, St Mirren have been subject to an approach from an official representative of Rangers (unsure what capacity) with a view to buying. Gimour knocked it into touch, Chick Young shot his plums.

Just showing why we are a beacon of shining light in the murky night of modern footballing finances. Personally I feel we would be better restoring links with Barcelona. Not only was this the site of our first European trophy (don't worry I've explained what one of those are) they have also been very complimentary regarding Lennon's Barcelona-esque playing style. Pep Guardiola has been known to discuss St Mirren in the informal terms of "My brother Danny". Obviously this is not a literal statement, but conveys the level of regard with which one of the biggest clubs in the world hold us.

** A trophy is normally made out of metal, sometimes with a wooden base, and is used to signify that a team had succeeded in winning a tournament (whether in league or knockout format).

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Rangers chant of "If you hate Neil Lennon clap your hands", today met by the Arab response "If you LOVE Craig Whyte clap your hands". :lol:

Noticeable today that a few (only a few, to be fair) orcs were singing "the sash" and TBB. A minority, to be sure, but the "decent majority" didn't shout them down at all, letting the songs be heard loud and clear on SKY. Not as clear as the Arabs' Andy Walker chant, mind :D


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They're simply oozing class at the thought of next week over on This thread on RM:

It's going to be absolute poison next week. Not for the faint hearted and if I was a rattler I would not be looking forward to it from personal safety side of things. Their players will be well aware the risk they run if they act the fud. Lennon won't but I've always thought he'll come to a sticky end so days like this have all the ingredients for this to happen.

Scary bunch of animals really.

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It would be very pleasing if Celtic won the league at Ibrox :lol:

Personally, I couldn't care less who wins the league, where or when (when it's the OF involved) but it's quite frightening what's going through the minds of some of those folk, it really could be absolute carnage on a never before seen scale and I don't like it at all. None of us like the OF, but when people are issuing death threats, sending bombs etc it just makes me so sad for the state of our game and country, nobody deserves that, it's a f**king disgrace and indicative of a total lack of perspective.

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Looks like Leggy's losing it.


Alex Thomson it seems is just a philmacg............... puppet or should that be clown? Ogie is whiter than Whyte (wouldn't be hard) and Channel Four are just there to do an Irish hatchet job on the Queen's favourite fitba' team (once they pay their taxes). Fortunately for us Leggy doesn't recognise the diddy teams in Scotland or else he would be calling us all total sh*tebags. He must be good because just like a thoroughbred racehorse he is blinkered so he can only see straight ahead and anything that goes on around is just ignored.

Why though does his blogspot send us to a French website? Is he banned from having a site in the UK?

:lol: What planet goes this guy live on

Lawwell should also declare, without ambiguity, that he knows Campbell Ogilvie and knows him to be a decent, honest and honourable man. As everyone who knows Ogilvie knows him to be

Same goes for Rangersmedia, why can't they accept everything happening to them is down to Rangers and Rangers alone, It's got nothing to do with Celtic or the SFA & SPL.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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I'll have a look for it later but the thing is that McGeoch is apparently still a favourite to take over:


That's minus Withey, though. McGeoch has declined to use his services further.

The McGeoch bid was first made public in September (ironically the day we were due to play St Johnstone!) and had been getting worked on for some time before that. He is a St Mirren fan and has been on the board for years - think he was part of the consortium that saved the club from Reg Brealey back in 1998.

His mistake - and it's a biggy - seems to be using the same lawyer that handled Craig Whyte's takeover of Rangers. The board have decided they want nothing to do with that, which is fair enough. Amusing seeing suggestions from folk that he was the frontman for a bid from Whyte or that it is a takeover from the Rangers lawyer/Whyte himself. That's just utter bollocks.

Some of McGeoch's consortium may have been planning to turn us into Newco Rangers once they got in the door but I seriously doubt that is the motive of a man who has been on the board for about 15 years.

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