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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A shame that guys like Stoney, Dhenseboy, Bairnforever, the Jakey, Norman etc have turned this one grandiose thread into a complete travesty. It had so much promise too.

This thread has been a shadow of itself since the Rangers trolls like Bendaroch and Tedi turned up and turned it into a never ending cycle of 'your deid', 'no we're not', 'club and company are one and the same', 'no they're not', 'plastics and diddies what are they like' Old Firm whataboutery with the gloating Celts. Most of the decent posters have been chased away by uber-deflection and various other p!sh like lame attempts at giving posters you don't agree with playground nicknames.

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This thread has been a shadow of itself since the Rangers trolls like Bendaroch and Tedi turned up and turned it into a never ending cycle of 'your deid', 'no we're not', 'club and company are one and the same', 'no they're not', 'plastics and diddies what are they like' Old Firm whataboutery with the gloating Celts. Most of the decent posters have been chased away by uber-deflection and various other p!sh like lame attempts at giving posters you don't agree with playground nicknames.

Bendarroch and Tedi are two of the better posters on P&B and i don't see how you can object to Rangers fans posting on the Rangers in the SFL forum? They and other Gers fans are posting in the correct part of P&B, unlike others i could mention and despite endless posts about sevco they've stuck around and posted some meaningful posts in amongst the clutter.

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This thread has been a shadow of itself since the Rangers trolls like Bendaroch and Tedi turned up and turned it into a never ending cycle of 'your deid', 'no we're not', 'club and company are one and the same', 'no they're not', 'plastics and diddies what are they like' Old Firm whataboutery with the gloating Celts. Most of the decent posters have been chased away by uber-deflection and various other p!sh like lame attempts at giving posters you don't agree with playground nicknames.

This thread was a complete nonsense long before I arrived on P&B. Some of the pish posted as 'fact' is unbelievable. Literally - because huge swathes of opinions guising as fact are on offer.

A few more Rangers fans turn up and start answering back, rejecting the pish, and all sorts of toys are thrown from the pram in response.

Not that I mind, of course, because we understand the fascination for The Rangers. As this very thread illustrates with perfect clarity - we are the news.

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I'm not suggesting they don't reply or they are in the wrong place but I've yet to see them add anything meaningful or constructive, just endless cycles of repetitive pish, deflection and opinions masquerading as facts. The other side of the arse have been equally guilty. The only thing I've learned since they started on here is that 'plastics' is a nickname for Celtic fans and that if you want to suggest someone is Cellik-minded then you stick an h in their name somewhere.

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Ally McCoist chokes to death while eating a maggot infested pie and passes over to the other side. Karma shows him to his new dwelling and it is a filthy rundown shack with an old tattered Union Jack hanging over the front door. McCoist isn't too happy with this at all. He looks off into the distance and sees a beautiful mansion with a massive Saltire hanging over the doorway. McCoist thinks to himself, "Craig Levein must have died too" and so he says to Karma, "I don't mean to be ungrateful, but how come Craig gets that gorgeous mansion for a home and all I get is this rundown shack?" Karma replies, dry.gif "That's not Craig's home you hypocritical bigoted lying speck of shite, that's mine!."

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As this very thread illustrates with perfect clarity - we are the news.

Why do you wear this badge with so much pride? Fred West was the news, Harold Shipman was the news, and I bet their pals didn't walk about gloating about how they knew the guy that was getting people talking.

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So do any of you pay tax? If yes then why are you defending a corrupt cheating b*****d of a club that only attracts shysters.

BDO for next week can be the final coffin for Ra'gers.

Sevco fans wtf are they like. smile.gif

I know this may be quite difficult for you but without going into an argument over same club,different club, can you clarify this; after The Rangers Football Club plc is formally liquidated (this week as you put it,although you've been saying the same for weeks now) will The Rangers Football Club Limited still be in situ at Ibrox as the owners and operators of a football club,known to many,the football authorities included, as The Rangers,the proper name of the club. A yes or no will suffice.

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Bendy and Bendar talk so much nonsense it's not real. Poor Bennett seems to be carrying some sort of delusion that he has made a meaningful contribution to this thread and that it's all gone downhill.

Sorry to disappoint the Bendy twins but the man purpose of this thread s is to report on the demise of that supposedly great football club .. you know the one that couldn't hack it with the big boys in Europe despite the 140 years of existence .. laughable .. but I digress.

The thread is here so we can have a laugh and giggle at your old club's fall from upper echelons of the Scottish game and to enjoy watching the Orc masses squirm. On the latter purpose you provide such entertainment BennyBhoy since you and your sidekick provide us with hours of laughter as you defend the indefensible (Tedi FiveStars walked away) and somehow in your mind .. your winning the fight: but as with all Orcs son .. you are simply deluded.

The Benny brothers .. the gift that keeps on giving ...

Will the three amigos ever be complete again .... Tedi FiveStars

Again with the homophobia, what a hateful little man boy you are.

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I know this may be quite difficult for you but without going into an argument over same club,different club, can you clarify this; after The Rangers Football Club plc is formally liquidated (this week as you put it,although you've been saying the same for weeks now) will The Rangers Football Club Limited still be in situ at Ibrox as the owners and operators of a football club,known to many,the football authorities included, as The Rangers,the proper name of the club. A yes or no will suffice.

Are you a member of said club? A yes or no will suffice.

Do you know any members of said club? A yes or no will suffice.

If you aren't a member and don't know any members, can you tell us why not? A little bit of explanation would be helpful.

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This is the Company that is being liquidated.

My link The clues come under Company Information. As in;Type,Public Limited Company. As in; Company Status; In Administration.

You've posted a link showing that the club you used to support has changed its name and is due to be liquidated. Well done!

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.... Orcs wtf are they like ... :lol::lol::lol:

Those of them who post in The Pie Shop are mostly as thick as manure and only less than half as useful, hence the reason why i have most of them, if not all yet, on my ignore list so as i don't have to see their deluded bigoted biased troll posts. I seriously doubt that you could trust any of them to suck butter from your ass no matter how much you payed them. wink.gif

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Absolutely nothing homophobic about it .. I simply now know it annoys you Brenda .. you're the one that kept disrespecting people ... So why should I worry about paying you any sort of respect to you or to your sexual preferences .. (really could not give a crap whether you are or are not Bennett as it's simply of no concern to me ).

If you don't like your preferences being a subject on here Bennett then maybe you should consider not using camp innuendo and also talking about people wanking themselves into a frenzy .. Hey I'm a big boy (no pun intended :lol: ) so I laughed it off ... what men do BennyBhoy ..

So I'll give you a clue here Brenda .. treat others with respect and you might find it returned ...

Otherwise do me a favour you big Jessie, take your indignation and jog on ... :P;)

Yes, how dare someone be openly gay in your little hate fueled world, such a lack of tolerance is frankly disgusting.

And you still have the audacity to labal others as bigots, what a hypocrite you are.

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A shame that guys like Stoney, Dhenseboy, Bairnforever, the Jakey, Norman etc have turned this one grandiose thread into a complete travesty. It had so much promise too.

This thread has been a shadow of itself since the Rangers trolls like Bendaroch and Tedi turned up and turned it into a never ending cycle of 'your deid', 'no we're not', 'club and company are one and the same', 'no they're not', 'plastics and diddies what are they like' Old Firm whataboutery with the gloating Celts. Most of the decent posters have been chased away by uber-deflection and various other p!sh like lame attempts at giving posters you don't agree with playground nicknames.

Bendarroch and Tedi are two of the better posters on P&B and i don't see how you can object to Rangers fans posting on the Rangers in the SFL forum? They and other Gers fans are posting in the correct part of P&B, unlike others i could mention and despite endless posts about sevco they've stuck around and posted some meaningful posts in amongst the clutter.

Totally agree with ribzanelli here. For Bennett to describe the other two amigos, Tedi and Bendarroch, as "two of the better posters" really does beggar belief. For all Bennett's faults, and Lord knows there are many, at least he has spent a little bit of time on here. Not one for reasoned debate, but he has been around for a while. His two wee cheerleaders didn't crawl out from under their stones until the Tribute Act got clearance to play. They obviously thought that the story was over, ra gers were back on the park, and all was right with the world.

Bennett undermines any sensible points he may wish to make, not only by his selective memory and faux-sensitivity on selected forms of discrimination, but also, as ribzanelli states, a basic lack of respect towards fellow posters by the use of snide nicknames. If you want to insult posters, Bennett, why not use factual and grown-up terms, you lying bigot?

The thread has gone off the boil in recent times, mainly because there isn't a great deal going on in the continuing story of rangers' downfall. This will change in the near future. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of "t"s being crossed and "i"s being dotted in legal and administrative offices across the land. There won't be any "not in the list of punishments" loopholes this time round. When the shit does hit the fan, I'm confident Granny Danger, Pozbaird, and the rest will be back to get us back to some decent discussion. Pity Tedi and Bendarroch won't be around to read it....

And Bennett? This is the correct part of this site to discuss the death throes of rangers - read the thread title. You just want to talk to like minded peepul? f**k off to Follow Follow or rangersmedia - they'll think you're a mental giant!

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Amazing stuff.

I'd really like to congratulate all plastics on their sudden concern for the welfare of the British Armed forces. I'm sure there will be a bumper year at darkhead for the poppy sellers as the keyboard warriors rush to fill the collection cans. Oh wait...


If ever there was one reason to dismiss this complete and fake outrage over our situation, it must surely be the contrived, angered reference to the potential sums denied to the inland revenue services. Not least because the BTC has not concluded and may yet go our way.

But, most Rangers fans know the truth of the matter - the diddies and plastics wanted us dead. Didn't happen, of course, and it's extremely difficult not to rejoice in the magnificent, straw-clutching desperation to make something - anything - stick as this thread descends into a tat for tits piss-take.

Who doesn't smile at Bhairnforever proving that it is possible to be even thicker than dhensebhore?

Once in a while, you want to read your drivel before posting - that's another ironymeter you've fucked.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Yes, how dare someone be openly gay in your little hate fueled world, such a lack of tolerance is frankly disgusting.

And you still have the audacity to labal others as bigots, what a hypocrite you are.

Simple question, Bennett.

What the f**k does anyone's sexuality have to do with rangers dying, or indeed football in general? Ten words or fewer, bigot.

BTW, that's "label".

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Still doesn't get it .... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's f*** all to do with your sexual preferences you jackass. Are your comprehension skills really as poor as Tedi FiveStars ?

It's all in your post, you have a problem with posters being openly gay, behind closed doors is a thing of the past and if you don't like it my homophobic little friend then thats your problem.

Not to mention the discriminatory words for gays that you seem to find accpetable.

so i suggest you stop playing the bigotry card at every turn if you want me to stop pulling you up for this.

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