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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh boy, this just HAS TO get them down south p***king up their ears, surely?

"... and Aston Villa, who are completely useless,...."

Over to you Brummies. :)

Was thinking that myself reading the article, great way to gain friends down south. After pissing all over scottish football in a hissy fit great idea to piss all over the English clubs too.

They must be shaking in their boots over a scottish fourth tier diddy outfit. laugh.gif

In fat sallys own words 'who are these people'

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Looking forward to it.....


Well, nae show withoot Punch!!!!! Hit the baby on the head, that's the way to do it. ( A saga of domestic abuse and Police assault, a bit like Govan on a Saturday night when The Rangers lose to another extreme diddy club)

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From today's Daily Mail. :

'How can Manchester United's revenues be £320million and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250?

Not so useless when it comes to paying taxes and small creditors

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The latest Green interview is genuinely hilarious. It could be written on this forum as a parody and piece and look better.

I think he's being clever though, pandering to the morons that follow the club hoping they will invest while knowing all along there's zero chance of this European league fantasy.

Totally agree he's playing a blinder and GFS retards will lap it up

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The latest Green interview is genuinely hilarious. It could be written on this forum as a parody and piece and look better.

I think he's being clever though, pandering to the morons that follow the club hoping they will invest while knowing all along there's zero chance of this European league fantasy.

There are parallels with Romanov and the less intelligent amongst our support

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European Super League would surely have the super teams in it?

Rangers (old co) were and still are ranked about 87, this would put them in the conference div, if was a 18 team set up. Why oh why would they ever be invited the the top 18 teams???

As for Sevco, they don't even exist in the ranking, but I suppose as a forth div club in Scotland, they would be swanned in without a question been asked, as they have a proud history and well run club, oops what no history? and no accounts? well run for a few months? maybe naw.

ps Welcome back Poz, you have been missed (I'm sure you have been watching the past hunner pages of shite, tit for tat), c'mon diddies we can take this thread back!

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Representing a team so keen to harp on about past history he's picked a strange choice in Villa. Aston Villa are one of an elite group of seven clubs that has played in every Premiership season. They are fifth in the All-time FA Premier League table, and have the fourth highest total of major honours won by an English club with 20 wins.

...and as mentioned the useless gits have one of these post-9889-0-19296700-1350045087_thumb.jp

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I can't believe that so many so called sensible posters can't take Greens salesmanship with a pinch of salt and are slethering and frothing at mouth over every word :rolleyes:

Oh and isn't this the big BDO day © Bairnforever.

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Questor share tips: Avoid Rangers like prune juice, for now

teleg3_102127.jpgBy Jamie Dunkley | Telegraph

Rangers Football Club

Yet to price

Questor says Avoid

Sir Alan Sugar once claimed that football was governed by “prune juice economics” money comes in at one end and goes out of the other before it can be properly digested.

The former owner of Tottenham Hotspur (Berlin: TTN.BE -news) warned the beautiful game was spiralling out of control and insisted that extravagant player wages and agents’ fees would send clubs across Britain into ruin.

Rangers Football Club is a perfect example of this, collapsing in June after years of profligate spending.

The company, which went into administration owing about £134m to creditors, was bought by a consortium led by businessman Charles Green and now plans to raise up to £20m by listing 50pc to 60pc of its shares on the London Stock Exchange.

Football clubs are typically poor investments and struggle to make profits and pay dividends. Because of this, Questor has always advised investors to steer clear if you want exposure to football buy a season ticket or a subscription to Sky Sports or ESPN. You’ll almost certainly get more reward.

Only Arsenal and Celtic (LSE: CCP.L - news) are now listed in the UK, with Manchester United making an unspectacular return to the public markets when it listed on the New York Stock Exchange in August.

In Rangers’ defence, it is important to note that the company’s IPO prospectus is unlikely to be published until the end of the month. Mr Green believes this will provide a compelling case for investors and claims City investors are already interested in backing the club.

Administration means the company is now debt free.

The football club owns its 51,000-seater Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow and the nearby 38-acre Murray Park training ground and plans to develop this land over the coming years.

Not only this, but with 36,000 season-ticket holders and an estimated fan base of 5m people, revenue streams should not be too hard to find. Relegation to the fourth tier of Scottish football means that players’ wages stand at about 30pc of turnover, compared with local rival Celtic, which spends about 60pc of its turnover on wages, according to Rangers.

Questor is not about to break the habit of a lifetime and suggest retail investors start ploughing their hard-earned cash into football clubs.

The club’s IPO could provide fans and ambitious investors with the chance to bankroll the revival of one of Britain’s most famous clubs. Mr Green has even talked about paying dividends.

But for now, Questor remains bearish on Rangers. Football is a bit like prune juice after all.

Not sure if posted already......sounds like a winner ! tongue.gif

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I can't believe that so many so called sensible posters can't take Greens salesmanship with a pinch of salt and are slethering and frothing at mouth over every word :rolleyes:

Oh and isn't this the big BDO day © Bairnforever.

Have the Bairns not got there own troubles ?

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