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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He is using a poll that has less than 500 pollsters....I am using polls from the major Rangers forum that had literally thousands polling and it was overwhelmingly in favour of the SFL 3 route. I think the lowest i saw that poll was somewhere in the region of 75%.

The result of the poll is not in doubt, its the timing of the poll. You perhaps have been all for Div 3 from the start but my hazy recollection is that most Rangers fans adopted this stance as a GIRUY after it was clear that SPL football wasn't going to happen.

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Hypothetically though, if the BTC was settled years ago, the desperation and fear are taken out and things might have panned out differently. All if ands buts though.

God this thread is in danger of having some people coherently putting valid points across.

Diddies and Plastics! WKR Bond (© Dhensebore)! Norman! Have the miners been paid yet! Failed social workers!

There, normal service resumed.

Again correct, but a swift resolution would have required the cooperation of the organisation contesting the huge bill it had been presented with.

Oh and em... Child Abuse, Poppies etc.

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I'm not alone in thinking that if you were cut we would see Q's magical gadgets at work green and grey blood pouring freely from the wound.

I've got more respect for the real plastics than hybrid c***s like you. Not much mind.


No. No, you're not. The respect of you and others like you is something that I strive to attain. I am profoundly devastated that you and the other spiritual residents of Bandar Log find my attitude disappointing. Unfortunately, you're just going to have to live with that for a while -

Until things start going tits up for your new club, and you crawl back under whatever rock you called home before August. Or did you magically discover P&B at the same time as Tedi?

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You can quote all the polls you want. I read Follow Follow on a daily basis and i KNOW FOR A FACT that the polls were always in favour off the division 3 route.

You were wrong about our level of debt

You were wrong about the RTC blog

Wrong to listen to corrupt lawyers and failed social workers

Wrong about the crowds we would attract

Wrong about the standard of player we would be able to bring to the club

Wrong about Rangers being a new football club

You were wrong about the outcome of the FTTT

Is there anything...anything at all you have actually been correct on?

Now I may be mistaken in lumping you in with the rest here, but we spent the summer reading linked posts from rangersMedia and Follow Follow, and mocking the knuckleheaded ignorance. I'm certainly not mistaken in remembering that a constant refrain from berrz on here was:

"Don't pay any attention to FF or rangersMedia, because the posters on there are all loons and not representative of the rangers fans."

Now maybe that just meant the constant references to conspiracies, child abuse, tarriers, the vatican, the catholic stranglehold on Scottish society, the persecution of rangers, the threats of physical violence towards anyone deemed an enemy of ra peepul, *****s, or the publishing of individuals' details (including the administrators) along with suggestions they should be "paid a visit".

Outside of all that, was there a rational debate and poll on rangers' future going on? Because I sure as hell missed it.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Yes, but what doesn't get Murray off the hook is the fact that he thought the club was in such trouble that he offered £10m for it all to go away, was desperate to ditch the club and ultimately did so for £1.

I think it's fair to say that his fear wasn't based on what some blogger was saying.

I'm no fan of Murray but, as regards the settlement offer, it's not unusual for such offers to be made when the situation is causing you major hassle and expense in any event (and no-one could have been 100% sure of the outcome - perhaps not even HMRC!).

As for the sale Murray had wanted out for years and was under pressure from the bank. As regards the price it was originally £6m or so. Then the "wee" tax case came up, a bill was agreed and Murray slashed the price to £1 effectively giving Whyte more than enough to pay that bill. But, like so many other bills, Whyte didn't pay it.

Edited by Bearwithme
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It would have hinged on the smaller creditors. Ticketus and the Bond holders would have accounted for circa 69% of the debt. I think 75% was required to approve a CVA. I can't remember if there was another substantial debt apart from that.

Total owed (from D&P Final Report) = £54,696,214 + £7,736,000 (bond holders) = £62,432,214


Ticketus (£26,711,857) + bond holders (£7,736,000) = £34,447,857 or 55.17%

HMRC excluding BTC = £21,376,767 or 34.23%

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I am profoundly devastated that you and the other spiritual residents of Bandar Log find my attitude disappointing

We have zero disappointment in you - no surprise either.

You're a fake diddy club fan. We expect pish, lies, double standards, hate and increasingly crazed tales of your fantasy lives.

A WKR (© Dhensebhore) who commands even less respect than the soldier bhoy who sits happily amongst his IRA loving chumsters.



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We have zero disappointment in you - no surprise either.

You're a fake diddy club fan. We expect pish, lies, double standards, hate and increasingly crazed tales of your fantasy lives.

A WKR (© Dhensebhore) who commands even less respect than the soldier bhoy who sits happily amongst his IRA loving chumsters.



One last time, Bendarroch - think carefully now:

What possible reason could anyone have to pretend to be a fan of a non-bigoted club? If I was a fan of celtic, I could quite happily criticise rangers, pick up on your stupidity, mock your (lack of) intelligence, have a good chuckle at your Amigo greenie club, smile wryly as another complicated debating point sails over your head, and generally have a good time as rangers foundered around in a cesspool of their own making. Same way as I do now, really, except I get to have a go at celtic, too.

So try once more, ya bigoted wee fud, to explain this nonsense.

ETA: " increasingly crazed tales of your fantasy lives"? I think most posters on here would back me up when I say that would be more your department.

ETA(2): "we"? You and your fellow posters, or you and your secondary personalities?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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The result of the poll is not in doubt, its the timing of the poll. You perhaps have been all for Div 3 from the start but my hazy recollection is that most Rangers fans adopted this stance as a GIRUY after it was clear that SPL football wasn't going to happen.

Not only that, it was pretty clear early on as well that the Div One clubs were also going to say GIRUY.

What should also be borne in mind throughout all this is that the vast majority of non Rangers fans didn't want Rangers back in any league. The vast majority want to see Rangers completely dead.

Its the Rangers fans who want their club to play with ours - the diddy fans don't our clubs to play with Rangers.

You'd think, under that scenario, that the Rangers fans would be nice to us. Yet, its the oppopsite. Threats of retribution, boycotts, etc.

Scottish football really should have pulled the plug in the summer when it had the chance.

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ETA: " increasingly crazed tales of your fantasy lives"? I think most posters on here would back me up when I say that would be more your department.

This recent crazed tale of your fantasy, multiple personae saw you receive nothing by way of backup. From anyone at all.


I'm doing my bit to keep what angles of the investigation I can up-front and centre. It's just that P&B isn't really the place, and WRK isn't the persona, to be doing that and expect to be taken seriously by those I'm in contact with.

Dhensebhore calling you a WKR again - even with the tawdry attempt at a second excuse for it - doesn't count as back-up, by the way.


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Not this pish again.

Is this the one where Tedi uses the quotes in the poll as proof that rangers fans wanted Div3.... But refuses to accept the poll results that show otherwise, claiming it to be a flawed poll?

i'm sure he claimed that no Rangers fans wanted anything other than div3.... but when i provided a multitude of quotes to disprove this, they were rubbished as they came from follow follow or some other rangers only forum? completely ignoring the fact that it was rangers fans that made them.

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This recent crazed tale of your fantasy, multiple personae saw you receive nothing by way of backup. From anyone at all.


Dhensebhore calling you a WKR again - even with the tawdry attempt at a second excuse for it - doesn't count as back-up, by the way.


I'm doing my bit to keep what angles of the investigation I can up-front and centre. It's just that P&B isn't really the place, and WRK isn't the persona, to be doing that and expect to be taken seriously by those I'm in contact with.

Any sane person would see that as a simple statement, pointing out that I am WRK on P&B (and a couple of other sites). I have other IDs on other sites, and - wait for it - an existence in real life.

As for my real life and employment, I neither can nor wish to share details on here.

From that one statement, you have spun a fantasy of spies, secret behaviour, and undercover contacts.

Whatever floats your boat, and all that, but don't project your MPD onto innocent participants in an online debating forum, there's a good bigot.

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What possible reason could anyone have to pretend to be a fan of a non-bigoted club? If I was a fan of celtic,

So try once more, ya bigoted wee fud, to explain this nonsense.

Easy - you're a fake. Everything about you is fake.

From the tales of the savage beatings, an evil best man, the guess my pet game, selective poppygate outrage, 'I'm a spy in another life' pish - claiming folk take you seriously - it's a fake.

And worst of all - given the sordid list above - your instantly dropped lionisation of the disgraced bungler, IRA writer and the runaway tells us everything we need to know of your WKR status on here.


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Yes you are spouting pish again

You took select quotes from RM and I took all the quotes from the poll

You can bleat on about it all you want, fact remains the Majority of Rangers fans wanted SFL3 with regards to the newco

i took selected quotes because thats all i needed to do to prove you wrong. You made a sweeping generalisation suggesting that not one rangers fans wanted anything other than Div3.

i could have produced 1 quote, and it would have proved you wrong. instead i provided a selection. where the posts came from is irrelevant. They were made by rangers fans.

i'm not bleating on, i can assure you of that.

I'm glad you are now saying "the majority" of rangers fans, it at least shows that you learned from your mistake.

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Easy - you're a fake. Everything about you is fake.

A bit like The Rangers :lol:

From the tales of the savage beatings,

I was once knocked to the ground and given a kicking by Rangers fans outside Love Street, whilst shouting fenyan this and fenyan that, etc.

I was 12 or 13, standing just outside the ground after full time. My "crime" was wearing a black & white scarf and I think St. Mirren had equalised late on.

These were grown men - and hundreds of other grown Rangers fans walked on by and let it happen.

Back in those days the seggregation was poor so most Saints fans didn't wear colours when playing Rangers at home or hid them.

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A bit like The Rangers :lol:

I was once knocked to the ground and given a kicking by Rangers fans outside Love Street, whilst shouting fenyan this and fenyan that, etc.

I was 12 or 13, standing just outside the ground after full time. My "crime" was wearing a black & white scarf and I think St. Mirren had equalised late on.

These were grown men - and hundreds of other grown Rangers fans walked on by and let it happen.

Back in those days the seggregation was poor so most Saints fans didn't wear colours when playing Rangers at home or hid them.

^^^^^Tarrier fantasist

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Easy - you're a fake. Everything about you is fake.

From the tales of the savage beatings, an evil best man, the guess my pet game, selective poppygate outrage, 'I'm a spy in another life' pish - claiming folk take you seriously - it's a fake.

And worst of all - given the sordid list above - your instantly dropped lionisation of the disgraced bungler, IRA writer and the runaway tells us everything we need to know of your WKR status on here.


Post 99627 contains the quote from me which you used to back up your "spy" story. Hardly convincing, are you, even when you directly quote my post. Any back-up (other than your Amigo mates) on any of the other defamation? Nope. Maybe you could go back and find the posts where you and your mates spun the other lies, so we can all see what was actually said? Again, nope.

Mind you, if you're happy to post what still ,to me, seems a perfectly reasonable statement and extrapolate some weird Austin Powers shite from it, you probably think anything I posted could be used as backup for any of your invention. You've saved everyone the trouble of trying to work out your thought processes. "International Man of Mystery"? From that quote? Your head must be a fucking scary place. And that's the story you see fit to prove with a direct quote.laugh.gif

"Lionisation"? Nope, you've completely lost me here, as well. Any proof? Not holding my breath.

Now, several posters have complained about this thread degenerating into playground tit-for-tat recently. I have to say I agree with them. So, if you've got nothing to offer other than childish attacks on fellow users, I suggest you f**k off. Give Bennett a shout, and he'll give you a hand drafting your farewell speech.

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As for my real life and employment, I neither can nor wish to share details on here.

Not content with stealing Bhairnforever's status as P&B's go-to mentalist of choice, you now want to defend the position.

Superb! WKR Bond - we understand your need to be ever-diligent on matters of anonymity. You can rest now, and be assured that we clearly acknowledge just how seriously you are taken.


Edited by Bendarroch
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