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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So selling shares in a company that is'nt Rangers but plans to buy Rangers in time

"Upon admission, Rangers International Football Club plc will acquire Rangers Football Club Limited on the basis of a one for one share exchange and after admission Rangers International Football Club plc will be the holding company for the group."

This has scam written all over it, some of the companys listed arent exactly massive with only 1 or 2 million posted as assets at last accounts they are hardly going to invest all there cash into a non returnable

So Legal & General &Cazenove Capital aren't large companies and as this,in your unqualified opinion,has got scam written all over it we can expect to see Green and Stockbridge serving long jail sentences can we? They've hardly invested all their cash have they?

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Lets see if you get the split after tomorrows meeting

Doesn't matter,if other clubs fans want to supplement DU gate that's fine,Rangers have refused to take tickets simply because on information from the support groups the ticket sale will fail,the club hasn't refused to play the game. So tell me,if there is another boycott of an SPL ground by the support,which there will be at some point whether this season or in future,are other clubs fans going to subsidise the relevant clubs.

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Given THE Rangers strong moral stance on this matter it's the only sensible course of action .....

Emails to the SFA to let them know how the fans of other clubs view this perhaps?

So how many tickets should the club take even though they realise from information provided that there isn't going to be a supporters uptake on them.

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Because deliberately carrying on like spiteful children = bad sportsmanship, which tends to be frowned on by sporting authorities from athletics to wrestling, not to mention all decent human beings?

Ever heard the term supply and demand? Rangers may well have the supply from Dundee United but the demand isn't there from the Rangers support so makes sense not to take their supply. Tell me this,were you as critical of thiose scumbags in the green brigade that were boycotting your game v Abroath.

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I hope you find our action really, really annoying.


(deep sigh)

Yes, I know you do - you all do, by the looks of things. Where once you dreamed of Champions League glory, now you all take a kind of retarded, spiteful joy in what is basically... Trolling.

So, once again - I don't find this action *annoying*. I find it hilarious and pitiful and I hope you keep it up for a thousand years, because it makes you look like the most childish, ludicrous fannies in the game, to every football fan in Britain.

Don't let that assessment discourage you, though. You're really sticking it to thise plastics and diddies and boy, are we ever annoyed.

I'm clutching my little handbag with rage and pure *seething*, so I am.

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Doesn't matter,if other clubs fans want to supplement DU gate that's fine,Rangers have refused to take tickets simply because on information from the support groups the ticket sale will fail,the club hasn't refused to play the game. So tell me,if there is another boycott of an SPL ground by the support,which there will be at some point whether this season or in future,are other clubs fans going to subsidise the relevant clubs.

Perhaps DU should just play the game, take all the gate money and before they give The Rangers their share, call in the administrators!!!!

I know, I know - it is hardly an original idea......I don't think that Rangers have a patent on it though.

Edited by strichener
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Ever heard the term supply and demand? Rangers may well have the supply from Dundee United but the demand isn't there from the Rangers support so makes sense not to take their supply. Tell me this,were you as critical of thiose scumbags in the green brigade that were boycotting your game v Abroath.

Perhaps there would be more demand if some of your more "minority"-minded Orcs weren't planning picket lines, protests and more. Preventing their "fellow-fans" from following their team - and wondering why the rest of society thinks they're scum.

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Ever heard the term supply and demand? Rangers may well have the supply from Dundee United but the demand isn't there from the Rangers support so makes sense not to take their supply. Tell me this,were you as critical of thiose scumbags in the green brigade that were boycotting your game v Abroath.

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that I thought "thiose scumbags" were awesome and I was *totally* cheering them on.

You understand the difference between "a bunch of self-righteous fannies" organising a boycott for no sane reason, and "the owners and directors" doing the same, right?

It's like how some clubs have a lot of muppets on the terraces, but others are run by muppets, for the entertainment of muppets.

Remember that old saying, "the lunatics have taken over the asylum"? Well, Ibrox right now is like that, except it's more like "the bullshitter has taken over the asylum and is milking all the grateful lunatics for money".

And you're all singing his praises for it, as if the names "Murray" or "Whyte" had never been heard down Govan way.

It's fascinating to watch you lot fall for this stuff for the third time in, what, ten years? Magic, do keep it up.

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