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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That was meant for Rico, a true Killie fan not some deluded green and grey like yourself.

I'll keep on being a Killie fan,you keep on being an A*rshire Orc.

I'll keep on being a family man, you keep on being an outsider.

I'll keep on being open to debate, you keep on insulting and abusing.

I'll keep on being ecstatic about a trophy every decade and a half, you continue pretending 6 million was there to win the Third, and not to play the "other" at some point.

I'll keep on the alert for the next generation of the WRK family this week, you can carry on moaning about how people go on about you being gay.*

I'll keep on enjoying football at every level, because it's a beautiful game. you can carry on celebrating McCullogh's scoring record (I'm assuming it is a record).

I'll carry on being a Killie fan.

*There's only person on P&B who bangs on about Bennett being gay. Guess who? Doesn't matter a f**k to the rest of us, but you do love it when it gives you a sense of identity. Most on here don't want to share air with you, let alone bodily fluids, but that's not 'cos you're gay -


To all P&Bers - apolgies, but he just is.

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Oh aye snake, must have been those 1972 directors doing.

Tedi, is there anything, I mean anything, that your old club and their replacement/doppleganger tribute act have done, said, or tried to influence in the last twenty years that has filled you with pride?

Whoring themselves to England, despite multiple rejections,for decades? (and now threatening legal action if you can't join a party you've no been invited to )

Actually having to claim they're against bigotry - one of only two Sots clubs to have to do so. Why is that? Surely the Kille Currants and the ICT Jungle Jims are just as big a problem?

Operating a dubious (and, at press, illegal) tax scheme to attract better players than the club can afford?

Having done so, failed to dominate domestic football?

And more importantly, failed miserably in the quest that really mattered?

Claming world records left right and centre this season - and having those claims debunked within minutes?

Banging on about 225 trophies - without mentioning how many were Glasgow Cups? (We don't make a lot of noise about the Ayrshire Cup 'cos it's not that important ;) )

Shedding debt to honest local businesses, and then continuing to trade as "rangers" when their lives and businesses have been destroyed. Remember Airdrieonians? "It's only business"?

Claiming to be " debt-free" when palpably anything but.

Claiming that the existence of a "rangers" of any kind was the result of "bigotry" rather than preferential treatment.

Rooking their more gullible fans to invest in "the club" when in fact the money from the share issue was going to an entity at least two removes from the football club.

How proud are you, Tedi? Really?

On the big stage, your old club couldn't cut it. My team are shite to average, but the last ever results against rangers are 1-0 wins, home and away.

Seriously, Tedi. Stop defending the indefensible. Or we might think you're a c**t.

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Tedi, is there anything, I mean anything, that your old club and their replacement/doppleganger tribute act have done, said, or tried to influence in the last twenty years that has filled you with pride?

Whoring themselves to England, despite multiple rejections,for decades? (and now threatening legal action if you can't join a party you've no been invited to )

Actually having to claim they're against bigotry - one of only two Sots clubs to have to do so. Why is that? Surely the Kille Currants and the ICT Jungle Jims are just as big a problem?

Operating a dubious (and, at press, illegal) tax scheme to attract better players than the club can afford?

Having done so, failed to dominate domestic football?

And more importantly, failed miserably in the quest that really mattered?

Claming world records left right and centre this season - and having those claims debunked within minutes?

Banging on about 225 trophies - without mentioning how many were Glasgow Cups? (We don't make a lot of noise about the Ayrshire Cup 'cos it's not that important ;) )

Shedding debt to honest local businesses, and then continuing to trade as "rangers" when their lives and businesses have been destroyed. Remember Airdrieonians? "It's only business"?

Claiming to be " debt-free" when palpably anything but.

Claiming that the existence of a "rangers" of any kind was the result of "bigotry" rather than preferential treatment.

Rooking their more gullible fans to invest in "the club" when in fact the money from the share issue was going to an entity at least two removes from the football club.

How proud are you, Tedi? Really?

On the big stage, your old club couldn't cut it. My team are shite to average, but the last ever results against rangers are 1-0 wins, home and away.

Seriously, Tedi. Stop defending the indefensible. Or we might think you're a c**t.

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Tedi, is there anything, I mean anything, that your old club and their replacement/doppleganger tribute act have done, said, or tried to influence in the last twenty years that has filled you with pride?

Whoring themselves to England, despite multiple rejections,for decades? (and now threatening legal action if you can't join a party you've no been invited to )

Actually having to claim they're against bigotry - one of only two Sots clubs to have to do so. Why is that? Surely the Kille Currants and the ICT Jungle Jims are just as big a problem?

Operating a dubious (and, at press, illegal) tax scheme to attract better players than the club can afford?

Having done so, failed to dominate domestic football?

And more importantly, failed miserably in the quest that really mattered?

Claming world records left right and centre this season - and having those claims debunked within minutes?

Banging on about 225 trophies - without mentioning how many were Glasgow Cups? (We don't make a lot of noise about the Ayrshire Cup 'cos it's not that important ;) )

Shedding debt to honest local businesses, and then continuing to trade as "rangers" when their lives and businesses have been destroyed. Remember Airdrieonians? "It's only business"?

Claiming to be " debt-free" when palpably anything but.

Claiming that the existence of a "rangers" of any kind was the result of "bigotry" rather than preferential treatment.

Rooking their more gullible fans to invest in "the club" when in fact the money from the share issue was going to an entity at least two removes from the football club.

How proud are you, Tedi? Really?

On the big stage, your old club couldn't cut it. My team are shite to average, but the last ever results against rangers are 1-0 wins, home and away.

Seriously, Tedi. Stop defending the indefensible. Or we might think you're a c**t.

Was this a mistake?

Edited by Apache Don
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From THE staement:

"WITH regard to stories circulating about Rangers and Orlit, the sums sought are insignificant and agreement has been reached subject to the necessary paperwork.

Rangers Football Club is capable of meeting any debts presented legitimately and we would like to stress to our supporters there is no threat to the Club whatsoever.

The matter is unworthy of further comment."

Who wrote this crap; Jabba?

I'm sorry. But, if reported correctly, in the current (no pun intended) climate £400,000 is NOT an insignificant sum.

"presented legitimately"???? :blink:

We are unworthy! :(:(:(

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From THE staement:

"WITH regard to stories circulating about Rangers and Orlit, the sums sought are insignificant and agreement has been reached subject to the necessary paperwork.

Rangers Football Club is capable of meeting any debts presented legitimately and we would like to stress to our supporters there is no threat to the Club whatsoever.

The matter is unworthy of further comment."

Who wrote this crap; Jabba?

I'm sorry. But, if reported correctly, in the current (no pun intended) climate £400,000 is NOT an insignificant sum.

"presented legitimately"???? :blink:

We are unworthy! :(:(:(

it's jargon for "we're shitting ourselves about this, but we don't want to show it, now please leave us alone while we find a way round this"

Edited by beermonkey
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Nice quote from McCoist back in August... “Critics are saying, ‘Do they really need to spend that kind of money to get out of SFL3?’ That’s a fair enough question but it’s all down to bums on seats. We have 33,000 season tickets sold and I want a team that’s good enough to compete if we get drawn at, say, Tannadice in the Cup.

I see the obvious mistake...It is over 38,000 season tickets sold. No chance of our season ticket holders being asked to bring along a friend to hold their hand

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How come its always the clubs that are in a financial mess that get winding up orders due to ' paperwork errors ' - Hearts, Rangers, Kille. Yet clubs who are in rare financial health - St Mirren... I'm sure there's some others - never suffer from these ' paperwork errors '?


If only we had a corrupt council to bail us out...How's that new Tesco store doing at Love Street? :rolleyes:

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Already posted and laughed at Tedi................# are you Hearts in dsguise? Are you Heaaaaaaaaaaarts in disguise#

Tedi, on 06 Feb 2013 - 19:22, said:snapback.png

Just as predicted, official statement released.


The rabid behaviour on this thread was highly amusing :rolleyes:

If they're skint, are they going to ask their fans for a whip-round the way Hearts did, I mean, surely that's the best way, get the fans to invest in the club. oh, her, no, they already did that didn't they? Their fans couldnae be daft enough to get diddled that way twice, could they? :wacko:

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Should you not be boycotting them? Weren't they instrumental in The Rangers failure to secure a place in SFL1?

I thought so, and that's why I've been to a Raith home game, a Clyde home game, and next month I'm going to an Ayr home game and an Arbroath home game. SPORTING INTEGRITY ROOLS, YA BASS.

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