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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Longmuir in Sunday and todays papers has 'refused to rule out The Rangers being placed in a higher division, should re-construction go ahead for next season'. He stated, 'The matter of which league Rangers play in next season, is yet to be discussed'. Fkg ominous I would say. :o

Itll never happen rangers dont want any favours remember.

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Longmuir in Sunday and todays papers has 'refused to rule out The Rangers being placed in a higher division, should re-construction go ahead for next season'. He stated, 'The matter of which league Rangers play in next season, is yet to be discussed'. Fkg ominous I would say. :o

Can't see my club or any other 2nd division voting away the chance of 2 big pay days

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Surely sevco have to much dignity to jump a devision?

Something stinks. this is a significant shift of stance from Longmuir. He has previously and repeatedly stated that regardless of what form league re-construction takes, there would be no fast tracking the rangers through the divisions. Now we get 'No decision has been made'. Bollocks. Methinks the shady green fud been buying a few dinners.

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Just zombie lies, remember when Jabba and Co were spreading lies about chairman trying to secretly hatch a deal at Hampden days before the vote of whether to let a new club waltz straight into the top league? Despite nearly every one of them declaring that they were going to vote NO weeks before.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Aside from the accountancy sleight of hand stuff explaining one-off items, football debts, cost of IPO, ground being worth 5x more again etc.

£7m loss is in addition to all those costs.

£22 million raised in flotation ?

20 games @ £10 x 46,000 is aver £9 million pounds

That's £31 million pounds in and he posts a £7 million loss. :o

In this accounting period Rangers have only played 8 home league matches, and 7 home cup ties (for which the gate receitps are halved with the other team). Although season ticket income is taken in advance, for accounting purposes the balance unused is deferred to the next years accounts. That figure is £8million in this balance sheet.

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Itll never happen rangers dont want any favours remember.

I'll take all the 'favours' right now if it means us getting back into the top league.

The bumped us down for a wee bit, but the diddies didn't turn out in droves as they promised and darkhead looks bad no matter how many turn up dressed as green seats.

And now the E S T A B L I S H M E N T has sorted our trophies out, it's only right that we get slipped right back to where we are needed most.

As if nothing really happened.

I'll be all the happier for us to be signing the best of the SPL players as long as we go bosman and ensure the clubs get zero fees from us.

Moving into the future, I have no doubt we'll be playing elsewhere, but I do hope we continue to run a B team in the Scottish leagues - could be useful for developing players for the A team. As long as those players are bosmans and no fees go to Scottish teams.

The only exception I can think of would be if we were dealing with a club on its financial uppers - like our feeder team, the wee Rangers - we could then strike deals to buy players at knock-down prices to help them out

Best for all when you think about it.

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I'll take all the 'favours' right now if it means us getting back into the top league.

The bumped us down for a wee bit, but the diddies didn't turn out in droves as they promised and darkhead looks bad no matter how many turn up dressed as green seats.

And now the E S T A B L I S H M E N T has sorted our trophies out, it's only right that we get slipped right back to where we are needed most.

As if nothing really happened.

I'll be all the happier for us to be signing the best of the SPL players as long as we go bosman and ensure the clubs get zero fees from us.

Moving into the future, I have no doubt we'll be playing elsewhere, but I do hope we continue to run a B team in the Scottish leagues - could be useful for developing players for the A team. As long as those players are bosmans and no fees go to Scottish teams.

The only exception I can think of would be if we were dealing with a club on its financial uppers - like our feeder team, the wee Rangers - we could then strike deals to buy players at knock-down prices to help them out

Best for all when you think about it.


That's brightened my morning already.

You're good :thumsup2

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Itll never happen rangers dont want any favours remember.

I'll take all the 'favours' right now if it means us getting back into the top league.

"ORC in double standards world record shocker"

[\quote]The bumped us down for a wee bit, but the diddies didn't turn out in droves as they promised and darkhead looks bad no matter how many turn up dressed as green seats.

"ORC in misrepresentation of facts shocker"

[\quote] And now the E S T A B L I S H M E N T has sorted our trophies out, it's only right that we get slipped right back to where we are needed most.

As if nothing really happened.

"ORC in cringeworthy wind up shocker"

[\quote] I'll be all the happier for us to be signing the best of the SPL players as long as we go bosman and ensure the clubs get zero fees from us.

"ORC in 'Revenge Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas' shocker"

[\quote] Moving into the future, I have no doubt we'll be playing elsewhere, but I do hope we continue to run a B team in the Scottish leagues - could be useful for developing players for the A team. As long as those players are bosmans and no fees go to Scottish teams.

"ORC in fantasy land shocker"

[\quote] The only exception I can think of would be if we were dealing with a club on its financial uppers - like our feeder team, the wee Rangers - we could then strike deals to buy players at knock-down prices to help them out

"ORC in feeble conjecture / fantasy shocker"

Best for all when you think about it.

Edited by GreenockRover
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Sally has publicly asked for it, citing 'the Stranraer precedent'. I can see the walls crumbling. :o

There has been a precedent involving Stranraer when after winning Divsion 2 in 1993/94 we were promoted to Division 1 for season 1994/95. Relegations followed for St. Johstone, Raith and Dundee from the Premier Division.....Dumbarton, Clyde, Stirling, Morton and Brechin from the 1st Division...etc etc . The point is all the clubs playing for promotion / relegation places knew at the begining of the season what they were playing for, NOT with 8/9 games left. So if you use the Stranraer precedent have league reconstruction from 2014/15.

If its to be rushed through for the beginning of next season then the SPL/SFL should have a parachute payment available to the club or clubs that may miss out on having Rangers visit at least once next season ( based on whether they would have been scheduled to play them if all things stood as they were at this seasons start.) Scottish clubs should not pander to any one club , they rules were there at the begining of the season . Sporting integrity and all that !!

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There has been a precedent involving Stranraer when after winning Divsion 2 in 1993/94 we were promoted to Division 1 for season 1994/95. Relegations followed for St. Johstone, Raith and Dundee from the Premier Division.....Dumbarton, Clyde, Stirling, Morton and Brechin from the 1st Division...etc etc . The point is all the clubs playing for promotion / relegation places knew at the begining of the season what they were playing for, NOT with 8/9 games left. So if you use the Stranraer precedent have league reconstruction from 2014/15.

If its to be rushed through for the beginning of next season then the SPL/SFL should have a parachute payment available to the club or clubs that may miss out on having Rangers visit at least once next season ( based on whether they would have been scheduled to play them if all things stood as they were at this seasons start.) Scottish clubs should not pander to any one club , they rules were there at the begining of the season . Sporting integrity and all that !!

What exactly is the Stranraer precedent? Surely winning Div 2 and being promoted to Div 1 happens all the time? I realise thats prob not what you are meaning but I'm not really getting it, still half asleep probably.

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What exactly is the Stranraer precedent? Surely winning Div 2 and being promoted to Div 1 happens all the time? I realise thats prob not what you are meaning but I'm not really getting it, still half asleep probably.

No problem . At the beginning of 1993/94 there were 3 leagues 12,12,14 Premier ,first and second . Reconstruction meant four leagues of 10,10,10,10 Premier,first,second and third. So basically if you look at Stranraer being on rung 25 of the 38 clubs they were then promoted to top 20 . A jump of 5 positions.

Rangers are at present 33 on the ladder of 42 clubs . If reconstruction went to 12,12,18 and promotion was granted to Rangers they would move into top 24 .A jump of 9 positions . However as I stated all the clubs in 93/94 knew what they were playing for at the begining of that season .

I'm all for reconstruction BUT not when you move the goalposts during the season .

Edited by lawson
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