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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Your club's being USED.

Your being USED.

The (inept) Carpetbagger is milking you DRY, while telling you ANYTHING YOU WANT TO HEAR.

Your innate perception of victimisation makes you RIPE FOR PLUCKING because you believe the "enemy" is without rather than within.

Don't you "Deserve Better" ?

Fuckin wake up you dozy c**t!

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Course I get it Tedi. I'm challenging the logic of what you're saying though.

If putting Rangers in their rightful place fostered a siege mentality sufficient to provide an amoral old git from Yorkshire with a very comfortable retirement, I'll live with it.

Not just 1 but those like him, I think I quantified them pretty well.

You've got more like Charlie?

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Sorry that word is only for people of a Celtic persuasion.

From Yahoo, member of a race of brutes in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. Published in the early part of the 18th century, well before organised footy, and well before even the Famine that gave us a substantial dose of the good old Irish flavour to the racial mix in Scotland.

I find it quite amusing that an obvious acolyte of everything rangers refers to me as a yahoo. Go get yer own bloody slang terms. ;)

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FFS I nearly choked on my tea there Tedi :lol: another five star post from Tedi :lol: they slashed them by a third and by half for the youth and halved for concessions.

Call yourself a supporter and had bought a ST at Ibrox this season but didn't know the ST's were reduced :1eye

He clearly said last season, not this season.


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Get a grip of yourself ya mope.

Bennett, you're not at your best right now.

Normally, you contribute to debate and add your own perspective at some length.

Right now though, you seem to be relying on daft wee interventions that give nothing to the discussion.

I liked the old Bennett. You alright?

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Tedi, on 04 Apr 2013 - 20:47, said:


The panel was established and facilitated under the Scottish Football Association's Articles of Association after agreement was reached by the club and the players over who should represent each side of the dispute, with a chair appointed to review both side's claims.

Just thought I'd help out, Tedi, I assume you missed this bit from your original quote, yeah? ;)

I mean, it's not like you'd go cherrypicking the bits that support your point of view, is it? :lol:

ETA: In all fairness, Johnnyc13 altered the original story, replacing

"The panel says Rangers should pay all legal bills relating to the dispute."


"The SFA insists Rangers should pay all legal bills relating to the dispute."

Underhand tactics from both sides of the arse - whoodathunkit?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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He clearly said last season, not this season.


Tut tut, no matter what season, tedi lied.

Never has 38,000 full price season tickets been sold at ibrox.

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Ok Youngsy - I'll accept that you don't see why Rangers should pay for the commission. I don't agree with you on it, but I accept that there's a legitimate argument in there.

Rangers paying for the commission is nothing to do with the continuity of our club and any attempt to link the two is entirely specious. The argument, "Well if Rangers want to be seen as the same club they'd pay legal costs" is just ridiculous.

The format of the enquiry was down to The SPL. The number of lawyers' bills needing paid was down to The SPL. The length of time it took was down the The SPL.

It did not need to be so expensive .

The reason The SPL want to give the bill to Rangers is twofold. 1. They are skint and can't afford it. 2. They want to shift the blame for their own incompetence on to us.

I said it yesterday but it is worth repeating. I am amazed that The SPL are getting off so lightly here. Does every poster apart from we Bears think that the form of the enquiry was appostite? Surely fans of other clubs must see it for the overly-complex and overly-expensive garbage that it was?

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Nothing in there to disagree with mate - nothing at all.

Do you not see what I'm getting at though?

The running of the club under Murray, yielding many trophies as it did, was sufficiently reckless to kill it. You really are wanting to retain the fruits of that, while paying none of the price.

I totally respect the fact that you're engaging in this discussion, and you're actually making plenty of sense. Please however acknowledge that there's something inconsistent and unfair about boasting of a glittering history without debt.

Green and his discredited press officer are rubbing our noses in it. Now I can see why as a football fan, that has a certain satisfaction attached to it. It's not right though, is it?

The running of the club affairs under Murrays' tenure was initially a success,from 1989-1997, but it's acknowledged that his financial running of the plc during the Advocaat era was leading the plc into a financial abyss that he was always going to find it very difficult if not impossible to recover from.

However that should not impact on any success trophy wise that came to the club under that era as far as the supporter is concerned, after all a football fan is there only to see his team be as successful as possible and celebrate that success at the time and in being able to look back in time to come.

As far as Green is concerned, i think that he should have been showing more respect and being humble towards the creditors instead of publicising the fact that under his tenure we are debt free. However Green has seen the club from a perspective of an owner/CEO when the club and himself has been under criticism,some warranted,some not. He's reacted in the way that he saw fit to do,whether it was correct or not in some peoples' view.

To be honest a lot of his statements are cringeworthy but there are times when he has been absolutely correct on some of the issues that he has spoken out on in defence of the club,the refusal to accept title stripping put forward by the SPL as a condition of SFA Membership being,for me anyway,the best example of that. If he had accepted that then he would have lost the support,no question of that.

I'm not naive enough to think that the club history means such a great deal to Green but i do know and realise that Green knows exactly when to play to the gallery and that is why many of the support are suspicious of him as regards the running of the club but time will tell how that plays out but i wouldn't think it's in his interests to push the club towards another financial mess such as we've recently had. When he leaves he will want the club to be in as healthy a financial position as possible merely from a selling point. That's the way i personally see the club,no doubt many will disagree.

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Nothing in there to disagree with mate - nothing at all.

Do you not see what I'm getting at though?

The running of the club under Murray, yielding many trophies as it did, was sufficiently reckless to kill it. You really are wanting to retain the fruits of that, while paying none of the price.

I totally respect the fact that you're engaging in this discussion, and you're actually making plenty of sense. Please however acknowledge that there's something inconsistent and unfair about boasting of a glittering history without debt.

Green and his discredited press officer are rubbing our noses in it. Now I can see why as a football fan, that has a certain satisfaction attached to it. It's not right though, is it?

Green wasn't "boasting". He's a salesman.

Businesses can shed debt by various means, the CVA being another. That's just a fact of company law.

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Still waiting for that 33% reduction from last season link yet, not holding my breath tho

I don't know if you've noticed the season is already over for The Clone Rangers with nothing else left to play for.

Maybe I was a bit hasty in my replies Tedi over the last season bit but it's nowt major to blow your trumpet with is it.I was posting about this seasons ST's and you threw a curve ball in about a season before and tried to compare prices like the SPL title is worth as much as the 2nd division by ST's being the same price thereabouts ? .

I may just bookmark this post till next season and then reply again to it just to fucking annoy you :)

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A full price adult ticket is a full price adult ticket

A full price juvenile ticket is a full price juveile ticket

A full price concessi......you get the picture.

You fucked up.......again.

Correct though.

No it's not correct because a concession is a cut price ticket you knob.

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And Green replies:


I thought this particular circus had left town, but apparently, there's an encore...........!!!!!!

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