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From that copland road website ...

26 April 2013

Green, Ahmad, and a seemingly endless stream of connections

by Shane Nicholson | Executive Editor

First off, the people asking for clarification on "sources" or whatever else you want in relation to The Rangers Standard's and our own reporting on Imran the other day, I don't know what to tell you beside take it at face value and move on. If you don't believe it now then you never will. But let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?

The links (tentacles, if I may) connecting Imran, who we all must know now was the man that put this deal together, and his Zeus-related investors don't string a long line back to Octupus and therefore Ticketus. It's been common knowledge for a while to people who've taken the time to pull that together, and I acknowledge them silently here.

My first indication of any shady dealings involving the acquisition of Rangers by Charles Green, et al came during a rather innocuous conversation during a round of golf late last summer by a friend "in the know," if I can steal that turn of phrase back from Imran for a moment.

This was not a man aligned with either side of the Old Firm in any way whatsoever; just a person whose career is in finance and investment, and whose paths had crossed with x and y at various places while our whole storied ordeal was being carried out in the red tops of Scotland.

He was the first one to mention a "loan" to me in regards to Green (and I'm just going to use Chuck's name as a placeholder from herein for the parties involved in the takeover) from rather covered places that was used to facilitate the purchase of Rangers.

His thoughts were that the loan had been procured, or at least set up, by someone close to the business dealings of our former owner, Craig Whyte, and that the loan itself had originated from circles close to the Ticketus hierarchy, which includes a rather precarious link to MetroBank, a name a fair few people digging around these parts surely uncovered long ago.

Now, there are a load of implications and information to unload here, but they all become a bit redundant when it gets down to the crux of the matter: Who were the people orchestrating the Green takeover of Rangers and why? Taken on the whole, and given the revelations of the past few days, it becomes a bit more visible if you care to take a look.

To be clear, I'm not implying that Craig Whyte has any sort of legitimate claim on anything pertaining to the Club. Worthington Group's recent involvement I would suggest is speculative at best. They're taking a flier on making some cash on the backside of a deal, one in which they have very little to lose.

But the facts as I see them paint a rather shaky ground upon which Green and his friends came to take hold of Rangers, from the financial mechanisms employed to complete the deal to the obtuse efforts by the local Duff & Phelps branch to ensure a "satisfactory" outcome was attained by their client, Craig Whyte.

What we've got is Shyster v. Shyster when it comes down to it, and it's not pleasant viewing for anyone who's taken the time sketch it all out. But I hope, finally, in the coming weeks we'll have a better picture of how this all came to be.

And just to be clear, I don't feel this will impact Rangers on the pitch in any sort. If I did, I'd have wrote it months ago. But Green and Imran and their backers have a case to answer to the SFA and various other investigators at this point, including the pending BDO court case against our administrators. It's easy to play the game when it's someone else's money involved; not so easy when judicial outlets get their hands on deck.

I just hope come next summer we can spend time talking about signings and the rest instead of a myriad of off-the-pitch issues. I think we've a long few months ahead, friends. But we will pull through. We will come out the better. We will be Rangers, then, now and forever.

Every little thing's gonna be alright.

2nd para......silently acknowledges the disgraced lawyer, thomo, cartjuga et al.... who would've thought.

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I like they way mr nicholson sounds, in part, like any other rangers supporter.

To paraphrase: "We don't care what happens off the field. It won't affect what happens on the pitch. We're just looking forward to next season and the new signings. Remember, we are the people!"

What a f*cking moron, playing to the basest instincts of the baying mob!

Also, why do they have to keep spouting the pish line "We will be rangers, then, now and forever."?

Is the attention span of your average rangers supporter that short that they have to keep reminding themselves who they are?

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8.39 is not 2.11 HTH

It was the little rodent`s shambles with King I just corrected him, followed by you.

and the Bayern thing was obviously a joke, the Peterhead fan never did have much of a sense of humor but even he got it.

Really you need to try harder.

Same as your Five Stars debacle was a wind-up, eh, Tedi Pelucia? ;)

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Tedster, you quoted my post re a post on ff from 2.11 today and said you reported it yesterday ...... ffs, you might have got him banned but not yesterday ...

And soon to be homeless King you maintain got off? How many companies are being sold to pay the tax ?

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No joking allowed from the P & D`s when it comes to the great continuation debate then?

f**k you, it`s real, deal with it. :lol:

Re continuation ..... that rangers credit card I'm sure you have.

Was it withdrawn and reissued last year ?

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Did I say that he was gone yesterday morning or not? do I have to put the post up again? ffs

and my point with King was that both you and the rodent misrepresented the facts or omitted them, never said I wanted him any place near Ibrox, in fact I made it clear I did not.

The rodent quoted a story that was out of date, you quoted figures that were out of date.

No, I asked you to confirm how many...over 400 ? Hence question mark. And 332 wasn't far off.....

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From that copland road website ...

2nd para......silently acknowledges the disgraced lawyer, thomo, cartjuga et al.... who would've thought.

Why the hell does a fans' website have some fuckwit calling himself an executive editor? What a load of self indulgent nonsense! He'd be better off calling himself grand master.
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Do not have any credit cards mate, if you canny afford to pay for it do not buy it, that is my moto.

Me and minty obviously had different upbringings.

So never had a mortgage then....

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Christ,back to work tomorrow and spending far too much time on the retards sites, but its car crash 1932 Berlin rhetoric and mentality.

I think quietly and effectively MM is exerting his authority and using corporate governance to oust the liers and shysters.

I think in years to come we will view MM as the quiet saviour of Rangers as he manages to move the club into a new era.

I know many on hear are sickened and depressed, but whist I agree recent events have been horrendous, I now see light at the end of the tunnel.

Rather than years of Green and Co raping the Gers fans of their cash, and that is what would have happened, the club is starting to emerge from these dark days. There are going to be shocks along the way, we are going to feel anger as more relevations come to light, but I genuinely believe that we are very fortunate to have a person who feels passionately about the club as our chairman.

For those who mock his slightly dishevelled appearance, would you prefer super smooth always immaculate David Murray ?

Too many were quick to endorse Green and his band of Merry Men.

Too many are worried about damaging those who have harmed us, rather developing our own strength.

The greatest revenge we can take on those who tried to destroy us is to win the SPL as soon as we can.

The longer we are away from the top flight the harder it will be for us to get back to winning titles.

I know many seek revenge and want to destroy our haters. Unfortunatley unless we manage to escape to England, what kind of league will we eventually return to ?

Regaining top position would destroy the haters more than anything else.

I do not proscribe to the belief that years in the lower leagues will do us good. It may harm others, but it will also make it more difficult for ourselves.

We must hope that the Smelltic fail to make the champions league, thier wages are unsustainable without it.

We must get new investors in and build ourselves as quick as possible.

Whyte's takeove was a criminal act and we should be restored to SPL immediately.

Those involved in the decision making, Lawwell, Doncaster, Regan, Petrie, Thomson et all must be removed from positions of power.

Never again to we act in conjunction with Celtic on any matters.

We get a decent marketing company to ensure any negative stories are crushed and to promote Rangers positively.

And let's quietly ane effectively take doen those who have sought to detroy us one by one.

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I do not have one of them either, but I consider a mortgage different as long as it is affordable, I just do not like tic cards.

Scared you'll spend way beyond your means and end up bankrupt, like your favourite, dead, football team?

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Where the f*ck did that come from?????

Ff ....love the "crush the media" vibe......and "we can't destroy our enemies as we need a league to play in" followed by "destroy our enemies"... Edited by wunfellaff
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Speculation time.

Green is off and selling his shares and taking his profit as quick as he can.

What if he is doing this as the half year accounts looked poor, and he knows the full year audited accounts are going to look bleaker knowing that he will be unable to provide the 'war-chest' the manager states he needs to challenge in the second. Get out before being totally found out.

Remember that any return up the leagues would want to include a return to Europe and euro money.

Remember that audited accounts are required to play in European competition. Even if they keep going and climbing the leagues imagine they get where they believe they belong but remain excluded from European competition due to ongoing financial issues.

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8.39 is not 2.11 HTH

It was the little rodent`s shambles with King I just corrected him, followed by you.

and the Bayern thing was obviously a joke, the Peterhead fan never did have much of a sense of humor but even he got it.

Really you need to try harder.

You keep saying that I don't have a sense of humour, perhaps it's the way you tell them?

In what way was it a joke? It was laugable, I will give you that. And it make you look a joke, is this what your getting at? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by strichener
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