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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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none of the bidders actually appear to want the club :lol:

They all were in it for personal publicity, now they are shitting it that they have to stump up any cash, the £500k thing by the administrators is genius.

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They all were in it for personal publicity, now they are shitting it that they have to stump up any cash, the £500k thing by the administrators is genius.

Said this all along. Murray literally couldn't give the thing away for a quid for long enough. Now they're in a much worse position regards debts, revenue streams etc and these guys are all of a sudden wanting to buy them?

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What I dont understand, why do these guys want to have a deal with ticketus? They are creditors like everyone else, they should just let them either accept the CVA or take the liquidation and get nothing.

Seems stupid to be offering them 14m or whatever instead of possibly a fraction of that. (which lets face it, they would be forced to accept).

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What I dont understand, why do these guys want to have a deal with ticketus? They are creditors like everyone else, they should just let them either accept the CVA or take the liquidation and get nothing.

Seems stupid to be offering them 14m or whatever instead of possibly a fraction of that. (which lets face it, they would be forced to accept).

would depend upon how their deal is interpreted........if its tied into Ibrox it might not be that straightforward.

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What I dont understand, why do these guys want to have a deal with ticketus? They are creditors like everyone else, they should just let them either accept the CVA or take the liquidation and get nothing.

Seems stupid to be offering them 14m or whatever instead of possibly a fraction of that. (which lets face it, they would be forced to accept).

Because none of them have cash flow and Ticketus (being a group of real investors) has?

No one wants them, as someone posted earlier, Murray took forever to find someone to take them off his hands for a quid. They are now 100 times worse off financially, who would buy that?

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Right so Ng and Ticketus have no deal, Blue Knights have no money, Whyte has no care, Duff & Phelps haven't a clue.

RFC have no future. To my way of thinking that's it, there is nowhere left to go. When is L day?

They will see out the last 5 games, so i'm guessing the end will be after May 13th.

26 days to go.

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Right so Ng and Ticketus have no deal, Blue Knights have no money, Whyte has no care, Duff & Phelps haven't a clue.

RFC have no future. To my way of thinking that's it, there is nowhere left to go. When is L day?

don't forget the Stockport oddball Kennedy who has pledged to step in and block liquidation if no one else will.

He certainly has some money, but does he have £134 million in the worst case scenario?

doubt it.

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Because none of them have cash flow and Ticketus (being a group of real investors) has?

No one wants them, as someone posted earlier, Murray took forever to find someone to take them off his hands for a quid. They are now 100 times worse off financially, who would buy that?

It wasn't Murray who sold Rangers it was Lloyds. All they wanted was their money out of there (£18million) which they got. £18million for them and £1 for David Murray. Both very grateful to get out and both hoping they could wash their hands of what was going on there.

Lloyds just had to make sure the £18million was legal, which it was. Murray thought he could hide and just blame Whyte with the help of the Scottish sports media clowns. Administration has scuppered that.

Ticketus have people who are serious investors but they will now take the same stance as Lloyds, doing whatever it takes to get their money out, hopefully with a profit. They will have no interest in investing in the running of the club.

Key questions is "who would buy that?" And why?

Billy Nog has been a diehard fan for years according to the Singapore succulent lamb brigade, probably Master of the Singapore LOL, and marches off to Raffles on the 12th every year for a wee swalley and a singsong. ohmy.gif

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Chris McLaughlin @BBCchrismclaug

Collyer Bristow describe claim as 'highly speculative' and say they'll contest vigorously. #Rangers

Just the administrators trying to spin things so the focus is off them. Must have some bad news coming up they are trying to deflect from. unsure.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Just the administrators trying to spin things so the focus is off them. Must have some bad news coming up they are trying to deflect from. unsure.gif

Or maybe they're bleeding the golden goose dry ,,,they must be nearly upto 2million in expenses by now.

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