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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can anyone shed any light on why they asked for clarification on a punishment they specifically requested? The Rangers fans seem to have gone unusually quiet since their club was made to look like a fucking joke with yesterday's statement.

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Thanks Bendarroch.

Some of us were actually starting to feel sorry for the Berrz.

Normal service resumed.

Sent from my HTC One using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Berrz :lol: Only a right halfwit would think he was being witty by copying the WKR ;)

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Heard last night that all sub contracts at Ibrox have been cancelled barring one, a contract with one of the directors companies.

Basically no money left to pay them. Strong suggestions that players wages will be the next thing to take the hit as the share money runs out.

Any thoughts where the money from season ticket sales might be?

Maybe 'resting' in Father Ted's account? Is Chucky Green really Father Ted in disguise? We should be told. :o

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Heard last night that all sub contracts at Ibrox have been cancelled barring one, a contract with one of the directors companies.

Basically no money left to pay them. Strong suggestions that players wages will be the next thing to take the hit as the share money runs out.

I would be unconvinced we are there yet, but this scenario is on the horizon without any further investment. It appears that current income is way short of expenditure and the Share money will only cover this for so long.

It appears Green holds the power at the company and has stated £14million for 28% of the shares. Whilst that's ridiculous, he is starting the bargaining for selling the control of the company to anyone who is interested (McColl, Murray etc). McColl is an astute businessman and didn't make his fortune by spending £14m on less than a third of a company which loses £1million a month and is only going to require further investment in the future.

The company is another financial Basket case, very similar to the old one.

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I would be unconvinced we are there yet, but this scenario is on the horizon without any further investment. It appears that current income is way short of expenditure and the Share money will only cover this for so long.

It appears Green holds the power at the company and has stated £14million for 28% of the shares. Whilst that's ridiculous, he is starting the bargaining for selling the control of the company to anyone who is interested (McColl, Murray etc). McColl is an astute businessman and didn't make his fortune by spending £14m on less than a third of a company which loses £1million a month and is only going to require further investment in the future.

The company is another financial Basket case, very similar to the old one.

It does look like whoever owns Rangers in the coming months will have to cut and cut deep. Rangers have been playing the "keeping up appearences" of being a grand club that can chuck money about ( as they did during the glory times of Sir David Of Many Bank Accounts). If the owners has just fessed up last year and said, this is what we can afford to do and it means less wages, smaller squad. Manager gets paid less ( 75 grand? waayyyy too much, would Super Ally walked if the owners had said, take a 35% cut please). It is going be really hard to shift Green without a big fat wad of cash. Can not see that happening. I know that it may sound like the extream way of doing things but the Gers fans may have to starve him out. dont buy food and drink at the game, dont buy shirts. and cancel any direct debits. Rangers are laughing stock of Scottish football at the moment, and it will not get in any better the longer current bunch of crooks that are running th club.

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I think McMoist will be manager for a while yet. It would simply cost The Rangers International (non Nigerian Version) too much money to get him to go away. Don't forget that its not just him but Durrant and McDowall. I simply do not think they can afford to get rid of him.

If they have pissed away £22m and last seasons seaon ticket money to get out of the third division, and limp through to just now then my heart goes out to those fans who put their hard earned money into saving their club/ company last year, and what of the season ticket money of 34,000 this season? What is the real state of Ibrox? Does it have a safety certificate for the whole stadium, we will surely soon find out.

If this all goes tits up again and Administartion 2 then Liquidation 2 happens, surely no-one can claim they were not warned about the shysters and there can be no claim to continuation.

I and many others await the next developments with some interest.

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Heard last night that all sub contracts at Ibrox have been cancelled barring one, a contract with one of the directors companies.

Basically no money left to pay them. Strong suggestions that players wages will be the next thing to take the hit as the share money runs out.

Plenty of cash in Brian Strockbridge's safe according to Charles Green.

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