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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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OK so while I am waiting for someone to explain my sectarian abuse of the apostrophe here's a wee bit of Kenneth Willims from the 60s;



Kenny strikes me as a cricket type tbh. ;)

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Even sweeter and Tesco Rangers need all they can get because every penny counts and has the Queen's napper on it so should be saluted on it's bravery for the fight to keep The Clone Rangers afloat :lol: .

Aye. They'll be eating value beans shortly at the rate the biscuit tin is being emptied. "Every Little Helps" :)

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No wonder he does not do walking away :rolleyes: fat sleekit p***k

Do you mean that he trying to google them?

You are googled when, as a batsman, you have been caught out by the action of a googly. In general use the word comes to mean to catch your opponents out (in a non-confrontational and lighthearted way) by unexpected and surprising behaviours.

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You still haven't answered, apologised or justified in regard to your use of the comma at the end of the sentence.

You want someone to apologise for using a comma?

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :lol:

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Ask him where his no surrender sig went to. ;)


It was replaced by a yahoo claiming that the latter H was somehow offensive.


Anyway I think you will struggle to make any theory stick that the words no surrender are in anyway bigoted.

It is in awful taste though and has hee haw to do with Football.

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Edited to add: You have previous:


What you said was, "So what's wrong with calling someone a poof then ?"

This is just the small-minded homophobic bigotry that we are trying to get away from.

What does ones sexuality have to do with the game of cricket? of course its homophobic.

Imagine calling someone a bigot for no reason, when you are in fact really a bigot yourself, now that really is pathetic.

Andy Goram played cricket. He wasn't girly.

Horrible fucking bigot though.


OK so what I can conclude from here is this:

"Cricket are for poof's"

f**k the Ps & Ds for their casual homophobia and general disregard for the apostrophe.

OOOhhh...The fake outrage rises up again :lol:

Offended by everything..ashamed of nothing,

It is truly pathetic, here's a wee hint for you bears, take this fake outrage and start questioning the crooks the ran your old club into the ground and are now doing the same with the new club.

Or don't actually, the rest of us are having a great time watching you lot do nothing......Again.

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And today's news is.

1. Rangers board members continue to brief against each other. Fighting to appear to be the "good guys" (it is all relative) in the eyes of the supporters. Watch the self penned articles in the Record especially. It is if Jimbo has never gone away.

2. Green is in London cosying up to shareholders, and campaigning no doubt to get enough support to try get himself back on the board.

3. Longmuir working up his CV to make him appear more attractive for some wee job with Rangers. "I am pure greedy". " Ok you're in".

4. Charlotte lets rip with a few more juicy items from emails, letters, agreements, disagreements, share hand outs (no they were NOT bribes, They come in brown envelopes.)

5. From Charlotte's leaks we now see the board at Rangers has spent all its time on crafty if not shifty share manipulation and shuffling money around. Time spent actually running the club. Probably nil.

6. Delay in funds coming through from billionaire who lives in Peru. His wealth is 'off the radar'. More information to follow.

7. Ally and Jimbo consoling themselves with their new "Gregg's Diet". Both will be appearing on BBC1 tonight at 8pm.

8. The board (Mather's side) trying to rally enough votes to oust Green.

9. The EGM requested by McColl's side coming sometime soon. But all except McColl's lot are squirming like hell and trying to prevent it ever happening.

and 10, just for Tedi. No 8 and other creators of distraction.

Why was Whittaker such a useless donkey when he played with Rangers, but looked half decent last night vs England?

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And today's news is.

1. Rangers board members continue to brief against each other. Fighting to appear to be the "good guys" (it is all relative) in the eyes of the supporters. Watch the self penned articles in the Record especially. It is if Jimbo has never gone away.

2. Green is in London cosying up to shareholders, and campaigning no doubt to get enough support to try get himself back on the board.

3. Longmuir working up his CV to make him appear more attractive for some wee job with Rangers. "I am pure greedy". " Ok you're in".

4. Charlotte lets rip with a few more juicy items from emails, letters, agreements, disagreements, share hand outs (no they were NOT bribes, They come in brown envelopes.)

5. From Charlotte's leaks we now see the board at Rangers has spent all its time on crafty if not shifty share manipulation and shuffling money around. Time spent actually running the club. Probably nil.

6. Delay in funds coming through from billionaire who lives in Peru. His wealth is 'off the radar'. More information to follow.

7. Ally and Jimbo consoling themselves with their new "Gregg's Diet". Both will be appearing on BBC1 tonight at 8pm.

8. The board (Mather's side) trying to rally enough votes to oust Green.

9. The EGM requested by McColl's side coming sometime soon. But all except McColl's lot are squirming like hell and trying to prevent it ever happening.

and 10, just for Tedi. No 8 and other creators of distraction.

Why was Whittaker such a useless donkey when he played with Rangers, but looked half decent last night vs England?

Can i go first ?

"made up pish"

"timmy propaganda"


"Didn't read"

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And today's news is.

1. Rangers board members continue to brief against each other. Fighting to appear to be the "good guys" (it is all relative) in the eyes of the supporters. Watch the self penned articles in the Record especially. It is if Jimbo has never gone away.

2. Green is in London cosying up to shareholders, and campaigning no doubt to get enough support to try get himself back on the board.

3. Longmuir working up his CV to make him appear more attractive for some wee job with Rangers. "I am pure greedy". " Ok you're in".

4. Charlotte lets rip with a few more juicy items from emails, letters, agreements, disagreements, share hand outs (no they were NOT bribes, They come in brown envelopes.)

5. From Charlotte's leaks we now see the board at Rangers has spent all its time on crafty if not shifty share manipulation and shuffling money around. Time spent actually running the club. Probably nil.

6. Delay in funds coming through from billionaire who lives in Peru. His wealth is 'off the radar'. More information to follow.

7. Ally and Jimbo consoling themselves with their new "Gregg's Diet". Both will be appearing on BBC1 tonight at 8pm.

8. The board (Mather's side) trying to rally enough votes to oust Green.

9. The EGM requested by McColl's side coming sometime soon. But all except McColl's lot are squirming like hell and trying to prevent it ever happening.

and 10, just for Tedi. No 8 and other creators of distraction.

Why was Whittaker such a useless donkey when he played with Rangers, but looked half decent last night vs England?

Take it that delay was caused by the billionaire's people being stopped at the airport and thrown in jail because they were accidentally given bags full of drugs instead of money?

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And today's news is.

1. Rangers board members continue to brief against each other. Fighting to appear to be the "good guys" (it is all relative) in the eyes of the supporters. Watch the self penned articles in the Record especially. It is if Jimbo has never gone away.

2. Green is in London cosying up to shareholders, and campaigning no doubt to get enough support to try get himself back on the board.

3. Longmuir working up his CV to make him appear more attractive for some wee job with Rangers. "I am pure greedy". " Ok you're in".

4. Charlotte lets rip with a few more juicy items from emails, letters, agreements, disagreements, share hand outs (no they were NOT bribes, They come in brown envelopes.)

5. From Charlotte's leaks we now see the board at Rangers has spent all its time on crafty if not shifty share manipulation and shuffling money around. Time spent actually running the club. Probably nil.

6. Delay in funds coming through from billionaire who lives in Peru. His wealth is 'off the radar'. More information to follow.

7. Ally and Jimbo consoling themselves with their new "Gregg's Diet". Both will be appearing on BBC1 tonight at 8pm.

8. The board (Mather's side) trying to rally enough votes to oust Green.

9. The EGM requested by McColl's side coming sometime soon. But all except McColl's lot are squirming like hell and trying to prevent it ever happening.

and 10, just for Tedi. No 8 and other creators of distraction.

Why was Whittaker such a useless donkey when he played with Rangers, but looked half decent last night vs England?

1. "Suits may come, suits may go - us fans will be here forever" - but how much of your ST money are they taking with them, Tedi?

2. "Green is a shyster" - everyman and his dug, last year. "Naw he's no'- he's goat us playin' the Cowboys in Orange shirts" - members of ICBINR's 500 million strong "global family".

3. Yet another "impartial" member of the Governing Bodies sucking the blue boaby. If they really want a greedy w**k who'd do anything for their "institution", Can I suggest they have a wee swatch inside the boardroom at RP?

4. "Tic wet dreams" - The way this lot dismiss anything that hints at things down Govan way being unrosy in any way, rather than question it, was quite endearing once, now it's just bewildering.

5. Looks like they've spent more time shuffling the seats and name-tags around. Is there a revolving door on that room?

6. If those funds equate to the street price of 11kg of best flake, they may be waiting a while....

7. Those two are costing ICBINR about as much as many honest teams spend on their total wage bill. Value? For the rest of us, certainly.

8. How can they "oust" Green? Terminate his "consultancy" position, certainly, but he's still got all those shares, and influence over loads more. And who appointed this "consultant", anyway?

9. Accounts, apparently, also coming soon. EGM could be a totally different occasion depending on who knows what.

10. Simple. Kyle Walker isn't the player the English Media would like to think he is. Also Whittaker got a fair bit of help from Maloney.

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