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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The shysters won't be removed by the fans, it's not our way. They should have been starved of money when we had the perfect chance but they weren't so we stumble on...


Newco/oldco - When the CVA was rejected i thought that was us finished and we'd maybe have a new club in a few years - i was wrong on that. There is no difference, it's still the same club to me.


Our fans have looked acros the city and saw the greenyins complaining about everything and getting there way. If Spence has to deal with some complaints then fair enough, he's a fud anyway. In an ideal world it would be water off a ducks back but we're playing by the greenyins rules now.

You see, Bennett, the thing is you can see you've been conned but you can't bring yourself to admit that the con goes all the way back to the claim that the clubs are the same. It's fine that you look at them as being the same, I still cheer for Caley, but they really are not the same. The history did die with the failed CVA.

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FWIW, I don't really have a problem with them believing the same club story. That's up to them if they're happy to be deluded.

What I do have a problem with is the threats, intimidation and attempt to silence those who don't.

Threatening and abusing someone who holds a contrary opinion to you is a clear sign of a lack of education and morals in the abuser. Not having the wit or wisdom to counter an argument verbally exposes them for the neanderthals they are.

However.... and this is where I have an issue with the current status, the fact that no clear and absolute distinction has been published allows both sides to claim they are right and this leads to the halfwits frothing at the mouth.

The SFA are too entwined in the idea that if they openly declared The Rangers a new club with one title they would leave themselves open to the fools' army that mobilises to attack any one or thing that espouses the fact. Equally, they also know that, should TRFC get to the top league, they lose the opportunity to market the Celtic/Rangers hate fest as an historical sporting contest.

It SUITS THEM to have ambiguity over this issue. If TRFC keep pushing against people who mention them as New then, at some stage someone, somewhere is going to seek independent,definitive proof of the fact and I DON'T mean the SFA bungling or carefully wording the terms of an enquiry to establish a result that leaves everyone still able to argue it out.

BBC/STV etc take their cue from the SFA/SPFL as regards any references to memeber clubs so the blame lies squarely at the door of the people MOST INTERESTED in perpetuating a falsehood for the financial self convenience of what it represents.

However, insolvency and liquidation are factual, provable statuses and apply as much to football clubs/companies as much as any other business - whatever the SFA/SFPL do to keep the golden goose laying eggs.

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You see, Bennett, the thing is you can see you've been conned but you can't bring yourself to admit that the con goes all the way back to the claim that the clubs are the same. It's fine that you look at them as being the same, I still cheer for Caley, but they really are not the same. The history did die with the failed CVA.

It was pretty obvious which was why i never renewed last season/bought tickets on a game to game to basis . We had our chance and never took it out, so we'll just have to ride this out for better or worse.

As an average guy who supports a team the whole compny law thing doesn't really mean that much, the company name changing to me isn't that big a deal.

Edit) New club is an online wind up, nothing more really.

Edit 2) Missed out bit about ibrox. (after message from Norman)

Edited by bennett
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Sorry Bendarroch but this is pretty much how i see it.

We are being robbed...That is my hard earned money those shysters are lining their already bulging pockets with!

We have gangsters on the Board of Rangers. Not just a couple of dodgy businessmen but out and out thug gangsters...On our Board FFS!!

We have a war going on in the boardroom the outcome of which will make or break Rangers.

There is so much going on at the moment i am not even going to depress myself listing it all. While all this is going on we have our support up in arms and united and preparing to take on the World because Jim Spence expressed his opinion on national radio station. That opinion, wrongly imo, is the opinion of a few journalists and they have stated it in the past and i am sure they will state it in the future. So what? I couldn't care less what they say regarding oldco/newco/old club/dead club etc etc...It doesn't change or affect my opinion or should it affect change the opinion of any Rangers supporter. Let them believe what they want to believe.

At the end of the day Bendarroch you can argue until you are blue in the face but people will believe what they want to believe...I know i do. I want to believe my club is still my club and nothing anybody says is ever going to change that!

If only our support could unite against the 'enemies' within as they do against the perceived 'enemies' on the outside!

currently out of greenies - but that deserves several.

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It was pretty obvious which was why i never renewed last season/bought tickets on a game to game to basis and haven't been to Ibrox this season.  We had our chance and never took it out, so we'll just have to ride this out for better or worse.


As an average guy who supports a team the whole company law thing doesn't really mean that much, the company name changing to me isn't that big a deal.

'Kin 'Ell what's happening today? It's like a wedding day scramble, pennies dropping left, right and centre.

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The shysters won't be removed by the fans, it's not our way. They should have been starved of money when we had the perfect chance but they weren't so we stumble on...

Newco/oldco - When the CVA was rejected i thought that was us finished and we'd maybe have a new club in a few years - i was wrong on that. There is no difference, it's still the same club to me.

Our fans have looked acros the city and saw the greenyins complaining about everything and getting there way. If Spence has to deal with some complaints then fair enough, he's a fud anyway. In an ideal world it would be water off a ducks back but we're playing by the greenyins rules now.


Aye, it's all the other mobs fault you're a bunch of Neanderthal bed-wetters. :1eye

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F88k up Norman.


Can't even swear properly.

Fuck off, Vicky.

Is that your idea of oral sex Norman?

You're going to have to find somebody to explain the thought processes there, otherwise the hat-trick could be completed by the most pathetic meltdown witnessed on here.

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Sorry Bendarroch but this is pretty much how i see it.

We are being robbed...That is my hard earned money those shysters are lining their already bulging pockets with!

We have gangsters on the Board of Rangers. Not just a couple of dodgy businessmen but out and out thug gangsters...On our Board FFS!!

We have a war going on in the boardroom the outcome of which will make or break Rangers.

There is so much going on at the moment i am not even going to depress myself listing it all. While all this is going on we have our support up in arms and united and preparing to take on the World because Jim Spence expressed his opinion on national radio station. That opinion, wrongly imo, is the opinion of a few journalists and they have stated it in the past and i am sure they will state it in the future. So what? I couldn't care less what they say regarding oldco/newco/old club/dead club etc etc...It doesn't change or affect my opinion or should it affect change the opinion of any Rangers supporter. Let them believe what they want to believe.

At the end of the day Bendarroch you can argue until you are blue in the face but people will believe what they want to believe...I know i do. I want to believe my club is still my club and nothing anybody says is ever going to change that!

If only our support could unite against the 'enemies' within as they do against the perceived 'enemies' on the outside!

The sooner all these conmen are out of the club the better, the blame firmly lies at David Murrays door. The b*****d should have been made to pay off everything he got us into. He was the one that sold us to that conman b*****d c**t f**k Craig Whyte. I was hearing a mumble or two about Murray coming back in in the past few weeks, thankfully from people who aren't very reliable for information.

I see Rangers as the same club. If others want to call us dead, extinct or whatever that's their perogative. If Rangers were a new club then they wouldn't all hate us that much, some even obsess about us and post here more than the Rangers fans ffs.

I fucking hate international breaks. As refreshing as it was to see a Scotland win last night I can't wait for Saturday to see how some of the new boys get on and talk about that rather than the whole "Ho ho ho yous are dead" "naw we're no" bullshit.

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It was pretty obvious which was why i never renewed last season/bought tickets on a game to game to basis .  We had our chance and never took it out, so we'll just have to ride this out for better or worse.


As an average guy who supports a team the whole company law thing doesn't really mean that much, the company name changing to me isn't that big a deal.


Edit) New club is an online wind up, nothing more really.

New club is a fact Bennett, like it or not. That was your original view and it was correct. You were taken in by the con, perhaps not so much in a financial investment but you certainly have invested emmotionally and you have been an unwitting accomplace due to the efforts you have given to fight for the new club to be recognised as the old club.

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The sooner all these conmen are out of the club the better, the blame firmly lies at David Murrays door.  The b*****d should have been made to pay off everything he got us into.  He was the one that sold us to that conman b*****d c**t f**k Craig Whyte.  I was hearing a mumble or two about Murray coming back in in the past few weeks, thankfully from people who aren't very reliable for information.


I see Rangers as the same club.  If others want to call us dead, extinct or whatever that's their perogative.  If Rangers were a new club then they wouldn't all hate us that much,  some even obsess about us and post here more than the Rangers fans ffs.


I fucking hate international breaks.  As refreshing as it was to see a Scotland win last night I can't wait for Saturday to see how some of the new boys get on and talk about that rather than the whole "Ho ho ho yous are dead"  "naw we're no" bullshit.

You describe them as conmen, in what way have they played confidence tricks? If the club is the same they have conned no-one, they are businessmen who took a large pay for their work.

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Would this be the year you've spent criticising fans of other clubs for not attending matches, perchance, you two-faced slug?

You mean fans who promised online to support their teams and never?

I've been to 2 Killie games this season, how many have you been to?

Mr Killie :lol:

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