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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Loosing track again.

I know SPL teams meeting to discuss newco sanctions at end of month,

What are the current sanctions if the Admin contiues into a second season - is it more points off.

And any date for the release of last weeks SFA verdicts yet.

They'll probably just ask Rangers what they want the punishment to be.

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They'll probably just ask Rangers what they want the punishment to be.

Sally's already given the official answer. Wasn't it 'not lenient, but fair'? Or some such pish.

Fasda is right. No one is interested in buying them. Nobody wanted them a year ago and now they are in a far worse state financially. H&D want to see out the season and then i think they'll put them into 'the liquidator' 8)

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I've just posted my own note of caution on the main thread.

It seems that administration is a facility for football clubs to largely dodge responsibility for financial imprudence.

I'm no expert on the process, but it seems to me that Whyte has had this one up his sleeve for a while. Whether he is looking for personal gain is another question, but I suspect that Rangers as an entity will suffer a mere flesh wound regardless.

How will it pan out? It wouldn't surprise me if Whyte has someone in the wings who will swoop in and assume ownership of Rangers for a song, but this time, minus the crippling debts. Whyte will get his 'cut', and Rangers will still be in a position to operate at a financial level way beyond the rest of Scottish football, Celtic excepted.

It is sickening to contemplate, but they'll steer a way through this.

Oh dear, I have a horrible feeling that my worst fears will yet be realised.

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Would the cynic in me be right in thinking that they will hold off any decision until after the OF game in order to get the money in from that? Maybe I'm exaggerating how much income a game like that generates considering the league is now over.

Oh dear, I have a horrible feeling that my worst fears will yet be realised.

It's pretty much the angle I've been taking from the start. Rangers will be playing in the SPL in some form next season and any punishment will still see them comfortably richer than the chasing pack.

Edited by Ric
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Stolen from elsewhere

This chart shows the percentage of UK tax spent in each area.


http://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/ye.. .11bc1i#ukgs302

Given the above and the fact that Duff and Phelps have projected the amount owed to the public purse will total £93m when the big tax verdict is announced we can work out who the horrible b*****ds have robbed.

Pensioners - £16,740,000.00

Sick people and the Doctors & Nurses treating them - £15,810,000.00

Poor people dependant on welfare - £14,880,000.00

School children - £12,090,000.00

Military - £6,510,000.00 (How many squaddies would £6.5 million of armor save?)

Protection (police, fire service, courts etc) - £4,650,000.00

Remaining stolen from transportation, general government, interest on national debt etc.

And the c***s are gonna be allowed to walk back into the SPL debt free with 2 ten point deductions?

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Stolen from elsewhere

This chart shows the percentage of UK tax spent in each area.


http://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/ye.. .11bc1i#ukgs302

Given the above and the fact that Duff and Phelps have projected the amount owed to the public purse will total £93m when the big tax verdict is announced we can work out who the horrible b*****ds have robbed.

Pensioners - £16,740,000.00

Sick people and the Doctors & Nurses treating them - £15,810,000.00

Poor people dependant on welfare - £14,880,000.00

School children - £12,090,000.00

Military - £6,510,000.00 (How many squaddies would £6.5 million of armor save?)

Protection (police, fire service, courts etc) - £4,650,000.00

Remaining stolen from transportation, general government, interest on national debt etc.

And the c***s are gonna be allowed to walk back into the SPL debt free with 2 ten point deductions?

Where is the pie slice to show the UK Government financial support for Rangers?

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Surely, D&P must be excruciatingly embarrassed by now!

How many final final, not one more , honestly this is your last chance extended deadlines are we gonna have?

What does incompetent mean? what does baffled mean?

Face it guys, no one really wants the disaster that is RFC , put them out of their misery and liquidate them!

Its the humane thing to do.

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If the administrators are still at the club in a couple of weeks time will it be up to them to ask the punters for season ticket money for next season?

As somebody has already said, answer is yes.

But what are they selling?

What league? (SPL, Div 3?)

What team will they have? (Most players will walk, but how or what can they afford, depends on the stage of administration, liquidation etc)

Where will they play? (can't assume Ibrox)

Even what will they be called? (Who own the name Rangers?)

Not to mention penalties imposed by SFA, Eufa who might decide as all comes out they are just so toxic they will not be allowed to play in any league.

So many questions, so few answers.

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No preferred bidder status expected today per BBC and Laurel and Hardy.

Who didn't see that coming?

Apparently Miller - the man who told everyone to put up or shut up - has asked for more time before deciding whether or not to put up.

Would advise people to have a look at Leggo Land TODAY! He's always worth a read but today is a particularly noteworthy effort in the comedy stakes.

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They went into admin for tax debts of £9million, the point is that whilst they (HMRC) may (probably would have) cut a deal with the previous incumbents there wasn't a hope in hell that they would negotiate with Whyte,

The previous incumbents who, as far as HMRC are concerned, have been underpaying their tax for over a decade?

There's no chance HMRC will do a "deal", it's everything or liquidation.

Hobson's choice really.

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As somebody has already said, answer is yes.

But what are they selling?

What league? (SPL, Div 3?)

What team will they have? (Most players will walk, but how or what can they afford, depends on the stage of administration, liquidation etc)

Where will they play? (can't assume Ibrox)

Even what will they be called? (Who own the name Rangers?)

Not to mention penalties imposed by SFA, Eufa who might decide as all comes out they are just so toxic they will not be allowed to play in any league.

So many questions, so few answers.

Wouldn't have thought being called "something" Rangers would be an issue as there is already Berwick Rangers, Cove Rangers, Brora Rangers and Cambuslang Rangers.

Those bears are so loyal I'm sure they'll pay top dollar even in Div 3

As for playing somewhere - I concur with earlier thoughts of sharing at Firhill giving Partick a million pounds a year and some Domestos too kepp the place tidy,

Doesn't matter what team they have - they will be despised as a club by most fans in the country.

Edited by Chuckinho
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This chart shows the percentage of UK tax spent in each area.

What is that meant to demonstrate? I think you have got your billions mixed up with your millions. Sure the amount Rangers have diddled from the tax man, even at it's smallest, is abhorrent, but you can't compare it to massive public spending on things like Pensions or Heath Care.

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Surely, D&P must be excruciatingly embarrassed by now!

How many final final, not one more , honestly this is your last chance extended deadlines are we gonna have?

What does incompetent mean? what does baffled mean?

Face it guys, no one really wants the disaster that is RFC , put them out of their misery and liquidate them!

Its the humane thing to do.

Sorry but embarrassment will not come into it.

By sitting tight and going onto sport radio programmes to 'explain' to the great unwashed how complicated it all is, is a price worth paying to allow you to bill half a million a month. As long as the cash keeps piling in they will keep to their game plan. Should Duff & Phelps be Du££ and P£e£ps

The only one who has less chance of being embarrassed by his own behaviour is Craig Whyte.

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As somebody has already said, answer is yes.

But what are they selling?

What league? (SPL, Div 3?)

What team will they have? (Most players will walk, but how or what can they afford, depends on the stage of administration, liquidation etc)

Where will they play? (can't assume Ibrox)

Even what will they be called? (Who own the name Rangers?)

Not to mention penalties imposed by SFA, Eufa who might decide as all comes out they are just so toxic they will not be allowed to play in any league.

So many questions, so few answers.

You missed one - who will the season ticket money actually go to?

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Would advise people to have a look at Leggo Land TODAY! He's always worth a read but today is a particularly noteworthy effort in the comedy stakes.

That's the first time I've ever read his blog.. :lol: ..bloody hell he makes even your questionable journalistic skills worthy of a Pulitzer.. :P

Seriously though, he strikes me as someone who is writing that stuff on the wall of his cell using a crayon with his feet because he is tightly bound in a straight jacket.

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You missed one - who will the season ticket money actually go to?

Some casino in Monaco for the moment perhaps and then to HMRC...

Also as a school teacher I'm a wee bit unsure on maths, but suffice to say that taking the pie chart and dividing the 93 million along the percentage lines works well

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Would the cynic in me be right in thinking that they will hold off any decision until after the OF game in order to get the money in from that? Maybe I'm exaggerating how much income a game like that generates considering the league is now over.

It's pretty much the angle I've been taking from the start. Rangers will be playing in the SPL in some form next season and any punishment will still see them comfortably richer than the chasing pack.

They are going to get away scot-free. What'll be interesting to see is how many of the players have the remarkable restraint to hang around for a season with no European football. If they don't Rangers will be pretty rubbish, but equally with the same squad they'll probably challenge - given how bad a manager Neil Lennon is.

There is a very real possibility that next season will be like nothing ever happened.

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You missed one - who will the season ticket money actually go to?

I suspect they will honour the Ticketus deal (if they can legally do this) to keep them sweet as without them being part of any consortium (and become a creditor) there is no money, especially with the Blue Knights, who have zilch to put in.

So if anyone thinks that buying a season ticket will go towards new players, forget it! It will start to give the return to cash rich investors. huh.gif

Just shows how corrupt is football and especially Rangers.

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