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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Will ally be next with a "Big Hoose"??

It's getting to be like f*cking Monopoly. :lol::lol:

Super Ally - the fans favourite, has built his own wee atlantis remember.


"you bought them a house, you bought them a howww-ouse, they took all your money and they each bought a house"

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Waddingtons had to amend the rules for that game, in normal monopoly when you are bankrupt you lose, in this version you just keep on playing

While blaming all the other players for allowing this to happen, going through all the chance and community chest and stealing all the get out of jail free cards (there can be no other explanation for LNS and the FTT!)

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RANGERS’ financial director Brian Stockbridge has called for the club’s fans to remain calm amid ongoing turmoil at Ibrox.
In a statement, Stockbridge said: “Plans have been put in place to ensure the daily operations of Rangers continue as normal.
“Rangers are financially secure and there is no prospect of the club ‘running out of money’”. (The Sun)

"If you can keep calm when all about you are panicking, maybe you just don't understand the extent of the problem."

Given Rangers had loads (£1million) in the bank to see them though to April, how does that look now that Mather has pocketed an unplanned £300K for an early exit (for the good of the club :lol: ) ?

Edited by thelegendthatis
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This is from Scribd and presumably the work of a former employee [or relation of same]

been changed to hide their identities;These events have been on-going for 7 months and with the FULL knowledge of Brian StockbridgeCraig Mather the internal HR department and George Angus (consultant).We will cover each individual shortly and there background. Firstly let me tell you a story!Once upon a time rangers had a facilities manager his name was Ross and to be fair to him he did adecent job, then one day in February he was removed from his duties and in effect paid off. He is not allowed to discuss any issues he had at rangers because of a confidentiality clause. What thenhappened was rather disturbing! Stockbridge brought in a consultancy company called ACTIVE
CORPORATE and then allowed a complete stranger to take over a serving member of staff’s office
and duties while he (Ross)was still employed as a manager.Rangers HR department where fully complicit in this whole sorry sage taking place and did not takean independent view of what was going on under the strict instructions of stockbridge and Mather.This consultancy company ACTIVE CORPORATE run by a man named as IAIN MORGAN or IAIN ARTHUR MORGAN has been supplying his services since at least February and to this day he is still
supplying services (which brings us to one of the points about “the great stadium robbery” this
guy has been drawing money from the rangers well at an alarming rate and he even got one of hisemployees MR GEORGE ANGUS to head the facilities department as an EXPERT! This is another guy who has taken vast sums from rangers in the last seven months.Meanwhile Stockbridge keeps supplying services to rangers using MORGAN and ANGUS to cover histracks. What the real fans want to know is how much has ACTIVE CORPORATE taken from rangerssince February? The first thing Mather and Stockbridge did once they had decided that the £22M IPO cash was theirswas to actively recruit w
ithin the current staff at rangers and get their “insider traders “to allow
complete control over the budgets and spending issues. They then got Jim Traynor to cover the mediaside of things and head off any awkward questions.The staff members that were recruited under promises of promotion or other devious reasons are:Irene Munro (head of marketing/hospitality) reward for turning directorship!

Cont.Gordon McAllister (project coordinator) reward for being a dirty rotten scoundrel and personally being involved in getting three colleagues made redundant assistant facilities manager?? This guy is a joke and has absolutely no backbone I know for a fact he was promised the position of facilities manager but due to his complete incompetence stockbridge had to rethink his plan and put GEORGE ANGUS in to the facilities department as an EXPERT, with the full backing of Mather and theclubs HR department (we will come to them shortly)Ken overmans (accounts controller) this guy is the very worst kind and actually thinks he is doing agreat job! I will mention one name CRAIG WHYTE! He helped Whyte single headedly remove over £9M in unpaid taxes and kept it secret in case HE lost his job! He is now doing it again withStockbridge and Mather. When will the fans demand people like him should not be anywhere near the club god knows how much has went missing into different accounts and sub contract companies
with Stockbridge’s full knowledge.
Finally the HR department: this department has blood on its hands; my understanding of a HRdepartment is it is supposed to be fair, impartial and unbiased. They are supposed to assist theemployer and employee? Not the rangers HR department led by Claire rinkes and supported by theworst staff member of the year Yvonne whitelock, these two staff members have been heavily involved with the outrageous redundancy process that is taking place and had been on-going since June 2013 they have threatened and bullied and harassed affected staff all under the DIRECT knowledge of stockbridge and Mather. Jim Traynor should hang his head in shame he has bullied and harassed staff since the beginning of May 2013 and was personally involved in getting Lindsay Herron made redundant a shameful act!
Now you know some of the CAST in “the great stadium robbery” please feel free to check them out!

The scams that HAVE taken place since at least December/January is to use several “investors” and
then sub contract any/all work to them or their preferred supplier, the scam them involves the said sub-contractors and consultants to overcharge the club and I MEAN overcharge by many thousandsand in some instances tens/hundreds of thousands of pounds. This has been allowed to happen by
mainly Stockbridge but Mather is well aware of what has been happening using “the insider traders”
to cover their tracks within the stadium.
There are a couple of other companies complicit in this “robbery” namely APM contracts ltd another of MORGAN and STOCKBRIDGE’S friends this is the guy who was
given the work to upgrade the shopsin Belfast and Glasgow airport! He was also slung the job for EDMINSTON house but was not equipped to deal with this rather large contract. This is mainly due to the building being covered in
ASBESTOS! He didn’t know how to d
eal with it so another easy way to drain more cash from the club!Mather has almost admitted that part as he now says the building may be demolished, I wonder whowill get that job? There has been NO public tendering for any work at the stadium and Murray Park since January WHY because this allows Stockbridge and Mather to SELECT their companies and friends to fulfil any work

required at ranger at VAST EXPENSE this has been happening since January and is still happeningtoday every day.Stockbridge was already a wealthy man before he arrived at rangers but when you work out how much has went missing and how many companies he and Chico have tied up then you begin torealise it is nothing more than PURE GREED this guy could not even spell rangers, he is not in theslightest bit interested in the club he is only interested in how much MORE cash he can take out!Mather is slightly different (only in one respect) in that he invested £1M into the club on the promiseof running the whole youth setup? Unfortunate
ly he couldn’t hack it and wormed his way into the
chief operating officer position (this job was NEVER advertised) and it was put his way by Chico so he
had his “insider trader” but now Mather has been exposed for what he really is another money
grabber w
ho isn’t in the slightest bit interested in rangers, it’s all smoke and mirrors with him trying
to win favour with whoever is in a position of power THIS GUY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED he is greensman!So the story will continue and I will update the real fans on Facebook and rangers rumours pleasecheck both sites out and follow, follow the links:THEREALRANGER
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"But Craig Barnett, Fife, said: “As a Rangers fan and shareholder, I think there is a witch-hunt being conducted by your newspaper against my club. Otherwise why were we on the front page, the

back page and four full pages inside Thursday morning’s edition? I look forward to your response.”

FFS :lol: The Old Firm have filled our newspapers front, back and center for as long as I care to remember - anything with even the vaguest link to Rangers, 'Rangers' or Celtic has been published, big photos 'n all, as if it were a genuinely newsworthy item - and now that it's point-and-laugh material rather than 'succulent lamb' stuff poor wee Craig Barnett (from f'kin FIFE btw !!!) is greeting into his Daily Ranger about it !!

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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I would love to see Sevco go tits up like the old club as as much as the next man, but can someone give me just ONE valid reason why "ra berz" are sitting on their hands over all of this, surely it's time for the pitch forks and burning torches?

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This is from Scribd and presumably the work of a former employee [or relation of same]





been changed to hide their identities...

...THIS GUY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED he is greensman!So the story will continue and I will update the real fans on Facebook and rangers rumours pleasecheck both sites out and follow, follow the links:THEREALRANGER

Who the f'ck wrote that - it's an absolute mess of a post and if had it been written in support of 'Rangers' we would have ripped it apart for the poorly constructed chuff that it undoubtedly is !!

I stopped reading it cause my eyes started to bleed !!

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Edit: You only have to check RM threads to see the us versus them within their own ranks ... anyone than posts opinions or the truth on there (contrary to what they want to hear) is quickly outed as t.ai.g and banned.

The mods do not even converse by PM with the individual to ascertain anything ... you are banned and that is it.

One minute you are posting ... next thing you know is, you cannot access your account.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just had a look at RM :lol:

So much infighting and I see the Sons of Struth :lol: are very popular :thumsup2

eta - you sound like you are talking from experience :lol:

Edited by Romeo
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Who the f'ck wrote that - it's an absolute mess of a post and if had it been written in support of 'Rangers' we would have ripped it apart

Totally agree, but it's possible that the lack of skill evident in putting it together, actually makes it more credible.

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Another hilarious bearz .. why do they all hate us, boo hoo .. we are superior thread

I guess we also need to give credit when credit is due ...

Bluepeter9 " It's football - it's tribal - and hate is just to strong a word."

Falkirk have had a part of P&B set aside for folk to rip the pish out of us - I didn't bleat about folk hating us, they were ripping the pish pure and simple !!

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I would still say that only Celtic and Aberdeen have real 'hate' wheras Motherwell don't and they finished second twice.

And Aberdeen's isn't really valid as it isn't sectarian.

^^ From the "why do they hate us" on rm.

Hate is only valid if its sectarian?

Every day is a school day.

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