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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Your club did gamble its very existence on short term success...Some people have very short memories

I've never once defended Alan Kelly's running of the club. Unlike your lot in relation to SDM. Having over a million in the bank to being over a million in debt in a few short years is catastrophic mismanagement for a club the size of Raith.

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1. 15 points for first time 25 for any subsequent ones, as its a new club would be 15 points.

2. The limited company could be spun off this time unlike oldco when it was one and the same. If that was the case then ask yourself why did Whyte not just purchase the football bit? If the PLC goes into administration then adminsitrator is duty bound to get best deal for creditors, believe it or not. Sell off or sell on as a going concern. I have no idea what is left to sell as the PLC only has one subsidary company, suspect there is nothing to sell myself except intangabiles such as future potential earnings or not.

Pretty sure the new SPFL rules on "insolvency events" incorporate companies that run clubs. :rolleyes:

So I would take that to mean they would receive a 25 point penalty. Can't remember the exact wording of the rule but HJ referenced it on this thread at one point.

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Any joy? No - just another plastic fantasy.


Unlike those very real terrorist lovers running around the darkhead pitch singing 'oh ah up the 'RA' with the full permission of the sporting wing board.


Pity the soldier bhoy wasn't on duty that day...

I don't get you.

I thought you were supposed to be part of a bunch that's full of respect for members/ex-members of the armed forces?

Yet all you seem to do is disrespect someone who manned-up and served his queen and country. Probably more than you ever did.

Oh sorry, you've did your bit for queen and country from the comfort of the terraces.

Before you ask I'm ex-forces as well.

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Pretty sure the new SPFL rules on "insolvency events" incorporate companies that run clubs. :rolleyes:

So I would take that to mean they would receive a 25 point penalty. Can't remember the exact wording of the rule but HJ referenced it on this thread at one point.

The "club" as it were was still in the hands of an insolvency event before the start of season 2012/2013 but the club didn't suffer the mandatory 25 point deduction at the start of the season in the SFL 3rd division.Smells of new club status why it didn't get fucked over by a points deduction.

There ain't a chance in hell they will throw a 25 point penalty at the club for going into an insolvency event after last years oversight in giving the club the mandatory 25 point deduction for still being in administration.Another nail in the coffin for the bears it's a new club if they do not whack it with the maximum points deduction for a second insolvency event :) .

The bears always shout it's the same club even when the Frankenstein's laboratory at the SFA still handle the club as if it's still a new club and has on many occasions ?.

Would the bears be satisfied if the SFA/SPFL throw the maximum 25 point deduction at them for a second insolvency event ?,it would show the SFA/SPFL treat the club as the same club but would they handle the situation well if it meant another club won the SPFL 1st division because of the points deduction ? .Decisions decisions eh :lol: .

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Pretty sure the new SPFL rules on "insolvency events" incorporate companies that run clubs. :rolleyes:

So I would take that to mean they would receive a 25 point penalty. Can't remember the exact wording of the rule but HJ referenced it on this thread at one point.

E1 Subject to Rule E5, where a Club suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event thatClub shall be deducted 15 points in the League
E2 Where an Insolvency Event occurs during a Season, the15points deduction shall beapplied immediately to take effect in the current Season.
E3 Where an Insolvency Event occurs during the Close Season the 15points deductionshall apply in respect of the immediately following Season, such that therelevantClub starts that immediately following Season in the relevant Division on minus 15points.
E4 Where an Insolvency Event or in the event that such Insolvency Event is part of anInsolvency Process that process, continues and/or is subsisting during a second orlater Season then, for each such second or later Season, during the whole or part of which such Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process is continuing and/or subsisting,the Club concerned shall be deducted 15 points and shall start each such second or
later Season in the relevant Division on minus 15 points.
E5 Where a Club, whether owned and operated by the same or a different Member,suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event
which results in a deduction of points interms of these Rules and within 5 years of the date of such Insolvency Event suffers or is subject to a further Insolvency Event which is not part of the same InsolvencyProcess as the Insolvency Event then suffered, the points deduction a
pplicable interms of Rules E1in respect of that second or further Insolvency Event, shall be 25points with the 15points in RulesE2
andE3being 25 Points.
E6 For the purposes of Rules E1 to E5 (inclusive) all references to a Club taking,suffering or being subject to an Insolvency Event and/or an Insolvency Process aswell as including the owner and operator of a Club taking, suffering or being subjectto an Insolvency Event and/or an Insolvency Process shall, if the Board sodetermines having regard to (i) the need to protect the integrity and continuity ofthe League; (ii) the reput
ation of the League; and (iii) the relationship between suchowner and operator and the Group Undertaking concerned, also include any
Group Undertaking of such an owner and operator taking, suffering or beingsubject to an Insolvency Event and/or an Insolvency Process.

E7 The Secretary shall, on behalf of the League, give written notice to a Club, which is subject to a points deduction in terms of Rules E1 to E5 (inclusive) of each suchpoints deduction.

E8 A Club may appeal against a deduction of points in terms of Rules E1 to E6(inclusive) on the grounds that:
E8.1 it, or as the case may be a Group Undertaking of it, has not taken, sufferedor been subject to an Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process;
E8.2 the Insolvency Event which gave rise to the pointsdeduction, againstwhich an appeal is taken, is part of an Insolvency Process and that the Club
has already been subject to a points deduction in relation to an earlierInsolvency Event in the same Insolvency Process in or for the same Season;
E8.3 the Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process, which gave rise to such pointsdeduction, arose as a result of a Force Majeure Eve
New club new company 15 points.
Edited by Bloomogganners
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Are you not welcome at Parkhead either then ...

He talks shyte and has limited imagination ... I think it's the fact I have Protestant parents, served in the Forces and love the Tic ..

Poor moron cannot fathom it ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When there is a Muslim ST holder at Ibrokes I fear the worst for Bendarroch :unsure: .

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EClub Financial Arrangements



E1 Subject to Rule E5, where a Club suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event thatClub shall be deducted 15 points in the League


E2 Where an Insolvency Event occurs during a Season, the15points deduction shall beapplied immediately to take effect in the current Season.


E3 Where an Insolvency Event occurs during the Close Season the 15points deductionshall apply in respect of the immediately following Season, such that therelevantClub starts that immediately following Season in the relevant Division on minus 15points.


E4 Where an Insolvency Event or in the event that such Insolvency Event is part of anInsolvency Process that process, continues and/or is subsisting during a second orlater Season then, for each such second or later Season, during the whole or part of which such Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process is continuing and/or subsisting,the Club concerned shall be deducted 15 points and shall start each such second or

later Season in the relevant Division on minus 15 points.


E5 Where a Club, whether owned and operated by the same or a different Member,suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event

which results in a deduction of points interms of these Rules and within 5 years of the date of such Insolvency Event suffers or is subject to a further Insolvency Event which is not part of the same InsolvencyProcess as the Insolvency Event then suffered, the points deduction a

pplicable interms of Rules E1in respect of that second or further Insolvency Event, shall be 25points with the 15points in RulesE2

andE3being 25 Points.


E6 For the purposes of Rules E1 to E5 (inclusive) all references to a Club taking,suffering or being subject to an Insolvency Event and/or an Insolvency Process aswell as including the owner and operator of a Club taking, suffering or being subjectto an Insolvency Event and/or an Insolvency Process shall, if the Board sodetermines having regard to (i) the need to protect the integrity and continuity ofthe League; (ii) the reput

ation of the League; and (iii) the relationship between suchowner and operator and the Group Undertaking concerned, also include any

Group Undertaking of such an owner and operator taking, suffering or beingsubject to an Insolvency Event and/or an Insolvency Process.


 E7 The Secretary shall, on behalf of the League, give written notice to a Club, which is subject to a points deduction in terms of Rules E1 to E5 (inclusive) of each suchpoints deduction.


E8 A Club may appeal against a deduction of points in terms of Rules E1 to E6(inclusive) on the grounds that:



E8.1 it, or as the case may be a Group Undertaking of it, has not taken, sufferedor been subject to an Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process;


E8.2 the Insolvency Event which gave rise to the pointsdeduction, againstwhich an appeal is taken, is part of an Insolvency Process and that the Club

has already been subject to a points deduction in relation to an earlierInsolvency Event in the same Insolvency Process in or for the same Season;



E8.3 the Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process, which gave rise to such pointsdeduction, arose as a result of a Force Majeure Eve



New club new company 15 points.

The "owner and operator" line screams 25 points to me. Especially since membership was transferred from Rangers to Sevco. :unsure:

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The "owner and operator" line screams 25 points to me. Especially since membership was transferred from Rangers to Sevco. :unsure:

As I posted earlier the SFA/SFL did not impose the mandatory 25 point deduction for the "CLUB" aKa "Rangers FC" for still being in the hands of an insolvency event for the start of season 2012 /2013,this clearly shows the associations are willing to bend or blatantly disregard any rules that would see their rules enforced properly.

They claim it's the same club but fail to give it the relevant points deduction for still being in admin but on the other hand have treated it as a new club on many occasions eg no rankings in the domestic cups season 2012/2013,no European footy as the club would have still eligible as the same club & the transfer of the SFA licence etc etc.

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Why don't you start a thread on it, and give us some peace from all your ira, sporting wing shite.

I'd bet you sporting wing lovers would love every stain quickly swept under the nearest handy carpet. Would need a lot of carpets mind you...

But, this subject was alive and kicking long before I even arrived on this thread. A killie supporter was wading into Liewell over the plastics annual poppygate scandal - the one that's about to rear it's ugly head all over again.

Incidentally - the person arguing the toss with the killie fan? Step forward your very own soldier bhoy.

Did you ask him to shut it about this subject at the time?

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I don't get you.

I thought you were supposed to be part of a bunch that's full of respect for members/ex-members of the armed forces?

Yet all you seem to do is disrespect someone who manned-up and served his queen and country. Probably more than you ever did.

Oh sorry, you've did your bit for queen and country from the comfort of the terraces.

Before you ask I'm ex-forces as well.

If you can't see the problem with your fellow supporters wishing people like you dead and, instead, want to fake an issue with me then I can't help.

Did you miss the exchange between Dhense and yet another plastic who was cheerleading about Colonel Edward Loden who was so recently shot dead?

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If you can't see the problem with your fellow supporters wishing people like you dead and, instead, want to fake an issue with me then I can't help.


Did you miss the exchange between Dhense and yet another plastic who was cheerleading about Colonel Edward Loden who was so recently shot dead?

Start a thread you tedious chunt.

Maybe there you can explain your clubs and fans association with loyalist paramilitary groups. Sporting wing(s) indeed. :rolleyes:

No-one really wants to hear this Norn Iron pish and who can blame them?

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Start a thread you tedious chunt.

Maybe there you can explain your clubs and fans association with loyalist paramilitary groups. Sporting wing(s) indeed. :rolleyes:

No-one really wants to hear this Norn Iron pish and who can blame them?

I don't want to hear your fantasy pish about Rangers - but there you go.

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