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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I got a virus warning attempting to open that site, I don't want a virus, thanks. You are mouthy about what you 'despise' now tell me what you believe in and your politics so that I may make cheap shots at them.

Hiya AWRA/Christopher no titles/Batshit Potato :) Hiya pal :D .

Yer last account had you trying to be smarter than you are and here we are with your newest account you roaster :lol: .

Hiya Tedi :P .

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Was William III gay? aka Queen Billy.

"William of Orange had male lovers, most notably William Bentinck, whom William made Earl of Portland, and Arnold Van Keppel, who was a mere page when William met him and made him Earl of Albemarle. Neither of these men did anything to justify their elevation. The only common factor was that they were constant and intimate partners of William of Orange."

But, at the end of the 17th century, accusations of sodomy came laden with double meaning and were aimed at emphasising both the court's supposed moral decay and William's foreignness. "Billy with Benting does play the Italian," went one rhyme - "Italian" being an easily recognised euphemism.

Scandal also accompanied Van Keppel's rapid advancement through the ranks of the court. In 1697, Bentinck wrote a letter to William, declaring his shock at the rumours of "Things I am ashamed to hear, and which I thought you to be as far removed of as any man of the world, I would have thought any man of society would have distanced himself from".

William III had no children although married. :wacko:

Don't care in the least what his sexual persuasion was. Hope everyone else is equally understanding. :)

Given that he's as dead as the fucking Rangers and every bit as irrelevant I couldn't care less. One thing to be said for him is that, at least until this moment in time, we haven't been subjected to a zombie homosexual William of Orange.

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Indeed - Haggerty fairly had her arse handed to her by a real journalist last night over this -

@AngelaHaggerty I heard "Orange b*****d" being aimed at the Ajax manager. Is there a culture of anti-Dutch racism? Or anti-'somethingelse'?


The delightful Ms Haggerty is blaming lasts nights trouble on anti Irish racism, she really is off her head :lol:

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Given that he's as dead as the fucking Rangers and every bit as irrelevant I couldn't care less. One thing to be said for him is that, at least until this moment in time, we haven't been subjected to a zombie homosexual William of Orange.

I've been in touch with Tarantino. I'll let you know if he's interested.

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I've been in touch with Tarantino. I'll let you know if he's interested.

Just pitch in the Phantom Papal Poltergeist as his arch enemy and you'll be onto a winner 8) .

If failing that just point him towards the Polterfud's posts on P&B and he might go for a comedy of horrors with Benny as his sidekick in their never ending quest against the WRK :lol: .

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Just pitch in the Phantom Papal Poltergeist as his arch enemy and you'll be onto a winner 8) .

If failing that just point him towards the Polterfud's posts on P&B and he might go for a comedy of horrors with Benny as his sidekick in their never ending quest against the WRK :lol: .

Haw! I'm not expecting Superman or the Dark Knight, but surely you can do better than that pair of maroons to try and frustrate my plans of World Domination?

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Haw! I'm not expecting Superman or the Dark Knight, but surely you can do better than that pair of maroons to try and frustrate my plans of World Domination?

Erm I was at a loss because there aren't many clever cloned Rangers fans on P&B WRK.

Hows the world domination going ? :) ,I can see that possibly Ibrox might be the last bastion of the foolish minions and hard to conquer unless you have hatched a devious plan in brogues :lol: .

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Erm I was at a loss because there aren't many clever cloned Rangers fans on P&B WRK.

Hows the world domination going ? :) ,I can see that possibly Ibrox might be the last bastion of the foolish minions and hard to conquer unless you have hatched a devious plan in brogues :lol: .

I was thinking maybe going old-school 'Murican, and using Agent Orange...

Wait till you see next year's away kit... ;)

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Help!! I am trying to find the forum on here that talks about Rangers/Sevco ups, and especially downs.

Where has it gone to? :(

Or has everyone else given up like the Rangers fans? :o

The calm before the storm :) ,the longer the wait the better the LOLZ :lol: .

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Help!! I am trying to find the forum on here that talks about Rangers/Sevco ups, and especially downs.

Where has it gone to? :(

Or has everyone else given up like the Rangers fans? :o

Just marking time and mucking about for the minute - the BRALT's having one of its "quiet times". All the more noticeable since Tedi's not here with his endless supply of links and cherry-picked "proof" that there's more life in rangers than in a Norwegian Blue.

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Just marking time and mucking about for the minute - the BRALT's having one of its "quiet times". All the more noticeable since Tedi's not here with his endless supply of links and cherry-picked "proof" that there's more life in rangers than in a Norwegian Blue.

I hear top scientists across the globe are trying very hard to revive the dodo and the SFA have been in close discussions after they managed to clone theirs last year :lol: .

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Just marking time and mucking about for the minute - the BRALT's having one of its "quiet times". All the more noticeable since Tedi's not here with his endless supply of links and cherry-picked "proof" that there's more life in rangers than in a Norwegian Blue.

Oh how I miss the Sevco Cheerleader and his endless meltdowns :lol:

The remaining Accolytes seem lost without his forthright leadership...just don't mention the Five Stars ok !!! ;)

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Carroll wasn't actually proved to be a paedophile was he? He was suspected and accused of it, especially with his friendship of Alice Liddell, but wasn't it thought later on that it was all exaggerated?

Sorry, that's a bit irrelevant and I like the rest of your post :-)

Lewis Carroll wasn't a paedophile, although it was trying to get his hole that was the reasons behind his friendship with Alice Liddell (as her later correspondence in her life revealed after her death). Carroll was after her hot governess - what better way in those days than providing her with stories to read them? He blundered though because he was meant to become an Anglican priest, but asked for a year's deferral (so he could complete his conquest of the governess), for which he was debarred from Oxford Uni for a time & automatically from the Liddell household as the head of the household was an Oxford Dean & it wouldn't have appeared "proper" to socialise with a man "in scandal"

The whole Alice In Wonderland series was actually a brilliantly concealed satire of the hypocrisy & pretentions of the masters of Oxford Uni, particularly the Mad Hatter's tea party.

Was William III gay? aka Queen Billy.

"William of Orange had male lovers, most notably William Bentinck, whom William made Earl of Portland, and Arnold Van Keppel, who was a mere page when William met him and made him Earl of Albemarle. Neither of these men did anything to justify their elevation. The only common factor was that they were constant and intimate partners of William of Orange."

But, at the end of the 17th century, accusations of sodomy came laden with double meaning and were aimed at emphasising both the court's supposed moral decay and William's foreignness. "Billy with Benting does play the Italian," went one rhyme - "Italian" being an easily recognised euphemism.

Scandal also accompanied Van Keppel's rapid advancement through the ranks of the court. In 1697, Bentinck wrote a letter to William, declaring his shock at the rumours of "Things I am ashamed to hear, and which I thought you to be as far removed of as any man of the world, I would have thought any man of society would have distanced himself from".

William III had no children although married. :wacko:

Don't care in the least what his sexual persuasion was. Hope everyone else is equally understanding. :)

If William III was gay, why was it the hitherto Villiers family shot to prominance only during his reign? Nothing to do with him shagging Elizabeth Villiers, of course!

It was well recorded that William was an emotional basket case for over a year after Mary's death, bursting out blubbing during cabinet meetings. He turned into something of a boring old fart thereafter, only interested in beating Louis (some said to "justify" his neglect of Mary), & after that happened he was something of a broken man.

William Bentinck was far from being "undeserving" of promotion: he'd been the main fixer of William's marriage to Mary, got the German states to support or at least stay off his back when he created the "blasphemous" alliance with Pope Innocent. He also arranged the transportation, financing and quartermasting for the invasion of Britain in 1688 in record time (& which William's elder advisors had claimed "couldn't be done") The main reason for the coup being bloodless was also thanks to his wheeling & dealing with the English Catholics (especially the Jesuits) to "let James go" as more trouble than he was worth.

The main reasons for the rumours about Bentinck at that time was more to do with both Tory & Whig enemies who couldn't stand him for being very good at whatever job he was asked to do & regarding him as something of an upstart. The "Billy with Benting does play the Italian" myth has one fatal flaw - no such concept as "Italians" existed until the 19th century. It appears to be little more than Shane Hegarty's somewhat vivid imagination. I wonder if he does boiler repairs whilst pretending to be an IT consultant?

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Show us then - or be laughed at like the blatant, revisionist liar you appear to be. Even WKR was cautious enough to confess to over-egging. But you're running with 'at least' one full page?

Oh dear...

I recanted on "almost everyone" because that would have suggested a majority of posters. Enough did condemn the statement (over a period of a couple of days) to show your accusations of "defence" as the arrant claptrap they are. If you could show one post - just one - which suggests any poster shares this view, then you may be taken seriously. Best of luck with that.

Consistency is your only positive value, as we can rely on you to be a deflective, lying moron.

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