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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If you go and read the thread about it you'll see my views, Chris.

No we'll talk about how much Celtic have embarrassed Scottish football here. It's not just the riots your lot will get in trouble with, it's the singing of IRA songs too. Who would have thought it though, It must be a mistake no way could ra sellik behave in that way. Those nasty undercover police officers just attacked those innocent Celtic fans for no reason whatsoever. :lol:

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I want to know if your hypocrisy matches your paranoia. You hate Rangers and other organisations for 'duping of acolytes' and thinking they are 'superior', now I want to know what your beliefs and politics are. You claimed to be 'never less than open', but when pressed you're like a worm in bleach.

Paranoia? How do you get to that conclusion?

Again, I said I "despise" rangers, and "hate" what they, and other organisations stand for - and for that matter, their operational strategies. You should maybe get a grown-up to explain the difference between the two words in quotation marks.

I am always open on this forum, some may say excessively so, but fail to see the relevance of my politics and beliefs* on a thread devoted to laughing at the come-uppance of Scottish Football's school bully. Hard though it may be for you to believe, I will celebrate almost as much if and when the old clubs's former business partners self-combust.

*By beliefs, I am assuming you mean "what school did you go to".

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No we'll talk about how much Celtic have embarrassed Scottish football here. It's not just the riots your lot will get in trouble with, it's the singing of IRA songs too. Who would have thought it though, It must be a mistake no way could ra sellik behave in that way. Those nasty undercover police officers just attacked those innocent Celtic fans for no reason whatsoever. :lol:

Both celtic and rangers fans behaved disgracefully in midweek. No surprise to anyone. Neither is the pathetic whataboutery.

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Can you explain how the most successful club hasn't won a cup and couldn't upgrade the pigsty they bought to accommodate the 500,000,000 worldwide fans desperate to see them play?

1.8 million for 'FREE' wifi ... LOL .. money well spent.

We have won over 100 trophies, thanks for playing though.

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You can't see the big picture. You're watching a pretty poor Celtic team being beaten at home off a bottom of the Championship team like Greenock Morton, beaten on (and off) the park to a poor Ajax team and lacklustre in the league. No Rangers in the top league means you sell your best players, replace them with inferior quality and the board buys you off with £100 pounds off a season ticket which it will recoup anyway when they overcharge you for watching them badly park the bus against Barcelona.

We can all see the big picture. Scottish football has somehow avoided Armageddon, every other club has got on with their usual level of success or mediocrity, the rangers won the fourth tier while pissing away the money they needed for any kind of sustainable future, and Watty, Ally, Fraser, Craig, Charlie, Imran and many many more have ensured a comfortable retirement. WATP, indeed. :lol:

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Oh dear God we have a dopey fucker posting on the thread :lol: .

Naw it's you who can't see the bigger picture because all you want to do is try to get one over the Celtic fans on here and can't see your new Rangers is heading into insolvency unless some daft b@stard throws tens of millions of pounds at it for the next three years or more until it reaches European footy.Even then it's doomed because the support will demand the board spend spend spend on high quality players just to get one over the tic and allegedly put Celtic back in their place n aw rat :lol: .

It's a pretty poor Celtic side according to many in Europe that has gained well over £30 million over the past two years in the Champions League as well as around £20 million for selling players.Whilst you club has spunked off over £40 million last year to win the lowest division in the Scottish professional league and you are claiming Celtic are pretty poor :lol: .

Your club is in a dire state of affairs and you want to claim Celtic are in trouble just because your old club went tits up from a high height and died a humiliating & embarrassing death and Armageddon was peddled to get the cloned club as high up the leagues as possible because it was always going to go into financial soapy :1eye .

You think your smart but in reality you are really thick as a plank because you think your new club will gain the notoriety the old club had whilst it racks up huge running losses in the lower divisions.Should your new club reach the Premiership it will be hampered by financial obligations it will have to fulfil to remain solvent and will mean you'll be lucky to field better players than the best of the rest in the Premiership.This will then not make the glory hunting support you have happy and will soon disappear and the spiral of not pumping the opposition will mean less fans and then financial soapy and version 3 Rankers is on the horizon.

Get real you fud :1eye

Watching a poor Celtic team play badly in the cup, the league and the champions league is a pyrrhic victory. Not even one pass mark against a poor Ajax team from the fans or the players. You'll be appeased soon with a discount.

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Watching a poor Celtic team play badly in the cup, the league and the champions league is a pyrrhic victory. Not even one pass mark against a poor Ajax team from the fans or the players. You'll be appeased soon with a discount.

Did you miss the game were we beat Ajax at home you fud :lol: ,and your selective memory were Forfar pumped your new club out of the League Cup.

You are truly thick and still hurting because your old club got liquidated :1eye .

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Take it up with the SPFL if you have a problem with facts.

FACTS you say ?,

GREEN insists he won't attend the tribunal set-up to discuss the possibility of title-stripping and is adamant the trophies are his after he purchased them.


Now go and take it up with Chucky you plonker :lol: ,another deluded fuckwit with internet access :1eye .

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