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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The ASA :lol: That well known authority on football and Scottish law.. Now if we are going to start on about bed sheets you stupid little Ork and protests and complaining :lol: I think you will lose that point scoring exercise too little Grasp ;)

Complain to the ASA then, they can ask UEFA and the SFA again and you can reject that and say 'but, but Jim Traynor!'

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If you go back and search the BBC article that quotes taken from, the quote from Malcolm Murray regarding corporate governance makes for hilarious reading, now.

"We can however say to supporters that the assurances the Walter Smith consortium are looking for regarding financial probity and high standards of corporate governance will be met."


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Without dropping a point? I agree.

The company's accounts said they'd be down to their last million before the end of the season. I suspect there have been a few more unexpected expenses since they were published.

Any idea how those expenses will be met?

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Ok Johnny, explain how liquidation would have came about, given that the verdict of the BTC went the way of the PLC, without the underhand dealings of Whyte in withholding PAYE & N.I. After all it was HMRC who initiated the liquidation, if Whyte hadn't acted as he had what reason would HMRC have had to initiate the liquidation. The EBT case had not been confirmed either way, so what other reason was there.

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The ASA are nobodies in relation to football ya simpleton ;) Show me Where Uefa have said Rangers are the same club ;)

Rangers fc were liquidated and it assets bought by Sevco, so get it round ya :lol:

To be fair, UEFA will be hoping that Rangers don't qualify before the 3 years of accounts are available.

Like that's going to happen.

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God is a bluenose.


If god is indeed a bluenose, he's being one twisted b@stard to yez.

Saddled you with Minty and Craigy Bhoy to kill the 1872, then just to twist the knife he's saddling your newco with one rogue after another. Enuf to make bluenoses question their faith I'd have thought. Maybe youz should try the Church of Scientology.

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The ASA are nobodies in relation to football ya simpleton ;) Show me Where Uefa have said Rangers are the same club ;)

Rangers fc were liquidated and it assets bought by Sevco, so get it round ya :lol:

You better complain about the adverts then johnnyc, rip that bed sheet off and have a wee doodle of Jim Traynor's face on it.

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Yes Denboy, I do agree that the liquidation of the PLC was because of the fraudulent dealings of Whyte. As it stood at the time, the EBT case was never confirmed either way so therefore it should never have entered calculations as far as administration purposes was concerned. The verdict of the FFT confirms that, albeit under appeal. At the time of administration the club had a bank debt of £18 million which was being operated year on year in an acceptable way. If Whyte had not been underhand by withholding the P.A.Y.E & N.I. then the liquidation of the company would not have happened, although I accept that if the FTT verdict had went against the PLC then without a doubt liquidation would have happened, but it didn't. Although Murray is far from innocent in all of this.

I assume this was in answer to my question.

If that is the case, and the debt was manageable, then there are plenty of things that the Rangers fans could have done.

You could have investigated the claims against Whyte for a start, and maybe started some sort of fan consortium to buy out Murray's stake.

You could have withheld all season ticket money when Whyte took over, forcing him to sell it on to someone more reputable, although that would have involved investigating Whyte again.

You could have demanded that Jelavic, Davis, Naismith, McGregor and any other sellable assets were punted in order to cover the cost of non qualification for the CL, which would have covered the debt run up under Whyte, which everyone knew was being run up given it was what he had done to several times in the past with other companies he had taken over, but that would again have required looking into the claims against Whyte.

I could go on.

Essentially, if Whyte is to take most of the blame, you can only blame the Rangers supporters for being too short sighted and bitter at being proven wrong by "Plastics and diddies" to see what was staring you in the face. Rangers fans could easily have taken Whyte out of the situation, at several different points, but didn't.

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Johnny, you're correct, ASA aren't involved in football, they adjudicate on such things as advertising disputes, you know similar to the dispute that so many of your clubs and other clubs fans complained to them about, only to be knocked back once again. Funny that isn't it, keeps happening though. :)

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Johnny, you're correct, ASA aren't involved in football, they adjudicate on such things as advertising disputes, you know similar to the dispute that so many of your clubs and other clubs fans complained to them about, only to be knocked back once again. Funny that isn't it, keeps happening though. :)

And all the ASA are saying is that they asked the relevant authorities (ho ho ho) who said, 'buggered if we know'.

Why anyone was daft enough to complain to the ASA, I've no idea. The ASA were never going to hold a legal inquiry into whether Scottish company law was being applied properly, were they?

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I take it we're all ignoring the part of the ruling which stated,

" the ASA said it was confident that consumers would understand the claim was in reference to the history of Rangers Football Club, but did accept that that the club’s history was “separate to that of Newco”?


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And all the ASA are saying is that they asked the relevant authorities (ho ho ho) who said, 'buggered if we know'.

Why anyone was daft enough to complain to the ASA, I've no idea. The ASA were never going to hold a legal inquiry into whether Scottish company law was being applied properly, were they?


Is Irn-Bru really made from girders?

Stupid Sellick fans getting themselves in a tizz about nothing, IMO.

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Ross, perhaps the support could have done some of the things you state but with a man in charge who held all the aces there really was very little scope for the support to do much, perhaps withholding ST money was an option. Whyte had this club in administraion within 8 months of taking over, i would think it would take a bit of organising to beat that timeframe. Certainly the support groups were lax over Whyte but imo I don't believe there could be a lot done that would have made an impact against him and his plan for administration.

Buying out Murray was looked at by the RST, iirc but such was the fractured nature of the support,(too many support groups with their own agenda maybe), it was never going to happen at that time and to be honest I doubt if it will.

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Went the way of the PLC :lol: Show me one instance were this company was referred to before Liquidation. I Just came in here to point and laugh cause there was an upsurge in zombie activity, I have really no interest in discussing the events that saw rangers liquidated. It has been done to death, you can clutch to your most succesful club shite all you want and what the ASA say for comfort, the real football fans of Scotland know and will never let you forget ;)

Are you actually citing The Sun and The Daily Record vs UEFA and the SFA? Embarrassing.

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f**k me, the Zombies are out in force today :thumsup2 We dont care what you think but spend all day claiming to be the same club :lol: :lol:

Post more pictures from Swallow Swallow and Sevco Meeja, that will convince us you did not get liquidated :lol:

Ah ken, it's almost as if they've had some good news today.

What that you say?

Still dead?

Still gifting all their money to spivs to buy big f**k-off houses?

Still dreaming of rainjurs men taking over from the gangsters, when it was good ol' rainjurs men who killed it off before?

Still defending the doing of f**k all to save their beloved club by saying "what could we have done, we owed so much money, except we didn't, but we did." In fact it demonstrates remarkable foresight to do hee-haw in their clubs time of need, not just proof of being shite-bag, gutter quality fans. Certainly not.

Still sending muppets on a tour to London to ask the big city boys to think of the club, when if they weren't complete cretins they would know they "use "various techniques" to bring about change to improve the value of companies and therefore the share price, it may not always be [fucking never is] in the best interests of the club."?

Still putting all their faith in men who have already made clear they wouldn't put a penny into the club/company/rapidly dwindling currant account?

Still praying for the return of Dave King who, lets be frank, is a criminal, a tax cheat, and made sure he got out ok last time while (and there is a theme emerging here) doing f**k-all to stop the death of the club?

Still here, getting pointed and laughed at, well that is some brass neck you got there. It's almost as if you are incapable of feeling shame. Remarkable (maybe even a world record).

Scuttle back under your rocks boys, come out again on the 18th, I'll rip the pish out of you again then.

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I take it we're all ignoring the part of the ruling which stated,

" the ASA said it was confident that consumers would understand the claim was in reference to the history of Rangers Football Club, but did accept that that the club’s history was “separate to that of Newco”?



NewCo = Separate

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