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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ross, perhaps the support could have done some of the things you state but with a man in charge who held all the aces there really was very little scope for the support to do much, perhaps withholding ST money was an option. Whyte had this club in administraion within 8 months of taking over, i would think it would take a bit of organising to beat that timeframe. Certainly the support groups were lax over Whyte but imo I don't believe there could be a lot done that would have made an impact against him and his plan for administration.

Buying out Murray was looked at by the RST, iirc but such was the fractured nature of the support,(too many support groups with their own agenda maybe), it was never going to happen at that time and to be honest I doubt if it will.

I can appreciate that after he got control things happened quite quickly and it would have taken some effort to get enough of the Rangers support together and get a sizeable fund set up to take serious action, but that was after the event. Had there been a half arsed investigation into Whyte before he took control, and there was around 6 months from his name first being mentioned until the takeover went through IIRC, you could have shut the door on him taking over. For my money, the only reason Rangers fans refused to investigate the claims from others was mostly down to pettiness and an unwillingness to believe that perhaps Celtic fans(and other Rangers "haters") were correct about the guy.

When his name was linked, it took me less than 10 minutes to see the list of companies he had previous involvement with, what had happened to those companies, and find several investment and legal forums that had sizeable threads with folk discussing things like who he was, what he had done, why to avoid his companies, and how folk should proceed with legal action against him. It was all there and plain to see for anyone what was coming.

The BTC, had(or if) it gone against Rangers, would have sunk them, no doubt, but the inaction of the fans and their petty "You'se are just jealous that we have a billionaire" attitude killed the club first.

No doubt you'll disagree, but it's how I see it. As soon as Whytes name was mentioned you could have acted and saved a hell of a lot of what has happened since.

Edited by Ross.
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Posting pages from The Sun and The Daily Record and citing Jim Traynor. UEFA, the SFA and the ASA all rubbish your claims and you post 'Jim Traynor said....' You must be thicker than the wall.

UEFA have said you aren't new? So you ARE allowed in Europe next season? Have you called the ... er is there a paper you muppets still trust, bugrit Daily Ranger - to give them this exclusive?

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:lol: What is the point in arguing with you lot, as I said this has been done to death and the real Scottish football fans know the truth ;) So you can bore me with who said what and who did this I dont give a toss, as far as I am concerned your club died and I will remind you of it for as long as I live(or dont care any longer). 8)

The truth is we're the same old club, all of your warped politics and greeting face don't change a thing.

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Ross, perhaps the support could have done some of the things you state but with a man in charge who held all the aces there really was very little scope for the support to do much, perhaps withholding ST money was an option. Whyte had this club in administraion within 8 months of taking over, i would think it would take a bit of organising to beat that timeframe. Certainly the support groups were lax over Whyte but imo I don't believe there could be a lot done that would have made an impact against him and his plan for administration.

Buying out Murray was looked at by the RST, iirc but such was the fractured nature of the support,(too many support groups with their own agenda maybe), it was never going to happen at that time and to be honest I doubt if it will.

Don't you recognise what a fanny you are being - perhaps eh?

but then again if you'd done that perhaps youz might have gone bust and been liquidated................don't want that.

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:lol: you seem upset my little ork.. Still waiting for you to show me where Uefa said you are the same club. The ASA are nobodies and big bad Jims word was good enough for a job at sevco :lol:

But you just keep personally insulting me, it helps your argument ;)

Johnny you're thick. I can help you overcome this affliction by posting facts to help you, but it is up to you if you accept them, or want to resort to 'they are pure nobodies! Jim Traynor CSC!!!!' behaviour. Accept the reality of the situation and move on.

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Johnny you're thick. I can help you overcome this affliction by posting facts to help you, but it is up to you if you accept them, or want to resort to 'they are pure nobodies! Jim Traynor CSC!!!!' behaviour. Accept the reality of the situation and move on.

Who is gonna buy the titles next admin/liquidation Bile? Any more clowns lined-up yet? Green was a classic.

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Hell of a rant, Hellboy. If I'm correct that ' we deserve better ' stance took place v Falkirk at Ibrox in 2008/09. It was organised by the RST, an organisation that has and had at that time comparatively few members than the other support groups. The ' we deserve better' stance was shouted down by many of the support that day so please before you start a rant get it correct, the media showing a few photos of that wasn't telling the full picture of that day. Also perhaps you weren't aware that in 2004 Murray floated a rights issue of £51 million for all shareholders to take up, it failed leaving M.I.H. to underwrite to the tune of £50 million, so much for Rangers fans being led by Murray.

As to stating that Rangers fans just want to spend money, you're very much deluded there, the vast majority are looking to see such vast amounts being paid out by the present and previous boards, spivs if you like,stopped. Hence the reason the vast majority want this board removed and replaced by some who hopefully will be more prudent with the finances. Although, you being the person you are no doubt you'll argue that one as well. Anyway, rant over.

A bit of a rant maybe Youngsy, the problem is with the support and how the support have over the years been accustomed to spend spend spend because Murray under-writ all the debts to maintain the illusion the club is living within it's means .

Tell what The Rangers have down since reforming ?, the club has spent vastly on players wages to lure the support to spend their hard earned giro money, it even bought Wallace from Hearts when it had no money to survive the season but relied on the IPO being successful to help make the season and part of this season.

The club isn't taking small steps either in it's journey up the leagues because last seasons squad would be a stick on to win the new SPFL 1st division wouldn't it ?, the club has aspirations of winning a major cup and has fed the supports glory hunting mentality by bringing in more highly paid mercenaries to which the club can ill afford.

All your club has done since reforming is spend spend spend to make sure the glory hunting support still has it's fix of pumping the opposition around them and that's all that matters isn't it ?. It's not just the spivs who are milking the cash cow because the support are helping the spivs to milk it by having success at the club by outspending the opposition and to fcuk with anything else because they are used to being !, successful.

If the spivs don't kill the V2 version then the fans will kill it by absconding from attending games at the prospect of living within it's means and that means having a wage structure that ensures the club ends up with a profit at the end of the season. So what's your clubs projected financial loss this season ?, on par or even exceed last seasons financial losses by all those one off payments it has been racking up as well as the players wages increasing by each division it wins as shown by Sandaza's contract.

Yip your right Youngsy your club doesn't spend spend spend does it ?, as the projected £25 plus million operating losses for two seasons would suggest eh !. You take out the boards huge financial ill gotten earnings and the club will still run an operating loss into the millions so it's not just the spivs is it ?.

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The ASA ruling has them all foaming at the mouth:lol:

We consulted with UEFA, which explained that its rules allowed for the recognition of the ‘sporting continuity’ of a club’s match record, even if that club’s corporate structure had changed,” the ruling stated.

Well done the bears at Uefa :)

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Warped Politics and greeting face :1eye f**k off back under your rock ya Brain Donor :lol:

Johnny you're nothing if not predictable. You could be a cookie cutter template for every other thick Celtic fan churned out en masse. Rangers redemption will be hardest on people like you.

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Johnny you're nothing if not predictable. You could be a cookie cutter template for every other thick Celtic fan churned out en masse. Rangers redemption will be hardest on people like you.

Ha - saw that movie the other day on Sky (unfortunately). It's one of the crap series of Resident Evil films about zombies...........what a very apt cue Bile - hat's off to you The_Kincardine for the double-entendre

The last in that series is Resident Evil Rangers Retribution - we can't wait zombie feckers!

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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Ha - saw that movie the other day on Sky (unfortunately). It's one of the crap series of Resident Evil films about zombies...........what a very apt cue Bile - hat's off to you The_Kincardine for the double-entendre

Yes I can see that being your level. What team was it you supported again?

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Living in a complete fantasy world? Ignore any facts you are presented and if that fails simply make stuff up? Oh, bugger - it's Tedi.

My money was on benny.

I'm starting to think it's one of the No8's because he has a deficiency in his grammar by posting "i" instead of an "I" where a capital letter is required and we all know has has a problem with capital letters :lol: . Bottom line Looney is a definite sevconian alias :1eye

All i said was people weren't laughing at me, if they have i've not noticed.

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