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'A club is not eligible to apply for UEFA licence until it has held membership with a member association for at least 3x consecutive years.'

The above was in response to an email from STV asking for clarification on Newco Rangers' eligibility to compete in UEFA competition if they were to qualify through football endeavor.

Transcript of said email kindly provided by Tedi the Polterfud of Little Grasp. who is fondly remembered for this wonderful contribution to our debate. :)

And then little grasp then committed suicide on the BRALT and left a suicide note only to return as the Polterfhud :( , tragic :lol: . Every now and then the fhud manifests himself on the thread by whatever reason only to post shite because he needs a BRALT fix because the BRALT-LITE threads don't feed his habit enough :1eye .

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Are you still trying to tell UEFA, the SFA, the ECA, the ASA etc their own rules? Seek psychiatric help.

So you can't tell us all on P&B how do you separate the mythical company from the club and what constitutes the company as an entity and an asset to the club then ?.

And you tell me to seek psychiatric help :huh: , go on tell us how you separate the company then ya rocket ?.

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And then little grasp then committed suicide on the BRALT and left a suicide note only to return as the Polterfhud :( , tragic :lol: . Every now and then the fhud manifests himself on the thread by whatever reason only to post shite because he needs a BRALT fix because the BRALT-LITE threads don't feed his habit enough :1eye .

I think Tedi is going through cold turkey over the BRALT!! He's red dotted me on THREE different forums? :lol::lol: and I am rarely on this forum. He even red dotted me because I said I loved you?? :lol: You gotta feel sorry for someone on an epic meltdown!

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Are you still trying to tell UEFA, the SFA, the ECA, the ASA etc their own rules? Seek psychiatric help.

Didnt rangers have a protest march on the SFA?

Didnt rangers try to discretet UEFAs racism branch FARE?

Didnt rangers withdraw their (the stock market agrees we are the worlds most successful club ) line due to the ASA?

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So you can't tell us all on P&B how do you separate the mythical company from the club and what constitutes the company as an entity and an asset to the club then ?.

And you tell me to seek psychiatric help :huh: , go on tell us how you separate the company then ya rocket ?.

Sooner or later you'll have to accept the reality that UEFA, the SFA, the ECA and the ASA have presented you with. Let us know when you do.

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Should we refer him to the 'Articles of Association' of his old dead club .. you know their own official document with the signatures stating that club and company are synonymous terms ... then ask him to define 'synonymous'?

They really do swallow swallow any old shite fed to them in order to part with their cash ...

I'll take the word of world recognised footballing organisations over your thick interpretations of Jim Traynor articles and The Sun football pull outs.

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It was meaningless game ... they played with plenty of heart prior to that and punched above their weight ..

If you want to look at a team with no heart .. look at the now dead club that surrendered a massive 15 point lead in the SPL and then died ... kinda apt ... a dead club with no heart, no soul and no morals. I believe they were pumped out of the CL by some wee diddy European team .. and didn't even reach the last 16.

I forget their European opponents that totally humiliated them that year .. I'm sure someone could remind us ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do enjoy your Ramsden Cup final .. pray you win otherwise your humiliation will be immense.

"Played with plenty of heart and punched above their weight"

P (6) W (1) D (0) L (5) F (3) A (14) +/- (-11) Pts (3)

If that's you playing with heart then you must have one the size of an amoeba. The funny thing is Ajax and Milan are two pretty poor European sides, and they still turned you over 3 times with ease.

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Can't you read you ignoramus? .. Try again, look at the words and try to understand what's been said before you reply with your utter inane drivel.

If not explain what Jim Traynor has to do with my statement ..

Or are you just a complete cretin?

Don't bother we all know the answer to that one.

Better complain to the ASA then and they can contact UEFA and the SFA. Take a wheelbarrow with all the saved up Daily Records over to Geneva and ask for a Mr Platini.

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Still the thick gormless chunt eh ??? Try again with a relevant answer if you are remotely capable. Otherwise keep on proving yourself to be the complete tosser to the gallery .. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumsup2

Here it is again ... ask your care worker for advice on what it means ..

Imagine you trying to tell UEFA and the SFA their own rules. It's like having to listen to some roaster of a taxi driver set the world to rights. The corridors of power at UEFA must be trembling with you on the case.

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Imagine you trying to tell UEFA and the SFA their own rules.  It's like having to listen to some roaster of a taxi driver set the world to rights.  The corridors of power at UEFA must be trembling with you on the case.

He's not, he's pointing you towards the articles of association of the dead club.any chance of a straight answer as to their own definition of the club?

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Who is that then? Ya cant play in Europe cause you are new club :lol: Very calm after last night, won a nice few quid ya little pr1ck ;)

Course you won a nice few quid, didn't all you Celtic fans? Must be a few new names added to the Sunday Times Rich List with all the supposed winners I'm hearing about today. What made you pick 6 goals on your bet? I'd have went higher.

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Looooooadsa money, might buy some shares in Sevco ;) Do you ever leave your house ya sad little c**t?? :lol: You have spent the last two days from what I can see repeating the same shite about an irrelevant organisation, You dont care of course :1eye You are not even allowed compete outside Scotland unless you play Berwick :lol: :lol:

Lol - shares in SEVCO ( LSE :RFC ) at a new low of 35p - valuing the club at £22.8 million ! ( did they not raise £25 million almost a year ago ? ) but I suppose paying their full time squad and highly paid manager a fortune costs a lot of money...

I feel sorry for the mug punters who bought shares in RFC ( some at 90p ) - And am surprised that the FSA haven't got something to say about it - What a sham company - closes it's doors to all it's creditors and says " We no longer exist " Then starting back up the next day and selling shares in a newco to some of the less intelligent in society telling them " erm, We are the same company / team as before :lol:

The way the sp has collapsed in RFC must be a concern to the The Rangers fans ?

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Looooooadsa money, might buy some shares in Sevco ;) Do you ever leave your house ya sad little c**t?? :lol: You have spent the last two days from what I can see repeating the same shite about an irrelevant organisation, You dont care of course :1eye You are not even allowed compete outside Scotland unless you play Berwick :lol: :lol:

Show me the bet.

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I'll show you nothing ya bellend. I am only here to point and laugh at you and your type :lol:

Usually people who won a bet can't wait to show it off, unless they are telling lies of course to deflect from their embarrassment at a shameful performance. Johnny, show me the money!

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Graham Wallace: No Green and Whyte at Ibrox

Rangers chief executive Graham Wallace has rubbished suggestions that predecessor Charles Green and former owner Craig Whyte are still involved in the running of the League One club.

Former oldco Rangers director Paul Murray told Sky Sports News he believed Whyte could have 'side deals' with Green but thought it unlikely he had 'any legal claim over the club's assets' which include Ibrox, Murray Park and the Albion Car Park.

"We are reasonably confident that Craig Whyte doesn't have a legal claim over the assets, but what we don't know is any side deals he may have with Charles Green," said Murray.

"The 26% block of shares that the Easdale brothers have largely is the original backers of Charles Green so I am pretty sure he is behind the scenes somewhere."

Murray, who is part of a quartet - along with Malcolm Murray, Scott Murdoch and Alex Wilson - seeking election to the Ibrox board at next week's AGM, believes his group can bring much-needed change to the troubled club.

"I think the fans ultimately want people on the board they can trust and I think they can see our group are effectively Rangers supprters who are here representing Rangers' interests as opposed to self-interest.

"We are doing this for the right reasons and I think the fans can trust us."

But Wallace insisted his claims were without foundation, saying: "I have never met those individuals and I can categorically say they have no involvement in the running of this club.

"The club needs stability, it needs the platform to be able to move forward and the AGM will be a pivotal moment.

"There have been a lot of conversations over the recent weeks and months over the relative merits of particular campaigns and particular areas of interest to invdividuals.

"What I am concerned about is having the stability and the opportunity to take the club forward and we need to have that mandate.

"We will have a wide range of supporters engaged with us in the run-up to the AGM and they want to know the club is in good hands with people in the boardroom who genuinely have Rangers at heart.

"I can categorically give them that assurance from the CEO's chair. My focus, 100%, is to drive this business forward."

Rangers' eagerly-awaited AGM will take place at Ibrox on December 19 where the current board - Wallace, Brian Stockbridge, James Easdale, Norman Crighton and David Somers - will be seeking re-election.

Well that sounds jolly categorical :lol::lol::lol: I don't suppose they're gonna televise the AGM on RTV are they???? It'd be worth finding a stream just for the laffs.

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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