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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If they go into administration, they should be denied promotion

Only seems fair

That's no gonnae happen Rico :( , The Clone Rangers is the association's brainchild and cannot be allowed to fail being promoted to the top tier as fast as possible.

If it does go badly then the association's will be looking red faced at allowing the Clone Rangers to clearly outspend itself after the first annual accounts showed it to be a very very bad business model.

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So what would the outcome be of Sevco going into Administration bearing in mind that they don't have any bank debt?

Players contracts dumped?

Liquidation wouldn't be a possibility this time I'm sure....

Surely this would play into the likes of "the blue knights" hands? pick up the Club's assets cheaply?

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Not been on P&B since the last debacle...got sick of the bluenoses shouting at me for saying that the business plan was completely unsustainable.....all told you so aside...there are some major questions which need to be answered by Regan

1. if the newco licence was dependant on them having the business plan approved by the SFA, who at the SFA signed off on this?? Why did they sign off on plan which saw such a huge discrepancy between outgoings and income ( I mean outside of player spend as it was clear that MP and Ibrox running costs would outstrip operational income ) Either a fake plan was submitted, or the SFA employee responsible should be removed from office.

2. when they saw the player payroll rising so high on top of running costs, why was no action taken ? I maybe wrong but they were on conditional temp licence so they sfa could surely have stepped in

3. was the sign off on business plan done in the hope that they could finagle newco into top league early via restructuring despite the way that the clubs voted when newco first applied to join league?

In addition the spfl needs to address how it could allow the possibility of a promotion in the event of the next admin event...it would be clear financial doping given that spending £14 million on players when you cant afford it is nothing other than cheating. Newco should have been kept on a very short leash indeed but have been allowed to splurge money to keep the glory hunting fans happy...well attendng anyway. Crikey Paul Hartley got a a part time squad promoted twice with a budget smaller than allys salad allowance !

Edited by Highland Dogma
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Don't know how you can come to that conclusion, I was simply pointing out that you guys were clinging on to some hope of a re-run of events of 2012 that would in no circumstance be allowed to happen. The SFA have as good as given Rangers a permanent 'get out of jail free card' and stick in your craw as it may, the simple reality of Scottish football is, Rangers and Celtic (albeit to a lesser extent) are Scottish football.


Absolute pish :thumbsdown

Like I said, dream on. It just is not going to happen, regardless of how badly the board run things.

Answer this. If the board are given carte blanch to f**k things up and as you :1eye claim the SFA will turn a blind eye and throw a deefie do you think the bods that run the AIM might have anything to say? or just shuffle into line along with the rest.

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