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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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One other thing... how much would an across-the-board 15% players pay cut represent? And would it put them on break-even (I'm guessing not going by the article linked above), or just buy them a few more months (or weeks) to try to find other savings / or offload people / or hope something comes along?

15% of £6 or £7 million to the players wages would be either £900K or just over £1 million but they haven't factored in the players bonuses either which they will receive after next years ST's have been safely put in the bank.

It would appear that they are trying to get spending in line before they get promoted to the Championship so they won't have any or much debt avoiding any insolvency event this season, but I fear they will go into administration sooner rather than later.

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One other thing... how much would an across-the-board 15% players pay cut represent? And would it put them on break-even (I'm guessing not going by the article linked above), or just buy them a few more months (or weeks) to try to find other savings / or offload people / or hope something comes along?

Between £0.75m & £0.9m if the quoted wage bill of around £5m or £6m is correct.

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Why would Sevco receive a sell on fee for Jelavic?

Was wondering the same thing myself. Jelavic was sold by the old club. There will be no contract between Everton and the current "Rangers" so why would Everton pay the current club £300k ?

I'm sure BDO will be on the phone to Everton first thing in the morning making sure they secure the £300k for the benefit of the former club's creditors.

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Then again £300k only covers 9 days losses...


Imagine someone has a full time job setting fire to a 20 pound note which burns to ashes every 15 seconds. Then lighting another and another 8 hours a day with no tea breaks or lunch breaks. That is what has been happening for two years. Lots and lots of ashes.

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You know what ?, actually slashing about £1 million off the players wages doesn't even come close to plugging the financial canyon at £1 million plus a month, even if they sacked all the players it would still not cover the loses as they'd still be £5 million plus short !!!.

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One other thing... how much would an across-the-board 15% players pay cut represent? And would it put them on break-even (I'm guessing not going by the article linked above), or just buy them a few more months (or weeks) to try to find other savings / or offload people / or hope something comes along?

Basing figures up to the 17th of May...

as it stands with Sally's wage being signed off, the company have saved 120k in Sally's future wages up to the 17th of May.

Say their player wage bill is 6 million.

15% is 18750 a week in wages they could save if agreed.

So if the players had agreed it, they would have saved a further 320k up to May 17th.

Potentially they could have saved 440k, as it is, with just sally agreeing, they have saved 120k.

Ironically Sally's wage taking 4 months to reduce cost them 120k over 4 months.

Edited by dave.j
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Was wondering the same thing myself. Jelavic was sold by the old club. There will be no contract between Everton and the current "Rangers" so why would Everton pay the current club £300k ?

I'm sure BDO will be on the phone to Everton first thing in the morning making sure they secure the £300k for the benefit of the former club's creditors.

I looked this up myself when I saw Jelavic's deal... It seems BDO 'sold' or 'packaged' half of OldCo's sell-on rights in what they sold to Green.

The club’s liquidation means all monies raised for deals struck by the oldco are split evenly between the newco and the liquidation pot. As such, the current board will only see £300,000 of the Jelavic cash while twice that amount would have been heading their way had liquidation not occurred.

A Rangers spokesperson confirmed: ‘The club will benefit financially from a sell-on clause that was in the original transfer agreement with Everton. The money will be split between the club and the liquidation estate in accordance with an agreement that was made with the joint liquidators from BDO LLP.'

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They are the Portsmouth of Scottish football. Leeched on by all and sundry and bled dry. A new owner, CEO, chairman or whatever every other week. Each one gorging themselves like the swine they are on the ever depleting trough of cash provided to them by fans.

It's hard not to feel sorry for these fans. It's hard not to, but I still manage not to.

I don't think a club based at Ibrox will ever be a true footballing force for a long time. They're in such a mess. Celtic could conceivably win 20 in a row, never mind 10.

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I looked this up myself when I saw Jelavic's deal... It seems BDO 'sold' or 'packaged' half of OldCo's sell-on rights in what they sold to Green.

The club’s liquidation means all monies raised for deals struck by the oldco are split evenly between the newco and the liquidation pot. As such, the current board will only see £300,000 of the Jelavic cash while twice that amount would have been heading their way had liquidation not occurred.

A Rangers spokesperson confirmed: ‘The club will benefit financially from a sell-on clause that was in the original transfer agreement with Everton. The money will be split between the club and the liquidation estate in accordance with an agreement that was made with the joint liquidators from BDO LLP.'

Thanks, that explains it. I'd be mega pissed off with this if I was one of the Oldco creditors !

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