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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SFA / SPFL reserving the right to treat clubs differently rather than attack reckless and excessive expenditure which directly affects other, BETTER RUN, clubs.

Wankers....as we all knew of course.

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the prevailing opinion was that there were complications arising from it which raised other questions,” said a Hampden source.

For example, if a member goes into administration while playing in League Two then where would we put them?

Keep them in League Two? Or what about the Highland/Lowland league? I thought there are plans to have promotion/relegation from/to non-league?

Also, if a club wins promotion and then suffers an insolvency event, do we simply refuse to promote them or do we relegate them from the division which they have just been playing in?

You relegate them from the division they've been playing in. They've used financial doping to gain promotion, FFS.

I find it incredible what the people in charge find complicated.

Does this announcement make a The Rangers insolvency event a certainty?

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I don't see how stopping the promotion of a team that has overspent to win a league and then go into admin is a problem.

They obviously don't deserve to be where they are in the league at the expense of a team who has lived within their means and came second.

Edit: just beat me to it Joey

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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Stupid move. It isn't that hard to decide on rules for eventualities such as the ones they say they can't agree on - those are questions that need to be answered anyway.

I would have thought it was obvious that the more firm rules and the fewer subjective board decisions that needed taken the better.

Clubs that live outwith their means and are forced into admin (and I say this as a Hearts fan and aware that we are part of the problem) are deserving of punishment that has a real impact on the club to prevent admin being used. This isn't necessarily the case with points deduction.

Why can't they just do something right for bloody once!

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Diddy Revolt #2 required

These w@nkers are needing tellt!

rules for all clubs, except the one club who seriously need the rules applying to.

This is the true "Armageddon" effect.

The willful, and complicit actions of the games' administrators in giving 'protection' to basket-case institutions like SevCo because they think (STILL) that the bigot fest is the fucking be all and end all of Scottish Football and is the only thing that will generate TV money because they are incapable of marketing the product properly.

Sack the cnuts - all of them.

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A whole page of the QC ranting and raving about dots and Kincardine ripping the pish out of him, without him even noticing lol

So whats happening or not happening on planet Rangers today folks?

Was just reading that there, funny as f**k. The guy really does take this place and reps far too seriously, it's worrying.

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This is the true "Armageddon" effect.

The willful, and complicit actions of the games' administrators in giving 'protection' to basket-case institutions like SevCo because they think (STILL) that the bigot fest is the fucking be all and end all of Scottish Football and is the only thing that will generate TV money because they are incapable of marketing the product properly.

Sack the cnuts - all of them.

You can't sell a Ford as an Aston Martin.

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You can't sell a Ford as an Aston Martin.


It's accepting the fact that you have a Ford in the first place and behave accordingly.

Old Firm have been proven guilty of trying to pass themselves off as European contenders for years whilst falsely and unsustainably overspending to try and be in the same forecourt as the other Astons.

Look how that all ended...

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Lee .. I want a treble on my CV .. it counts I tell you !!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Brass neck "quote of the week" in print edition:

"It would be three trophies and that, to me, is a treble" said McCulloch. "Why not? It's not our fault that we're not in the Premiership".

It has also been agreed that, in future, the SPFL Board will have the sole responsibility for adjudication regarding clubs who might face liquidation. It will be down to the board to determine any conditions for a transfer of membership if a club is liquidated and attempts to go down the newco route.

Except of course, it won't. When SPL was on the go it had the same regulations, but as you may recall, the Board itself refused to make such a call and they passed an emergency rule-change making it the Clubs decision instead.

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