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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not sure why dave.j has put that post above yours as he has never struck me as being my biggest fan but that is more or less what i have consistently said regarding the effects on Scottish football as a whole.

As for the premiership clubs supporters...some of them deserve to be treated the same way as RangersMedia posters at times. All this nonsense about sell out Saturdays and the game flourishing have been a complete nonsense just as much as the talk of Armageddon was. No top flight club has really benefitted....how many have suffered is open to debate.

I have taken ... and take....no pleasure seeing Hearts and Dunfermline suffer the way they have in recent seasons. If or when it happens to Killie i will take no pleasure in that either.

If we get back to the top flight and if we get new investment (big if i know) i would still think others could be competitive. Scottish football does need a strong Rangers and Celtic but more than that it needs a strong Aberdeen ... Hearts...Hibs...United etc. Hopefully the premiership will be far more competitive for years to come.

Scottish football could come out of all this far stronger in the long term. I am not convinced at the moment the top flight is.

^ ^ ^

No8 misses ra Sellick :bairn:lol:

And no !, the bottom 3 leagues needs a fucked up Rangers as they are creaming your new club before it goes tits up and another one starts from the lowest tier as Scotland's newest club but is somehow the same club. The diddies are profiting from your loss and is their gain so why should the Premiership benefit from having a club in crisis that will struggle to make the top six split in it's first season at the top and may even go bust because the gloryhunting fuckwits will just walk away because there is no investment really to compete with Celtic.

So strong Rangers my arse, you'll be lucky to see your club compete for the title unless someone spunks in countless millions to pay for players.

You muppets have been living in a pipe dream for far too long hoping for the good old days to return to Ibrox when the future looks so bleak that administration is the best option to reduce the costs at Ibrox. And that means fielding a squad of mediocre players next season struggling in the Championship hoping your club gets a playoff position at minimum.

No top tier footy by the end of next season and the exodus will begin.

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Aye and what do you think we Bears are railing against.

Going in to MBA mode for a moment we have a t/o of (say) £20M and a 'key staff' expenditure of (say) £6M. This is a sustainable business model. What stymies us (nae need for the thesaurus comments, it's a simple, every-day word) is not what we pay for players but what we pay for non-players.

Fuxace, I said all this yesterday. Groundhog day on The BRALT.

Then how come no-one had ever been able to turn a profit over the last 20 years? The combined debts and losses over this period are frightening.

Murray Park and Ibrox alone cost circa £14 million p/a, IIRC.

I can never see a sustainable football club emanating from Ibrox, as Walter says, it's just not the rangers way.

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You think 'stymie' would have me reaching for a thesaurus, or suggesting you'd have needed one?

Genuinely offended.

Oh stop being so precious. I wasn't referring to you but to the hoi polloi.

WTF is happening to the Ps&Ds on The BRALT? The QC complained I overlooked him so I sent him a 'virtual bunch of bluebells' the other day; Dave J sniveled that I ignored his post so I wrote the boringest (yet sincere) reply in history and now Monkey complaining that I underestimated his vocabulary.

Haw mods, Move this pish to The Jackie sub-forum. I am not Cathy and Claire.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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The aliases are back :) , I have pissed off the Polterfhud so much he has to resort to using his aliases to give me even more red dots because he spunked off his Tedi accounts red dots earlier :lol: .

Badge of honour to have Tedi resorting to many aliases to let me know how annoyed he is by dishing out his many red dots. ^_^

Tedi we know which aliases are yours and which ones are Benny's. :rolleyes:

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:lol: No DA but will be laters though :) , I'm pissed off at the moment that's all, and Benny is good for laugh :) . Aren't you Benny ? your good for a laugh aren't ya ?, you can take it as well as dishing it out and don't collaborate with Polterfhuds in an attempt to slander posters getting them warnings or even worse !!! try to get them banned do ya ?.


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Oh stop being so precious. I wasn't referring to you but to the hoi polloi.

You were replying to me though.

Slightly surprised too that you weren't prepared to recognise the possibility that I wasn't being entirely serious.

You're right about this place though - it is strange at the minute:

Moan about sectarian singing or homophobia and be accused of taking mock offence, of displaying faux outrage.

Actually display some faux outrage while taking mock offence however, and you can expect to be treated as behaving with the utmost sincerity.

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Oh stop being so precious. I wasn't referring to you but to the hoi polloi.

WTF is happening to the Ps&Ds on The BRALT? The QC complained I overlooked him so I sent him a 'virtual bunch of bluebells' the other day; Dave J sniveled that I ignored his post so I wrote the boringest (yet sincere) reply in history and now Monkey complaining that I underestimated his vocabulary.

Haw mods, Move this pish to The Jackie sub-forum. I am not Cathy and Claire.

You owe me drink, I'll be sniveling if I don't get that!

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I can't speak for others but i actually said Scottish football as a whole would benefit with Rangers starting in the bottom tier.

Me too. It was always going to be a win-win situation. The smaller teams make more money. The SPL (as it was) teams get more of a share and the overall debt dropped significantly.

The only losers are the new boys who have mis-managed their attempt to reach the top league even more spectacularly than Gretna did!

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The Ps&Ds complaining about fucking dots.

Same old, same old

Au contraire, I am amused at how obsessed the polterfhud is about dishing out red dots that he feels the need to create bogus accounts to give out more red dots. :lol:

There's the measure in the grasses stature right there that he will go to any length possible like a hurting child who just got his ass whipped to tell his mommy someone said something and then watch someone else fight the battles he started because he was stupid in the first place. :1eye

HAW TEDI !, look at me posting on the big thread about you and the only thing you can do is dish out red dots because you resigned from a public forum thread :lol: wait a minute ? he'll have to wait till tomorrow on his Tedi account before he can red dot me because the fanny used them all up too early today. :lol:

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Did you not pay attention during O-Level Greek? If you're going to claim the intellectual high ground, make sure of your ground first.

DA ya arse. the hoi polloi is a phrase of redundancy like "PIN Number".

Seeing, though, as I am not a quibbling chunt you caught me bang to rights, so have a Charles. How're you doing anyway?

I've edited this to say something else. You mentioned "O-Level Greek". Back before most of you were born I did O-Grades. They can't now do O-Levels in Scotland, Shirley?

I didn't actually do Greek (nae sniggering from the anally fixated) at the school but did do New Testament Greek/Koine Greek at Yoonie. NT Greek is 'rougher' than the Greek of Aristotle and Plato.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I can't speak for others but i actually said Scottish football as a whole would benefit with Rangers starting in the bottom tier.

How're you doing, 8? I know we discussed this a year or two back and we both agreed that being admitted to the "bottom tier." was entirely right. I think, too, that it's been a thoroughly enjoyable season and a half. You'll know this more than the rest of us seeing as you spend pretty-much every weekend going to watch Rangers.

Credit to you and the other Bears who follow follow.

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You mentioned "O-Level Greek". Back before most of you were born I did O-Grades. They can't now do O-Levels in Scotland, Shirley?

Have we ever had O-Levels in Scotland?

I think there were Lowers alongside Highers in the distant past.

Then we had O-Grades, which I sat during their 80s death throes.

Standard Grades then got a decent run, until just last year.

I'm not sure about O-Levels ever being part of the Scottish set up though. We need to ask Youngsy I suppose.

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