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In a few weeks time at the Semi cup final ;)

'kin 'ell Teds, last time I spoke to you you said you'd only return to this thread when one of my predictions came true. What in your opinion was I right about? Bears being conned by another spiv?

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I made a deal with bud that superseded that Stoney, looks like my wish has come true, alternatively if nothing else draws him out this will.

A deal with bud does not take away from the fact that you are a backtracking liar. Please don't take offence at that, it is not intended that way.

What was the deal? I've not really been taking much interest until King started getting entertaining.

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Tsk tsk sjc., The QC is omnicompetent. He is the apotheosis of renaissance man which, in the context of The Big Thread, means he can::

Read without using his finger to keep to the lines

Cut and paste from The Record

Usually use the quote function and do so from more than one previous poster IN THE SAME REPLY

Add 3 different kinds of smilies to a post

Aye, he's some man, The QC.

You're not suggesting that Hellbhoy is a "jack of all trades" are you? :o surely not?!

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A few people have been caught lying and back tracking on here, it is definitely not exclusive. Please don't take offence at that, it is not intended that way.

He asked me to come back, well in fact a few people did, I think that is enough on the matter.

Anyway, could not resist the orange top jibe.

It's good to see you back, nothing wrong with back tracking so long as it is to correct yourself when you are wrong.

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Master of none?

Master baiter?

Why did he leave? He made some really good points but was far wide of the mark on others, like most involved in the debate, he seemed to miss more spectacularly tha others though.

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Aye, no bad Kinky old bean. It was a poor effort both times, agreed, but one has to appeal to the LCD every so often.

As for how I am doing, finally (unintended pun) washed the smell of the piggery out the other day after only my second visit there since I was one of thame back in the 80s, I thought it was the smell of puberty that blighted (pun intended) me back then, I was mistaken. How's yersel'?

See, this is why I like you and despise the few "you hate Rangers ergo you're a ***** so we ken yer big team" Bears. You hate aw c***s and that's to your credit.

As far me? I went for a wee refreshment last night and when I turned my phone on on the train back to Glorious Buckinghamshire I had about 20 missed calls from Gwyneth plus a couple of texts. "Haw Kinks (quoth she) I wanted you to know from me before you hear it on the wireless in the morning. Me and Chris are uncoupling. Please don't mention this on The BRALT as I can't post there at the moment. My usual pish will be stained by tears of ennui".

Fucking slebs, plastics and diddies. Such drama and so little content.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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A few people have been caught lying and back tracking on here, it is definitely not exclusive. Please don't take offence at that, it is not intended that way.

He asked me to come back, well in fact a few people did, I think that is enough on the matter.

Anyway, could not resist the orange top jibe.

Welcome back Ted. Spiritual home and all that.

What, in all honesty, do you make of these latest King articles?

Personally, I find them, in context, absolutely mind blowing; but I'm interested in what Rangers fans capable of thought, think.

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Welcome back Ted. Spiritual home and all that.

What, in all honesty, do you make of these latest King articles?

Personally, I find them, in context, absolutely mind blowing; but I'm interested in what Rangers fans capable of thought, think.

Aye me too, hopefully one will be along soon.

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Been away for a few days and to be fair I just skimmed over them, my 1st thought was 'oh look another statement'

When Mr King puts down some cold hard cash I will maybe have a little more interest, until then I will sit back and laugh at all the excitement.

Bit of a cop-out that, Ted.

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Just like his "walking away" from the bralt, in all honesty.

A real man of principle is oor Tedi.

I think when Due Diligence was carried out it was found that you were not a fit and proper person to comment on anyone's principles.....
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An indisputable fact.

Of course only 4 of those clubs mentioned can ever add to their total. :)

Oh I saw what you did there. You made a Newco/Sevco sort of joke. Haha! How original and witty of you. Let's not share your delightful insight with the lumpen Ps&Ds on the forum. They are so stupid as to slavishly follow you and, before you know it, the whole forum will be polluted by, "NewCuntoFC"-style remarks.

You and I are above such juvenility, yes?

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