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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's about it mate, giz us loads a money and we will pure beat Celtic again...WATP...

What's the McMurdo camp saying?

Is no one questioning this nut case?

ETA I mean King Nutcase

Edited by dave.j
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Not sure, King has the militants on side so I'd say anyone making a statement against these scumbags needs to take their time, think about it and be careful/..

Imagine knowing King was your last hope. He who wouldn't leave town until his master plan was ready, every last detail in place.

And you opened this mornings papers to that pile of shit!

It's like thinking you had Blackadder, then finding out you have Baldrick.

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What do they mean when they say that the UoF want to see the club back operating to high standards off the pitch and in the boardroom?

Is this really it? Dave Kings master plan that we have been waiting on the edge of our seats for?

His 4 year plan should he get control of Rangers, and he only needs 50m to do it. Am I missing something? What exactly is his plan?

Beat Celtic, that's it.

Well yes, that is it according to the man himself, from today's interview with King by The Herald;-

''The Rangers' strategy should be a simple thing - and I've discussed this with institutions - It is this:- Every year we have to compete with Celtic. That is the business plan.''

Did he really have the brass neck to take that to financial institutions in an attempt to raise investment. Jeez.

Fkg mentalist IMO and most definitely should not be allowed to hold a position of power at any football club, even the only one that actually deserves him.

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Culture is important at a club. Sevco's culture, similar to Rangers before them, was that success - even if only relative success - was everything, in order to retain their sense of self-supremacy, no matter what the cost. That's why sub-militant groups such as these are flashing their knickers at anyone who says they have the money to provide that success once more.

This culture is unlikely to ever change or adapt to a more progressive structure which guarantees longevity at the expense of a trophy every year, so hell mend them I say.

Anyone whose <40 has been brought up with constant success, achieved by someone (who appears to be) reaching deep into their pocket and lavishing money on the club. Sadly, even under DK that's not gonna happen. I can't see them sticking around for long, as they struggle to compete with the likes of Aberdeen. Let alone Celtic.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Right, it's a new day.

I've sat down and again read the King comments and the UoF response.

Seriously, are they genuine?

Nothing in this entire saga captures what is wrong with Rangers quite as well as these two sources. King with his talk of having no interest in being sustainable, only in challenging Celtic, comes across as someone who has genuinely endured some kind of trauma, resulting in him 'losing it'.

That the fans' group doesn't immediately back off from his noises though, and instead rushes to embrace them is absolutely incredible.

There is no greater proof that Rangers cannot and indeed will not be allowed to operate as a football club, aspiring to do the best it can afford. They must dominate, or they simply cannot be.

2012 was only two years ago, but this is a club that would literally rather die than lose football matches.

When you read the response of fans' groups, it's impossible to find sympathy.

Are there any supporters out there that are scared by what King is saying?

It's a measure of how desperate things have got, that McMurdo sounds almost reasonable.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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This reminds of when there was post-liquidation talk of placing newco Rangers in the SPL but with a transfer ban in place. The thought of being "uncompetitive" (ie losing more games than they won) was so unpalatable that there was a sudden clamour of volunteering to to go to SFL3.

There are many Rangers fans for whom winning is all that matters. I am sure a sizeable minority will be concerned though, but the ones with the massive entitlement attitude seem to be the ones with the loudest voices.

The fans moan when the board overspends, then a new chief exec comes in to finally talk some sense, then soon enough the fans want him bullied into overspending again. It will be funny watching their (now sky high) expectations being dashed if it doesn't come off.

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It was clear from our discussions with him last week that the £30m+ Mr King is willing to invest is crucial to take the club back to a competitive level and improve the infrastructure and facilities. The club has been neglected, that cannot continue. Only once this investment has been made will Rangers be able to live within its means, something we all want for the longer term future. Until then Dave King has made it clear he will do what is necessary to get Rangers back to where we belong and where we can be self-sustainable.

Clearly do not know the meaning of self sustainable. King has already stated several times that the £50m is a one off input, and the club would need to be subsidised massively on a yearly basis thereafter.

We would now ask the board to indicate publicly, as a matter of urgency, whether they are prepared to accept Dave King’s offer of massive investment.

King has made no such offer. He has stated what is needed and that he would consider contributing, depending on the circumstances. Until he tells the world exactly what those circumstances are, Kings input can only be considered as posturing and pot stirring.

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Right, it's a new day.

I've sat down and again read the King comments and the UoF response.

Seriously, are they genuine?

Nothing in this entire saga captures what is wrong with Rangers quite as well as these two sources. King with his talk of having no interest in being sustainable, only in challenging Celtic, comes across as someone who has genuinely endured some kind of trauma, resulting in him 'losing it'.

That the fans' group doesn't immediately back of from his noises though, and instead rushes to embrace them is absolutely incredible.

There is no greater proof that Rangers cannot and indeed will not be allowed to operate as a football club, aspiring to do the best it can afford. They must dominate, or they simply cannot be.

2012 was only two years ago, but this is a club that would literally rather die than lose football matches.

When you read the response of fans' groups, it's impossible to find sympathy.

Are there any supporters out there that are scared by what King is saying?

It's a measure of how desperate things have got, that McMurdo sounds almost reasonable.

20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. :) Each preceding owner seems more reasonable than the latest saviour.

Your post is bang on the money re. Dave Glib and his 'strategy' to get RaPeepul back to the top of the heap.

When is a scribbler from the SMSM going to grow a pair and ask the same questions though ? (Rhetorical question btw..)

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The nutcase is at it again, talking to Keith Jackson at The Record...

South African businessman Dave King has launched another attempt to unsettle the current regime at Rangers, by claiming that the club are bankrupt and still run by Charles Green.

In an interview with the Daily Records Keith Jackson, King claimed that he will not buy out the current regime as the club needs his money not the shareholders.

He said: Charles Green doesnt need the money. I dont want to hand over my money to buy a bankrupt club. Where does the money come to build the team?

Every single pound I put into this I want it spent on the team and on the facilities like Murray Park and Ibrox. Why on earth would I want to give any of that to Charles Green?

When asked of accusations claiming he is muddying the waters with his comments, King fired a broadside at his critics claiming: Quite frankly I dont give a damn what people say or write about me. I will do whatever I think is best for me. The media and the fans will make no difference to my success or failure.

It was only last month that King called on the Rangers support to consider withholding their season ticket money unless there is a change at Ibrox. Now it seems that the man who would be King at Ibrox, seems to think that the fans will make no difference to him and his desire to control the Ibrox club.

King also stated any potential protest against the current regime would be silly citing that the board have given assurance as a public company. It would be a criminal offence for them to mislead the fans. They have said it is their intention to compete with Celtic and in Europe and its vital they are held to that. Go for it boys. Show us your business plan. The fans should sit back and say: The next move is yours.

As we mentioned last week, King has already outlined his plans to the Rangers fan representatives, but they have withheld said information from the majority of Rangers fans to date.

Despite Rangers financial problems past and present, King who was a member of Sir David Murray and Craig Whytes board that led to club into administration and subsequent liquidation, has said that Rangers need to invest significantly once again to challenge city rivals Celtic.

He added: We have to cut the wage gap between ourselves and Celtic in preparation for the return to the top flight but that money wont come from institutions. That is when I would hope to step in, with the fans, and take a very substantial shareholding.

When questioned on Rangers adopting a less hubristic approach, King continued: My view is my view. I half joked to the fans that if I take over as chairman of Rangers then within six weeks some of them will be trying to get rid of me. There will always be fans who grumble. But a business plan should be based on common sense.

There are two income streams available to Rangers. One is from the fans, the other is access to the European pot. Right now Celtic own that pot.

The only way we can access that revenue is to compete with Celtic. To do that, in our first year back we are going to have to treble our wage bill as a minimum. Depending on how Dermot Desmond responds we may need to make it four times bigger.

Somehow we must bridge the gap and understand that we will not get back to the top unless the costs lead the revenue. That wont come from institutions, its going to come from soft investments. Im willing to provide that soft money.

If we compete with Celtic then Europe looks after itself. But we are going to need a big injection of capital.

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Right, it's a new day.

I've sat down and again read the King comments and the UoF response.

Seriously, are they genuine?

Nothing in this entire saga captures what is wrong with Rangers quite as well as these two sources. King with his talk of having no interest in being sustainable, only in challenging Celtic, comes across as someone who has genuinely endured some kind of trauma, resulting in him 'losing it'.

That the fans' group doesn't immediately back of from his noises though, and instead rushes to embrace them is absolutely incredible.

There is no greater proof that Rangers cannot and indeed will not be allowed to operate as a football club, aspiring to do the best it can afford. They must dominate, or they simply cannot be.

2012 was only two years ago, but this is a club that would literally rather die than lose football matches.

When you read the response of fans' groups, it's impossible to find sympathy.

Are there any supporters out there that are scared by what King is saying?

It's a measure of how desperate things have got, that McMurdo sounds almost reasonable.

Even given the ridiculous standards set by this omnishambles yesterday's comments defy belief.

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"Quite frankly I don't give a damn what people say or write about me. I will do whatever I think is best for me. The media and the fans will make no difference to my success or failure."


This is exactly it, it's all about him.

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Does anyone remember that guy at school who used to tell massive lies and everyone knew it?

You felt that if you are gonnae tell porkies, try keeping them believable.

Well that pretty much covers Dave King and Graham Wallace.

Sadly in this playground the school kids are the Gers Loyal and amazingly they believe the bullshit.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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