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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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at least now there is some idea of a long term plan

which at least is a step in the right direction

what is needed now is the finances to back up these ambitions.

If I wrote on a bit of paper that Berwick wanted to get a double promotion then win the Scottish Cup - but that we really do not have the money to do it - it would be a 'long term plan', but it would be a load of nonsense. Setting lots of ambitious targets while bemoaning a financial basket case isn't really a plan, it's a dream wrapped-up in a nightmare.

And at least we have a youth system adequate to our needs, aren't making off-field redunancies while pouring £ into players we don't require - and we accept all major credit cards!!

Most of this review seems to be gloomy. Most of the recommendations seem to be loose, wishywashy management speak. Most of the targets seem to be hopelessly optimistic. How many clubs go from financial meltdown to the sort of success this review targets in little over 2yrs?

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Aye, I noticed that as well.

Sandy, it's dead easy. The club is some ethereal being that is not of this world.

It can exist as the SAME entity under two guises at one and the same time (see RIFC2012(IL) and Sevco Scotland/5088 Ltd trading as The Rangers Football Club).

It is not encumbered by the machinations of law or legal status.

Although it can it seems, have legal personality (when being discussed by the Union of Fans wishing to hold security over the 'club's'(sic) assets) but does not hold legal personality when having to pay debts due to face-painters etc.

It has a separable history which can be bought for less than £1 (courtesy of Charlie 'Chuckles' Green) but that history does not include liquidation or the racking up of massive debts (that is the old companies history and not to be confused with the other-worldly club)!

I think we can now close the thread.



I think you have a point there. This thread was set-up to discuss - as the name suggests - the admin & liquidation of RFC. We now appear to be discussing the possible admin & liquidation of a different club. Whilst there may be merit in keeping this thread open until RFC's liquidation is complete and even perhaps, beyond, as a sort of tribute thread, surely the new club should have it's own. I suggest The 'The Rangers International's probable end' thread, which we can affectionately refer to as - The TRIPE

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Imagine the scene on a street corner in Govan....

<spiv> pstt....mate...wanna Ibrox season ticket?....only £400...strictly cash

<govan loyal> Ehm...you for real?

<spiv> Best seats in the hoose, honest. 100% guarantee you'll no see a losing match.

<govan loyal> Don't have the cash on me...

<spiv> Cashpoint over there mate..#points#

2 mins later

<govan loyal> Here you go, £400, now where's that season ticket

<spiv> Canna be too careful, mate's got them in the pub just rood the corner, wait here and I'll be back in a sec..

I'll let you guess what happens next. ;)

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at least now there is some idea of a long term plan

which at least is a step in the right direction

what is needed now is the finances to back up these ambitions.

I've come to the conclusion that you are a Celtic fan at the wind up. There can be no other explanation.

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Laughter aside, what is the actual end game here? The SFA/Celtic etc would never let Rangers disappear altogether so where will this all end up? Can they manage another incarnation/zombification?

Who knows what the end game is. Someone, a few posts ago, suggested admin, followed by selling the "club" minus assets to Dave King, then renting the stadium back to the "club". Seems most likely, unless they can somehow get enough fans to part with their cash for a season ticket.

If I wrote on a bit of paper that Berwick wanted to get a double promotion then win the Scottish Cup - but that we really do not have the money to do it - it would be a 'long term plan', but it would be a load of nonsense. Setting lots of ambitious targets while bemoaning a financial basket case isn't really a plan, it's a dream wrapped-up in a nightmare.

And at least we have a youth system adequate to our needs, aren't making off-field redunancies while pouring £ into players we don't require - and we accept all major credit cards!!

Most of this review seems to be gloomy. Most of the recommendations seem to be loose, wishywashy management speak. Most of the targets seem to be hopelessly optimistic. How many clubs go from financial meltdown to the sort of success this review targets in little over 2yrs?

Not just pouring £ into players. Did no-one else notice the two new "executive" positions being created?

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If anyone is wondering why Norman isn't posting, he is over on the Killie/cheats thread bullying some women who had the audacity to highlight Killies alleged dodgy dealings.

Charming guy...

So you really do follow him around then :o

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Who knows what the end game is. Someone, a few posts ago, suggested admin, followed by selling the "club" minus assets to Dave King, then renting the stadium back to the "club". Seems most likely, unless they can somehow get enough fans to part with their cash for a season ticket.

Not just pouring £ into players. Did no-one else notice the two new "executive" positions being created?

I thought the "club" was the assets

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Want a Rangers season ticket? That’ll be cash or cheques only

The Rangers financial statement makes for interesting reading today in a number of areas. Another share issue looks to be more on the cards in the coming months and it will be cash or cheques only for fans wanting to buy season tickets.

The company admits very public campaigns for fans to “refrain or delay purchasing tickets” has been a key factor in this decision, though the primary factor – as the board candidly admits – is lack of financial confidence in the club:

“A current example of the difficulty being faced by the club, and which will regrettably impact upon supporters, is that for next season supporters will now be unable to pay for their season tickets by credit or debit card.

“The club’s merchant acquirer, which processes credit and debit card transactions, has advised that it would require extensive security, including standard security to be granted over Ibrox stadium and an insurance policy at considerable cost to the club, to protect itself against any potential liability arising from passing on monies from season ticket purchases ahead of next season’s matches.


“The board believes that one of the major factors influencing the merchant acquirer to change its terms was the extensive negative coverage of calls in some quarters for supporters to refrain or delay purchasing season tickets.

“As previously stated, the board has no intention of granting security over Ibrox and therefore has regrettably decided that for the current season ticket renewal process it will proceed with direct payment only to the club by way of bank transfer, cash or cheque payment.

“Any supporters who are on the automatic renewal scheme will not have their tickets renewed automatically and will also require to renew their seats individually.

“The club recognises that this will inconvenience a significant number of supporters, however in the board’s opinion, the demands placed upon the club by the merchant acquirer are not in the best interests of Rangers.”

That apart, the board is scathing about the way Ibrox finances have been “managed” in the club’s recent past: “The club’s financial position was precarious as it had mismanaged almost all of its cash reserves following administration.

“The cash position today requires careful monitoring but will improve with the sale of season tickets, improved commercial relationships, the planned injection of further capital and cost management initiatives identified by the review.

“The club raised £70.7m through ticket sales, commercial revenues and share issue proceeds between May 2012 and December 2013, and spent this relatively quickly, and in some areas liberally, with only £3.5m of this cash remaining at 31 December 2013.

“The board considers that the perfect opportunity to rebuild Rangers immediately post administration in a progressive, stable manner with a solid financial base has been completely missed through a series of
ill-defined, short term focused decisions with little advance recognition of medium or longer term requirements.”

Well you can’t criticise them for not facing up to the post-admin profligacy….

Follow @alextomo on Twitter

- See more at: http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/rangers-financial-statement-season-tickets-cash-cheques7725/7725#sthash.wGtVWyyq.dpuf

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I think that Rangers fans keep thinking that there is someone who is goign to ride in, throw money at everything and sort it all out. They don't seem to have organised to actually influence what is going on in their club, they just boycott and complain. Have the fans tried to actually influence what is going on in their boardroom?

This is what I keep coming back to, and cannot understand how nothing is happening. They had some boy on the news the other day from the 'Union of fans' who had all the charm of a lone gunman, but there's...nothing. A wee blue card protest appears to have been the sum total of discontent towards the board.

Worse than that, at this point, they can't even boycott, or the club will close.

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