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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ignoring all the 'rattled', 'bite' shite that some are fond of peddling, what is it Ted that's forced a slight change of tack on the DK initiative?

You've acknowledged elsewhere that he's a pretty despicable figure, but I understand that for you he represents the lesser of evils when pitched against the current board.

As detailed above, you've also stated fairly recently that you'd hang onto your money and spend it as you saw fit - game by game or otherwise. This struck me as consistent with your line about previous ST 'investments' being a case of entering into a simple contract to let you watch matches.

I see the DK set up as reasonably risk-free right enough. I'm just not clear on what it achieves, unless you think that the board's vow not to offer security, is fragile.

In fairness, Tedi stated that he wouldn't give his money to King. As yet he hasn't as the way the thing has been setup there will be no money changing hands until there is security over Ibrox. This was different to the way it was being discussed which was the money would be paid to the trust upfront.

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In fairness, Tedi stated that he wouldn't give his money to King. As yet he hasn't as the way the thing has been setup there will be no money changing hands until there is security over Ibrox. This was different to the way it was being discussed which was the money would be paid to the trust upfront.

That'll be on the 54th of Julember then ?, there is no way King and his sideshow no matter how many want to buy into his demented scheme will they ever get security over the assets.

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9 days away from the closure of the ST window and sales are slow and sluggish.

1 day to go from the closure of the window there will be a great upsurge of ST sales as the bears panic about retaining their seat at the stadium. King will have lost out on people backing him because he didn't secure the assets and the orc horde will then have to decide to renew or not.

Should the ST sales go through the roof with a few days to go before the window closes to renew the spivs will have won a great victory over the clueless bears.

The bears although bitching & complaining at the moment when the time comes most of them will renew at the last minute because they will want to watch football and hope that the spivs deliver a full season plus promotion and no bear will want to miss out reaching the top tier.

You just know the thick fuckers will renew but still complain about it and then quote themselves endlessly that they wished King had enough power to secure the assets.

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That'll be on the 54th of Julember then ?, there is no way King and his sideshow no matter how many want to buy into his demented scheme will they ever get security over the assets.

So then Tedi won't have to pay over any money then will he?

ETA: It will however be an indication to the club of the strength of feeling amongst the supporters. Which, in my opinion, may be sufficient to force change.

Edited by strichener
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So then Tedi won't have to pay over any money then will he?

ETA: It will however be an indication to the club of the strength of feeling amongst the supporters. Which, in my opinion, may be sufficient to force change.

The spivs know the mood of the support Strichener because they have held up wee red cards to them as well as many many other protests to oust them out from the board, but the fans still keep buying merchandise & ST's each year and still show up in great numbers and the board still stick two fingers up to the fans and do whatever the feck they like because they know the fans will eventually show up when it comes to matchday. :lol:

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Regardless .. we get all the real entertainment for free .... an endless supply of free comedy 'outtakes' ...

I can feel in me bones Dhenny, King's demented plan will fail and no security given on the assets. So no hope with King's plan then the bears will have to choose whether to renew or not. For any bear who has bought a season ticket year in year out they will eventually cave in and buy an ST only to bitch like a wee girl later about having to buy one because King's demented master plan failed epically and was always doomed to because the Inter PLC BoD said NAWWWW to King.

I will estimate around 30K+ will be sold when the renewal window closes because the bears can't go cold turkey without their footy.

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Nobody is vilifying you ...

Did you change your mind and announce this before now? .. or did it coincide with the question you were asked.

Yes or No ..

If no ... where did you announce 'this change of heart' to the forum ..

It's not a difficult question nor unreasonable to think this change of heart suited you at that point in time.

Edit: Oh btw can we see this clear plan that DK has presented .. and maybe you can update the thread you've been pontificating on ... you know the one ... I supplied a link earlier.

Stop being so bloody aggressive.

I asked Ted a question. He provided an answer in much the same spirit as the question was posed.

The constant attack mode gets decidedly tiresome.

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Except you did use that exact term, the mod above clearly states you referred to another poster as a 'window licker' why else would he use that exact term.

Fell free to ask him to confirm it again if you wish.

where does it state him?

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Stop being so bloody aggressive.

I asked Ted a question. He provided an answer in much the same spirit as the question was posed.

The constant attack mode gets decidedly tiresome.

SHUT IT!!! :angry:


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I didn't reply to you ... I replied to him to because he referenced 'me' in point 4 , accusing people of vilifying him. The answer is also a deflection from his previous answer ... At no time did he mention this change of heart other than to wriggle out of the accusation of sitting on the fence .. which was precisely what he was doing ..

He was neither backing the board, nor DK ... ergo, he was sitting on the fence waiting to see who would collect his money.

His 'answer' that he was now backing DK was out of the blue ... as you yourself pointed out.


No, but he's entitled to change his mind.

Equally, we're entitled to ask why. We might have a better chance of getting an answer, should we really want one, by being half-way civil about it though.

I've honestly no idea why this is beyond some posters where Ted's concerned.

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I didn't reply to you ... I replied to him to because he referenced 'me' in point 4 , accusing people of vilifying him. The answer is also a deflection from his previous answer ... At no time did he mention this change of heart other than to wriggle out of the accusation of sitting on the fence .. which was precisely what he was doing ..

He was neither backing the board, nor DK ... ergo, he was sitting on the fence waiting to see who would collect his money.

His 'answer' that he was now backing DK was out of the blue ... as you yourself pointed out.


The question that has to be asked if Tedi sees himself as not stupid.

Why is he now backing Dave King's demented crusade when he damn well knows that the Inter PLC BoD have explicitly said umpteen times that there is no way in hell they'll allow security over the assets.

Now in knowing that why would he now back a dead donkey that will never ever get out of the stable never mind the traps no matter how many fans buy into King's failed attempt to screw the BoD with fans money ???

King's trust fund won't get off the ground without security over the assets, and the Inter PLC BoD won't give it meaning King's promises,pledges & so on amount up to jack shit without security over the assets.

All King has is just confuse the fans who to trust and will deprive the club of much needed money in his warped attempt to get control of the club to which King already probably knew the Inter board wouldn't ever give security over the assets for ST money ???

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3) I understand that the chances of the security being granted against Ibrox are extremely small, however the publicity if more people commit to this scheme than buy ST`s or even if they are similar would be huge, this could be a highly effective protest scheme which is showing high levels of unified objection to those that are currently running our club.

I'm guessing the above reason is the clincher. I see its appeal, given that collectively piling so much money into the club these last two summers has achieved so little.

I still don't know what you see as the result of the "publicity" attached to this "highly effective protest scheme" though. Are you hoping that those in control are shamed into a change of heart, or simply that they'll feel necessarily compelled to either provide security or sell up to King?

There must be a danger here of achieving neither one thing or the other, leaving both the board and King weak and without mandates.

All pretty fascinating for those of us who can afford to make duff guesses.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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You want this drivel migrating to other threads? I pulled Tedi up on his offside pish on a match thread , instead of debating the rule or admitting he goofed and was talking out his hole, he'd rather sulk and derail the threads. This is a man that states 'he employs' people .. god help us.

^^ Unregistered gangmaster.

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