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the funny thing is that since i posted my story , not one single person has condemned the actions of the hibs fans and instead put the blame solely at rangers and celtics door, again it is that notion coming through that us scots find it easier to blame rangers and celtic rather than acknowledge we actually have a religous divide in the country. Now if someone had posted a story similar to mine of someone being called a f****n b*****d by a rangers supporting ned in a car then various posters would be looking for me and fellow rangers fans to condemn the action. as I have said the comment did not bother me in the slightest at the time and i instead gave as good as i got but it is an interesting observation none the less

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the funny thing is that since i posted my story , not one single person has condemned the actions of the hibs fans and instead put the blame solely at rangers and celtics door, again it is that notion coming through that us scots find it easier to blame rangers and celtic rather than acknowledge we actually have a religous divide in the country. Now if someone had posted a story similar to mine of someone being called a f****n b*****d by a rangers supporting ned in a car then various posters would be looking for me and fellow rangers fans to condemn the action. as I have said the comment did not bother me in the slightest at the time and i instead gave as good as i got but it is an interesting observation none the less

f**k up mun. Your story just mentioned these lads were from in Leith, we don't play the prejudging game and make assumptions about their loyalties. Were they Hibs supporters? Or is it possible there are Celtic fans in Leith? Is it possible some Leith neds/junkies saw your shirt and hit you with the biggest insult they could, knowing that weejie baster might not illicit such a response? Were the lads even from Leith?

If you're going to lay bait out make sure it's fully prepared.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Calum, there is research, mounds of it, which proves otherwise.


Utter nonsense.

On a theoretical level, this divorce between crowds and social context is mirrored and
underpinned by a desocialised conception of identity. That is, the self is conceptualised
as a unique and sovereign construct which is the sole basis of controlled and rational
action. Social context plays no part in determining the content of identity but merely
serves to moderate its operation. Specifically, crowd contexts serve as the ‘off switch’ for
identity. Thus Le Bon’s crowd psychology breaks the link both between society and the
self and also between the self and behaviour. The former rupture means that no action, ncluding crowd action, can either shape or be shaped by society. The latter rupture
means that crowd action can have no shape at all, either social or otherwise. If the self is
sole basis of control, then loss of self in the crowd means loss of control and emergent
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f**k up mun. Your story just mentioned these lads were from in Leith, we don't play the prejudging game and make assumptions about their loyalties. Were they Hibs supporters? Or is it possible there are Celtic fans in Leith? Is it possible some Leith neds/junkies saw your shirt and hit you with the biggest insult they could, knowing that weejie baster might not illicit such a response? Were the lads even from Leith?

If you're going to lay bait out make sure it's fully prepared.

again no condemnation of them branding out secterian insults instead just looking to question where they came from and even an accusation of it being a celtic fan thrown in aswell. I dont know maybe they were celtic fans , maybe they werent from leith but again you dont seem to be that bothered about them dishing out religous abuse to strangers yet when a rangers fan post something on twitter this place is full of people seeking condemnation from rangers fans ?

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again no condemnation of them branding out secterian insults instead just looking to question where they came from and even an accusation of it being a celtic fan thrown in aswell. I dont know maybe they were celtic fans , maybe they werent from leith but again you dont seem to be that bothered about them dishing out religous abuse to strangers yet when a rangers fan post something on twitter this place is full of people seeking condemnation from rangers fans ?

Anyone using any sectarian insult is a dick. My point is that without knowing anything about their background you wanted the actions of these people to be used as a condemnation of Hibs football club, you don't even know if they were Hibs supporters. And you are trying to paint me in a dark light?

Edited by stonedsailor
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Hardly a vast majority of Rangers fans but fair enough you can only go on what is seen, i personally know of many Rangers fans who are voting YES, as for myself, i haven't got a vote being domiciled in England. However speaking for myself, whilst i support the Union my politics are that of Labour and if i still lived in Scotland i may well vote YES, it would depend on my summation of taking everything into account, which tbh i haven't done. A poll on this thread, a resounding YES i would think

What did the big bad Hibs fans do?

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again no condemnation of them branding out secterian insults instead just looking to question where they came from and even an accusation of it being a celtic fan thrown in aswell. I dont know maybe they were celtic fans , maybe they werent from leith but again you dont seem to be that bothered about them dishing out religous abuse to strangers yet when a rangers fan post something on twitter this place is full of people seeking condemnation from rangers fans ?

If you don't mind me asking, why are you suddenly bothered about it?

You laughed it off earlier.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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If you can't see the difference between that research and me going to Ibrox then I pity you.

Save your pity for someone who deserves it.

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I'll tell you what, you give me the full story then I will judge them.

i nipped over to a shop across the road from the pub to get some fags before I went in , got fags and was crossing back across the road whilst the traffic had come to a stop as I was crossing in between two stopped cars the one in front's passanger decided he would wind his window down and infrom me i was an orange so and so. as i said I gave a bit of verbal back as I was walking back over the road before joining my mates back in the pub. did not bother me in the slightest tbh I am just saying it is intereseting that no one seems to be bothered by this but when a rangers fan has been accused of similar actions then p and b demands instant condemnation form the rangers fans ?

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If you don't mind me asking, why are you suddenly bothered about it?

You laughed it off earlier.

I am not , I am just saying it is interesting to not that no one is bothered yet had roles been reversed people would have been screaming for me to condemn the rangers supporter. I did laugh it off , christ I have celtic supporting mates who call me worse names which is just passed off as banter

I agree i should not have said he was a hibs fan as their a chance he probably was not .

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i nipped over to a shop across the road from the pub to get some fags before I went in , got fags and was crossing back across the road whilst the traffic had come to a stop as I was crossing in between two stopped cars the one in front's passanger decided he would wind his window down and infrom me i was an orange so and so. as i said I gave a bit of verbal back as I was walking back over the road before joining my mates back in the pub. did not bother me in the slightest tbh I am just saying it is intereseting that no one seems to be bothered by this but when a rangers fan has been accused of similar actions then p and b demands instant condemnation form the rangers fans ?

You will notice I edited my post but quite happy to address this now.

If they did use sectarian insults to you based upon your shirt colour then they are dicks. If you could give me more information I could judge their motivation too. As it is with all the information at hand I cannot condemn Hibs as you so clearly want me too. This piece of whataboutery you have produced does not merit it.

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You will notice I edited my post but quite happy to address this now.

If they did use sectarian insults to you based upon your shirt colour then they are dicks. If you could give me more information I could judge their motivation too. As it is with all the information at hand I cannot condemn Hibs as you so clearly want me too. This piece of whataboutery you have produced does not merit it.

again i apologise for stating they were hibs fans without proof, i did just go with probability here. I was not looking for condemnation of hibs , i was making a point that no one had stated the guy was clearly in the wrong.

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the funny thing is that since i posted my story , not one single person has condemned the actions of the hibs fans and instead put the blame solely at rangers and celtics door, again it is that notion coming through that us scots find it easier to blame rangers and celtic rather than acknowledge we actually have a religous divide in the country. Now if someone had posted a story similar to mine of someone being called a f****n b*****d by a rangers supporting ned in a car then various posters would be looking for me and fellow rangers fans to condemn the action. as I have said the comment did not bother me in the slightest at the time and i instead gave as good as i got but it is an interesting observation none the less

The funny things are:

1, It's only now that you decide, with no evidence other than geographical location, that the person concerned was a fan of any team. There's every possibility he doesn't give a shit about football.

2. You found it appropriate to direct your reply not to the individual concerned but to someone who was not present - indeed that you don't even know existed.

3. You cheerfully admit to being drunk at the time, and returning insults rather than ignoring his behaviour, yet he's the ned.

4. You seem outraged at being judged on a stereotype, yet your version of events tends to reinforce that very stereotype.

I think it's fair to say there's not many parts of Scotland, or any other country, where drunken, loudmouthed football fans are welcome.

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the funny thing is that since i posted my story , not one single person has condemned the actions of the hibs fans and instead put the blame solely at rangers and celtics door, again it is that notion coming through that us scots find it easier to blame rangers and celtic rather than acknowledge we actually have a religous divide in the country. Now if someone had posted a story similar to mine of someone being called a f****n b*****d by a rangers supporting ned in a car then various posters would be looking for me and fellow rangers fans to condemn the action. as I have said the comment did not bother me in the slightest at the time and i instead gave as good as i got but it is an interesting observation none the less

again i apologise for stating they were hibs fans without proof, i did just go with probability here. I was not looking for condemnation of hibs , i was making a point that no one had stated the guy was clearly in the wrong.

No you weren't you wanted Hibs hung out to dry for the actions of a Leith local (sic)

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