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or take control over the assets in an insolvency event I'd assume.

Are the assests really worth that much in the real non footballing world though?

But it's the only thing i can come up with for Laxeys involvment, can't think of anything else.


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As Bennett has said, these assets are practically worthless.

They only fetched £5.5M? last time around and that was with a united fan base willing to back the regime, that simply is not the case any more.

I am yet to meet a Rangers fan that invested a penny in the new share issue, despite claims from the likes of Dhensbhoy and HB that it was Rangers fans ponying up for this latest share issue, so far we know Laxey and the Easdales supplied 50%, I would imagine the rest came purely from financial investors.

The assets may be worthless as you say but whoever holds them has "Rangers" and with 50,000 "customers" ready to throw their money at them........not so worthless then.

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Are the assests really worth that much in the real non footballing world though?

But it's the only thing i can come up with for Laxeys involvment, can't think of anything else.

I think a lot depends on whether Murray Park can be punted on for any other purpose at some point in the future. They might be playing the long game on that.

Ibrox being leased to a new team is also something I can see at some point, though it would take them years to recoup the original outlay unless they charged a rent that would possibly cripple any 3rd Rangers team.

I can't see them putting the £1m in just to tide things over. They will have a long term view on how they make more. Exactly what that is, is beyond me now. Perhaps they have enough tied up in the long term contracts for the various services that the club use to make it worth keeping the lights on by the bare minimum.

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As Bennett has said, these assets are practically worthless.

They only fetched £5.5M? last time around and that was with a united fan base willing to back the regime, that simply is not the case any more.

I am yet to meet a Rangers fan that invested a penny in the new share issue, despite claims from the likes of Dhensbhoy and HB that it was Rangers fans ponying up for this latest share issue, so far we know Laxey and the Easdales supplied 50%, I would imagine the rest came purely from financial investors.

I can speak from experience and tell you that there was far more uptake from small shareholders than was expected. That said, the expected level was next to no uptake. My employer was over subscribed for this.

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As Bennett has said, these assets are practically worthless.

They only fetched £5.5M? last time around and that was with a united fan base willing to back the regime, that simply is not the case any more.

I am yet to meet a Rangers fan that invested a penny in the new share issue, despite claims from the likes of Dhensbhoy and HB that it was Rangers fans ponying up for this latest share issue, so far we know Laxey and the Easdales supplied 50%, I would imagine the rest came purely from financial investors.

Thanks, Tedi. I've been a right grumpy old fucker all weekend, what with one thing and another. I can always rely on you to cheer me up, though.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Why did they not play the long game last time? why did they not break it up? could it be that they simply could not get anything close to the £5.5M for any other purpose but football?

These guys do not have a long term plan, the only long term viable plan is investment and european football, there is no way these guys are willing to go down this route, it is a short term gamble that they are hoping to cash in on soon.

I think your first sentence might be very close to the truth. I also think they maybe expected the big tax case to be lost first time out which would have made it easy to do things that would be unpopular with the fans, while their attention and anger was focused elsewhere.

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Dunno who they were then?

It is becoming clear that the vast majority of this £3m was nothing to do with ordinary fans though.

I do but I'm not going to get myself sacked over it!

Even with what we processed, I was astounded at the numbers raised. As you say, the vast majority was more than likely not from ordinary punters.

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The BTC was never going to affect the new company and that still does nothing to explain why they could not reach more than £5.5M and how they would achieve any where near that now.

It would have provided a diversion for them and gave the support something other than the club to vent their spleens at.

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This time the fans are only likely to back completely new owners and someone they know and I am not talking about more spivs fronted by Ally, faceless institutions will get zero backing and the decline will continue, things like sale and leaseback will never work with a disillusioned fan base, lets face it the assets without fan backing are worthless, in fact any scenario without fan backing is worthless.

You say sale and lease back won't work but it would be a case of who blinks first........akin to Coventry City.

You may lose your Club.

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The difference being that the current coventry fans appear to back the club owners.

I would rather lose the club than follow a regime that went down this route, better things to spend my hard earned on, my boat is much more pleasurable black hole.

Don't talk to me about boats and throwing money away! :P

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Have you seen the amount of ST`s we sold? or our attendances recently?

If it only reached £5.5M with a united fan base then I think it is safe to assume that it is not worth anything close to that with today`s fractured fan base.

Why did they not play the long game last time? why did they not break it up? could it be that they simply could not get anything close to the £5.5M for any other purpose but football?

These guys do not have a long term plan, the only long term viable plan is investment and european football, there is no way these guys are willing to go down this route, it is a short term gamble that they are hoping to cash in on soon.

Alright, Tedi - you've already cheered me up today, don't go kicking the arse out of it. :lol:

"long term" :lol:

"viable" :1eye

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hi there Bralt , i am looking at returning back into the debate after being invloved in the squabling of the referendum thread for the past few weeks. commiserations bennet and also tedi if it was a yes you eventually went for. its over now and it is time to get back to discussing shares issues , boycotts, are we deid or no , big bad rangers fans, offensive words and their meanings, ally oot, dhenses vegetable patch and WRKs horrific tales of growing up opressed in preybyterian ayrshire. So can anyone fill me in on the previous weeks discussions on the bralt :lol:

hope yous have not missed me too much , foreverblue xxx

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The BRALT has been about as deid as the PLC FB

How were the Riots / Party in George square?

was down for a wander with a few pals tedi in all honesty on friday and left as the atmosphere turned more sinister and trouble seemed inevitable. rumours flying about the square that rangers casuals and the green brigade were in attendance seemed to be confirmed when a smoke bomb was launched at the unionist side and a charge took place and as the sides were seperated the chants turned into that of an old firm game with one side telling us "heaven was in the shankhill" whilst some others on the yes side belted about "brits out" and "up the ra" . decided to leave at this point as it was just turning into a farce and was not surprised to hear the trouble which spread throughout the city centre later on. dissapointed as it seemed like good humoured banter to begin with in the square but sadly some were out with the intention to cause trouble and they got their wish. but we move on now, I take it you chose a yes in the end ted ?

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Yeah, shite but inevitable in Glasgow.

Yes I voted Yes, disappointed in the result, not that I think we would have had any immediate benefit, in fact I think it would have been painful in the short term, however I firmly believe an independent Scotland would have been better for my kids, anyway, time to move on I guess.

thats fair enough tedi, perfectly within your right to choose as you like, the time for debating is done now and the country needs to pull itself together and push forward however i fear some in both sides have become so bitter and entrenched in the whole thing, can only hope it passes over.

But aye time to move on and get back to the serious business , are we deid yet? or has one of dhense/Phills predictions not happened again :lol: when are we expected to be deid by noo halloween, hanukkkah or christmas?

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Yeah, shite but inevitable in Glasgow.

Yes I voted Yes, disappointed in the result, not that I think we would have had any immediate benefit, in fact I think it would have been painful in the short term, however I firmly believe an independent Scotland would have been better for my kids, anyway, time to move on I guess.

For two years the country handled the Independence debate in a manner befitting their aspirations.

Then, when it was all done and dusted, the Weegies revert to type show themselves up for the Stone Age cretins they are.

When will you arseholes join the 21st century ?

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hi there Bralt , i am looking at returning back into the debate after being invloved in the squabling of the referendum thread for the past few weeks. commiserations bennet and also tedi if it was a yes you eventually went for. its over now and it is time to get back to discussing shares issues , boycotts, are we deid or no , big bad rangers fans, offensive words and their meanings, ally oot, dhenses vegetable patch and WRKs horrific tales of growing up opressed in preybyterian ayrshire. So can anyone fill me in on the previous weeks discussions on the bralt :lol:

hope yous have not missed me too much , foreverblue xxx

Cheers FB, it was a sore one to take as i thought we'd win it but thats life.

As Tedi said it's been dead in here, almost as dead as Normans personality.

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For two years the country handled the Independence debate in a manner befitting their aspirations.

Then, when it was all done and dusted, the Weegies revert to type show themselves up for the Stone Age cretins they are.

When will you arseholes join the 21st century ?

Pipe down.

Glasgow automatically wins all debates against Edinburgh now.

The few hundred neanderthal's are no more representative of Glasgow than a group of bankers are of Edinburgh.

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