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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No8, if you've answered Hector's PM, it might be a while before he answers your answer.

I had a wee rest bite a while ago, you can still send PM's and dish out reddies as well as greenies, so I guess No8 will receive all of Hector's reddies for the next few days.

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Not mocking any victims of any crime.

I was highlighting the double standards of certain posters on here. It is absolutely fine to mock Sandy Jardine but highlight what Stein did..or didnt do then you are a scumbag.

Thanks for proving my point

While Hector may be accused of over-reacting, an accusation of complicity in criminal behaviour is pretty serious,and distasteful, especially when made with absolutely no foundation.

Mocking anyone who contracted a serious disease, or whose circumstances deteriorated for any reason outwith their control, is pretty poor form as well.

"Absolutely no foundation"... that reminds me. Exactly who mocked Sandy Jardine on this forum, again?

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HB chill out man, we don't want to see you losing it too.

I'm not losing it, No8 is losing the plot here himself bringing up his favourite subject, AGAIN. He is just getting his just reward for being a cnut for posting about a heinous crime to score cheap points and the chance to bring up his favourite subject.

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Not mocking any victims of any crime.

I was highlighting the double standards of certain posters on here. It is absolutely fine to mock Sandy Jardine but highlight what Stein did..or didnt do then you are a scumbag.

Thanks for proving my point

Mocking jardine and cancer...double standards????

Did you not get a ban for mocking a Celtic managers wife's cancer????

Then you laughed like f**k at the ban on another forum.

You can't resist the CA stuff with stein.....makes you a complete arsehole IMO.

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