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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is densboy seriously being touted as some sort of financial expert, surely my eyes must be deceiving me...

I've had my disagreements with Dhense in the part but (for me) he's made some good valid points today.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.....


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It would all be part of the same 'insolvency event' .. part of the process.

They would need to exit the admin first and then re-enter for liquidation to be classed as a separate event.

Surely if they are liquidated the new holding company would need to reapply for an SFA licence? The new company wouldn't have 3 years' audited accounts and would start all over again on the merry-go-round. Can't see UEFA having much sympathy for a club which has gone bust twice in 4 or 5 years.

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Doubt it ..

An Insolvency event would cover the entire process up until the point they exit either via a CVA or liquidation ... ONE event.

I beg to differ, there would be two separate court orders, one to enter admin and one to enter liquidation. For a football club a direct voluntary liquidation would be the least damaging route in a sporting sense.

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I think its the standard 15 points deduction. Not sure but it might be argued since the rules have been changed since the merger between the two governing bodies that this could be Rangers 1st administration under these rules. Not sure if this points deduction would be the given one or if it is a third of last season points total which in Rangers case 34 points would be deducted if administration was entered.

Don't think its 10 points and 25 points any more that was the SPL and SFL rules.

I'm sure it was a third of the previous seasons points total as Hearts got 46points prior to Admin.

46/3 = 15points (rounded to nearest number)

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I've had my disagreements with Dhense in the part but (for me) he's made some good valid points today.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.....


He's posted other peoples guesses as his own facts perhaps densboy would be good enough to provide some facts to back 'his' posts up.....

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Surely if they are liquidated the new holding company would need to reapply for an SFA licence? The new company wouldn't have 3 years' audited accounts and would start all over again on the merry-go-round. Can't see UEFA having much sympathy for a club which has gone bust twice in 4 or 5 years.

Oh I don't know hector, depending on the outcome of several court cases regarding Rangers then uefa may look at things more sympathetically or they might not give two ducks as you say.

Perhaps densboy can explain give us the benefit of his expertise....

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It should be on their site .. cannae be arsed looking for it. Usually a bugger to find.

Edit: http://spfl.co.uk/spfl/



Club Financial Arrangements



Subject to Rule E5

, where a Club suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event that Club shall be deducted 15 points in the League



Where an Insolvency Event occurs during a Season, the 15 points deduction shall be applied immediately to take effect in the current Season.


Where an Insolvency Event occurs during the Close Season the 15 points deduction shall apply in respect of the immediately following Season, such that the relevant Club starts that immediately following Season in the relevant Division on minus 15 points.


Where an Insolvency Event or in the event that such Insolvency Event is part of anInsolvency Process that process, continues and/or is subsisting during a second orlater Season then, for each such second or later Season, during the whole or part of

which such Insolvency Event or Insolvency Process is continuing and/or subsisting, the Club concerned shall be deducted 15 points and shall start each such second or later Season in the relevant Division on minus 15 points.


Where a Club, whether owned and operated by the same or a different Member, suffers or is subject to an Insolvency Event

which results in a deduction of points interms of these Rules

and within 5 years of the date of such Insolvency Event

suffers or is subject to a further Insolvency Event which is not part of the same Insolvency Process as the Insolvency Event then suffered, the points deduction applicable in terms of Rules E1 in respect of that second or further Insolvency Event, shall be 25 points with the 15 points in Rules E2 and E3 being 25 Points

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Awe diddums, looks like the troops are no longer enjoying the journey and they are now walking away because their best player is being sold. Welcome to the real world. At least reality does appear to have finally sunk in to some of the nuggets heads....at long last...lol


Edited by Sting777
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Awe diddums, looks like the troops are no longer enjoying the journey and they are now walking away because their best player is being sold. Welcome to the real world. At least reality does appear to have finally sunk in to some of the nuggets heads....at long last...lol


"reality," eh?

Surely it would have best to wait till new manager in place and the Jan bidding started.

Even possibly keeping for couple more years and selling on once capped and won prem league !

He'd potentially be a 5mil + player

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