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Is anyone really suprised to see this bigot exposed though?...He's actually spent days on here trying to tell us that him and his bigotted mates can say greenyin because it has nothing to do with ****** ?!!!.

Such an easily exposed vile poster God knows why he hasnt been banned....again.


Which former poster is it you think tedi is,just out of interest like??

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Tedi you run around telling all and sundry that *** is sectarian, despite the **** calling us it first. It only became sectarian in the **** eyes when you were banned from singing songs. You argument was language evolves and somehow Rangers supporters = protestants in NI. (where the term could be deemed sectarian)

However when tackled about rhyming slang for a 'known' sectarian word, here you doing your dance of hypocrisy.

Do carry on.

Edit: As for double standards Tedi .. you were the one running crying to the mods about the use of **** and people bypassing filters.

Class act you are son.

What a mess of a post.

The h word is now regarded as sectarian by a lot of people, it could be argued that Celtic fans started the ball rolling on labeling things as offensive or sectarian.

As for greenyins, they are the ones in green and that is not offensive nor does it refer to anyone's religion.

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And Monkeys spectacularly misses the point.

You believe greenyin is rhyming slang for the F word a derogatory term for catholics...I say it means celtic fans, I only use it when referring to celtic fans. Basically green one.

For days / months / years people on this thread have either used the H word or things like currant and then go onto argue why it is acceptable, not once have I seen you pulling them up for it in the same way you did with me.

As I said, you can ram your double standards up yer arse.

I'm not missing a point, because you plainly lack one.

The hypocrisy on display is quite naked. That's what you're being pulled up for.

You wish to be able to use a term that is clearly rhyming slang for a banned word; yet you whine about others doing similar.

It's actually embarrassing to read what you're trying to convince others of. You've not even managed to fool yourself.

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Of course, Tedi is no stranger to humiliation on here.

At least though, the five stars things was an honest mistake. Obviously, it provided good sport for the rest of us, but his only crime was to get something surprising, wrong.

This is something else though. His clinging to an utterly indefensible position makes him look thoroughly ridiculous and dents what credibility he'd otherwise earned.

It's funny, but it's also a bit weird, to be honest.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Of course, Tedi is no stranger to humiliation on here.

At least though, the five stars things was an honest mistake. Obviously, it provided good sport for the rest of us, but his only crime was to get something surprising, wrong.

This is something else though. His clinging to an utterly indefensible position makes him look thoroughly ridiculous and dents what credibility he'd otherwise earned.

It's funny, but it's also a bit weird, to be honest.

I quite like how he's willing to just about upturn the internet searching for evidence to back up his weeks-long campaign to prove that the H-word is very sectarian, but immediately flat out rejects the obvious origin of the blatantly childish "Greenyin".

And I like how he seems to think that people laughing at him for this is a sign that it's them who are operating double-standards.

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How many times will you use this letting yourself down / I thought you were a better person / I used to respect you crap patter, I find it nauseating, fake and utterly disingenuous, it certainly is not reciprocated, please use it on someone far less gullible.

greenyin = celtic fan accept it or don't, report me each time I use it if you wish, if enough of you get together perhaps you can find a mod daft enough to buy into this ridiculous witch-hunt.

Hey Ted, I'm not buying that my clear admiration for you hitherto, was not reciprocated.

I remember your posts about hoping you offered me the same respect I always showed you. It's not that long either, since you took the trouble to vote me top Queens poster. Meant a lot that did Ted - a touching moment.

Anyway, I've no plans to report anyone. I think I've only done that twice and it didn't involve any of my Rangers supporting pals.

As I said, none of the terms discussed have troubled me unduly. Your laughably squirming hypocrisy however, has been well worth highlighting.

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How many times will you use this letting yourself down / I thought you were a better person / I used to respect you crap patter.

I would imagine he will use it each time you let yourself down / he thought you were a better person / he doesn't respect your crap patter.

Can't put a number on it because most of your posts seem to tick at least a couple of these options. Let's just say lots.

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How many times will you use this letting yourself down / I thought you were a better person / I used to respect you crap patter.

I would imagine he will use it each time you let yourself down / he thought you were a better person / he doesn't respect your crap patter.

Can't put a number on it because most of your posts seem to tick at least a couple of these options. Let's just say lots.

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I did a search for greenyin sectarian, the only place this has been discussed is P & B :) as Stan would say Quelle Surprise.

and a whole bunch of posts from a poster called 'greenyin' ....on kerryfail street. ;)

More blatent lies from the bigot as he desperately trys to backslide.

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The last few pages, with the exception of the river puns (which were quite Thame) have just highlighted the idiocy of the bigots on either side of the sectarian divide. Arguing over rhyming slang about a word that noone outside the OF gives a toss about. Fucking shameful both of you.

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The last few pages, with the exception of the river puns (which were quite Thame) have just highlighted the idiocy of the bigots on either side of the sectarian divide. Arguing over rhyming slang about a word that noone outside the OF gives a toss about. Fucking shameful both of you.

The qots fan sticking his beak into this shows that people outside ye old firm do give a toss...

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